Well... Let me do my talk now
I'll keep it shortly, most things that needed to be said are said.
The only thing that I find disturbing at KB/wheel/mouse/joythingy/... is...the
level of competition. Don't forget, it isn't all about hotlaping (sorry Rudi & Biggie!). I want to go online, get in a nice,clean server, race, learn a new combo, and be able after x time to race for a reasonable ending position, or at least be able to follow wheel/mouse racers. It would make LFS perfect. It makes me bit sad to see my fastest times are like 1 second behind the fastest wheel racer even if I had 2x as much laps doneo n that combo, and then I'm not talking about Biggie's times or so, just general online times (and ok, I'm not thé fast speedy guy but...).
So, improve something, make the level of competition higher, slightly, not much..just make it a bit more fair. Not by introducing all sorts of 'help systems' for kb racers,
we don't have to be the fastest..
just let us have fun also in the online racing by being able to compete online. I think a lot of demo racers who often us KB would make thé step that changes your life
to LFS S2 !
I'm not saying this out of own intrest, perhaps a little bit..but do you think it's fun for me like this? I understand KBers will (beside oval or something rallyisch) not have any WR's (like AS GP FO8
) thàt's normal, can't argue with that, it's just the handicap KB has! But...LFS is about the online part, the online racing! And if KBers become a bit closer to the general wheel racing level, it would be móre fun randomly online, but also in certain league's. So...the general fun for KBers
as for wheel racers
as for Mouse racers
as for .... would increase. But somehow nobody realises thàt..
About the 'do you see a wheel in a real car?' and 'LFS is about simulation' arguement.. True, completly true. BUT, LFS stays a great game. See the 'game' aspect?! I want to have fun with LFS, and I must say it is véry hard to keep my intrest in LFS, but hey..I'm still here
So... Conclusion:
KB will be slower then another controller.
Wheel is the best racing controller.
The level of competiton CAN increase in LFS.
The fun CAN increase in LFS.
The realisme CAN increase in LFS.
And that realsime CAN increase, without pushing KB-ers and 'alternative' controller users down and making them slower.
LFS is a great game.
We can all agree about that ?
And as far as I see it, it's about how much this great LFS Community supports us few KB-ers in reaching this, and the (good) willing of the Devs. So therefor I hope that the LFS community see's my arguements in a good way, and understands that it is also 'better' for them, for everyone.