The online racing simulator
Ease off Ginho, i was just pulling his leg :yummy: hehe
Quote from Gills4life :Damn you and your epic hard request
I tried

I'll try it out when I get home. Thanks Gill
I hear a lot of people moaning about clipping, and how it is oh so very bad ..
I have people telling me my sounds are bad quality because some contain a bit of clipping. Well I'm sorry, but sometimes without clipping you will fail to make a sound realistic for a specific car.

For example:

Just thought I would give my point as people are so anal about a little clipping. Engines can be loud you know ..
First they want realistic sounds, then when I make something realistic they complain about a little clipping that they would probably not notice if the sound editor didn't tell them that.

Sorry, just getting fed up of people telling me that there is clipping in my sounds as if I am so stupid that I didn't realise.
I honestly prefer if one of my impossible V8 requests has clipping. As long as it sounds real I don't really care. So you can put me on your 'Ok to clip' list
Here's a V8 engine sound for the LX6 that I did when I found some spare time
Attached files
LX6_GillsV8.eng - 187.8 KB - 617 views
Quote from Gills4life :Try this, it is one i made quite a long time ago for the FXO.

Ok, I'll try that. Thanks

btw. I dont mind clipping. If it clips, its ok. If it doesnt, its also ok
I try to make an engine sound realistic. If it is not possible to make the engine sound realistic without clipping then it will have clipping. If I can manage to create a realistic sounding engine according to the car without clipping then that is great. I don't purposely add loads of clipping to annoy people, it is just there if there is no other alternative.
hey Gills can you make me that bov more long like and a lil more louder
sorry for my bad english i'm french

(edit: i know its a XRG but i use lfs tune 2.2 so .. and its on my friend liscence)
Quote from Gills4life :But XRG doesn't have a dump valve

he uses xrg with lfs tweak on his friends license lol
Quote from G!NhO :he uses xrg with lfs tweak on his friends license lol

Even in the confused state that I am now in AFAIK, the XRG has no dump valve sound option for it
Gills if you use lfs tune 2 with the patch y you can put a turbo on the xrg and edit the dumb valve
Quote from FaFaDOD :Gills if you use lfs tune 2 with the patch y you can put a turbo on the xrg and edit the dumb valve

but you cant use lfs tune with demo!
Quote from G!NhO :but you cant use lfs tune with demo!

But you can use it with a friends s2 account ... hmm

The smell of burnt banana lingers but is not too bad at the moment
Quote from Gills4life :But you can use it with a friends s2 account ... hmm

The smell of burnt banana lingers but is not too bad at the moment

Demo + LFS Tune =:sadbanana+ :hbomb: = :bananadea
i already have the bov -_- and the same sound in the video with my friend liscence i just want the bov more louder and long and you say we cant, yes you can edit that for that, you need lfs tune, i want that sound for play with my friend liscence, if you make the sound louder and longer and i dont have the liscence i cant heard that any way ! its why i use the liscence of my friend some time and i'm poor with sound editing its not hard to understand -_-

(edit: if you dont want edit that for me edit that for user with a own liscence, or just say no, i dont have the time for explain why i want that sound and with what liscence i play and for what and where and what's the temperatur of my cpu and my gpu and my power suply and my hard drive and the number of teeth i have
Quote from FaFaDOD :i already have the bov -_- and the same sound in the video with my friend liscence i just want the bov more louder and long and you say we cant, yes you can edit that for that, you need lfs tune, i want that sound for play with my friend liscence, if you make the sound louder and longer and i dont have the liscence i cant heard that any way ! its why i use the liscence of my friend some time and i'm poor with sound editing its not hard to understand -_-

(edit: if you dont want edit that for me edit that for user with a own liscence, or just say no, i dont have the time for explain why i want that sound and with what liscence i play and for what and where and what's the temperatur of my cpu and my gpu and my power suply and my hard drive and the number of teeth i have

If you read my latest post you will see that I did FULLY understand I said you could use lfs tune if you were using your friends s2 account. I would be happy to give it a go for you, its just that it is kind of suspicious and i think people who have paid for s2 come down hard on any whiff of crack (lol i said whiff and crack in the same sentence.) Anyway I think people who have paid for s2, which helps the devs continue game development, get pissed off because people using cracks are not only stealing the devs hard work but are actually getting away with using the game without contributing to the devs by paying for it. So you can't blame anyone for having a go at you really
Anyway please give me some time to help you with the bov because I am extremely busy at the moment I am at work experience this week and the place gives us the same work as the apprentices there. Working as a mechanical engineer in the unlikely event that anyone is remotely interested
ok ok
sorry if i dont understand all i'm french and bad in english and all what you just said are true and i know if i pay my own lfs is better but i dont have money, and my mother dont want pay by internet XD ... haaa my mother ..

so its why i go at my friend home or he come with her laptop if we/i want play, i'v my own demo lfs but .. well .. you understand lol and yes its suspicious thats true but i dont have proof maybe a pics with my friend and my and her laptop open with s2 master server open lol but i dont know if he have a ''kodak''

so sorry for all take your time, and thanks in advance

dont worry be happy

Gills' Sound Workshop
(1523 posts, started )