Hi... I have no idea why, but my fps fluctuate between 60 and 120 during a single lap (south city sprint 2). has anyone got any ideas what could fix this, or any possible reasons...
Difference in the number of opponents in close proximity could cause large fluctuations or it could be a big change in the number/detail of buildings in your view. Try a few laps alone at one of the 'plainer' tracks (e.g. BL1/AS2) and see if you get the same fluctuations. If you do it could be a problem with something running in the background on your PC using its resources (anti virus scanning, adware etc).
No it cannot. Jakg, imagine trying to read 1-45 happening all in 1 second. you couldn't. I play alot of newer modern games around 45. and I don't see abit of lag.
Yep the eye can see FAR FAR more than 45fps lol. Where did you even get the 45 number from BTW. Lag has nothing to do with it btw lol. Yes 45 will feel stable but 120 will feel more fluid.
The faster the car you drive the more FPS you need to keep feeling fluid due to the distances moved between each frame.
For the OP. You are better locking your FPS around 60-70 tbh. What the eye really does notice is fluctuations in FPS. It will feel more solid locked at 60 than bouncing between 60 and 120.
i thought it was my pc lagging all these years and now you tell me my eyes need new gfx cards. i hate you :sarcasm:i just went and got a 9800gx2.:sarcasm: Oh well time for some new eyes