Nobody can help here but get a global ban after being banned from a certain amount of servers (15/20 IIRC). This can't be undone by being unbanned.
So if I were you, I'd be very well behaved from now on
That doesn't matter does it? Like bandaid said, behave yourself and you'll be fine. So just behave yourself, sheesh.
And if you get kicked/banned from a server for inexperience, then it's wise to not join that server again until you've gained a bit experience with that specific combo offline or on another server.
The CD servers are race servers, not practice servers. You can consider having the ability to complete a 10 lap race in a timely fashion as a prerequisite.
Er, no. It's their server to do with as they please. Within reason
If you acted like a tool on our server then ban=999 straight away. Come and drive sensibly (be you greased lightning or backmarker) then you are always welcome.
But CD is a particularly bad one to pick if yer a noob on the combo You'll just get in trouble. Same goes for dMr and Oval junky servers.