Hi Everyone
This is actually my second post as i've requested a skin and thought it a bit rude not to say Hi in here.
My kids got me S2 for Fathers Day last Sunday as i've had S1 since back in 2003 i believe but never got played as at the time as i was heavily into Nascar 2003 with TRM and UK/Hog Racing. I own most if not all the racing sims from the afore mentioned Nascar 2003 and GTR 2,GTL,GPL,RFactor,Arca and Race 07 but LFS is the first sim i've felt comfortable racing in cockpit view as i've always tended to use the bonnet view if i could.
I drive with a Logitech DFP set at 720 degress rotation and love after upgrading last year from my trusty old M$ Sidewinder FF wheel. I've only recently got back into Sim racing after a friend sent me a link to SRT's website and saw whats going on now in the sim racing world.
I aint no spring chicken either, i'm in my mid 40's with kids and grand kids

but have always loved my sim racing even though i was never quick i was always polite and aware of what was going on around me on the track, my quote was always "It's not the winning that counts, it's the taking part" and that what i enjoy in my racing