#1 - Lynce
Backgrounds for Live for Speed (Only 1280 x 1024 resolutions)
#2 - Lynce
More previews.
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Multiplayer and license.jpg
Very cool backgrounds Lynce! I'm gonna try them
#4 - G!NhO
Hoooooooooly Moly! Astonishing work!
#6 - Lynce
Thanks to all, as always.

More projects coming soon.
#7 - Jakg
PLEASE make 1680*1050 versions - I would actually give up my own "Jakg-branded" ones for these!
Wow! More amazing work. Great job
Amazing work, Lynce!
When i fiddled with backdrops myself it seemed you need square images, otherwise they get out of aspect (does not matter which aspect your screen has, i tried it on 4:3 and 16:10 displays). Has this changed? Or did I miss something...
I now use backdrops of 1536x1536 because of this (made from 2048x1536 screenshots)
It's pretty weird to see 5:4 aspect ratio backdrops here.

And I also do not get it why to use "only" 1280x1024 backdrops, they should be as high as possible no? (i'm taking this back, since it says that because YOU have made backdrops for that resolution only, not that we are not allowd to make anything diff, sorry for that :schwitz

Also take in mind the backdrops are positioned slightly different when other aspect ratios are used. Another reason why i won't make such a garage backdrop with shade etc. In most cases it will look silly, but in your case it's kind of pretty although not my taste. It's a bit like NFS Underground if you ask me.

Anywayz, they are not bad at all. Like to see artsy stuff going on. Keep up the good work
Damn! There nice!

Im downloading em'. Thanks
Quote from LFSn00b :There's a "bug" on the bkg_credits image.
The liveforspeed logo in the image should be removed

Thanks, Fixed.
F'ing awesome!Like Jak said, make 1680x1050 versions!
Wow, nice, I like them...downloading.
Quote from jakg :please Make 1680*1050 Versions - I Would Actually Give Up My Own "jakg-branded" Ones For These!

Like i said, no 1680x1050 resolution, that would be 1680x1680 backdrops.

Anyway heres some 1536x1536 backdrops @ 1680x1050, dont know why I can't get them in correct aspect like TS did without 1:1 images.
oh yeah and don't mind the colours, i just like orange, grey and consistency
Attached images
Can i has .... !1024x768! ?
Thanks for comments.

I can't do in other sizes (except 1024 x 768 / 800 x 600), because I haven't other resolutions.

I can not do tests in real time. In addition it need a long time for do this. I have no time.
Well, if you find some time , can you do it ? (1024x768)
Quote from Lynce :Thanks for comments.

I can't do in other sizes (except 1024 x 768 / 800 x 600), because I haven't other resolutions.

I can not do tests in real time. In addition it need a long time for do this. I have no time.

Thats a bit weird, native is 5:4, the rest at 4:3? Guess you use an LCD screen with native 1280x1024? Never had such a screen, can be perfectly normal though. What about 1280x960 then? The only thing that changes the position of the backgrounds are different aspect ratios, like your 5:4, 4:3 and 16:9 and 16:10 all are positioned differently. Higher or lower resolutions do not matter at all, images will just be resized. (that's my experience anyway) So 800x600 will look the same as 1024x768, or 1600x1200 because they are all 4:3.

Quote :
Well, if you find some time , can you do it ? (1024x768)

Don't the images automatically resize to fit? that means it does not matter at all, just try them out i'd say. I don't think it's a real problem to have higher res images displayed on 1024x768, or are you just seeing a little portion of the whole image. (which is actually the case anytime no matter what resolution you use). But since TS calibrated them at 5:4 they could be a bit off-set on 4:3 resolutions. So maybe the request to support 4:3 would be the thing you want.
I have tryed it , looks ... ehm . It just not fit to the text like in lynce's pics
can someone make it for 1440x900 please??
Quote from Nadeo4441 :I have tryed it , looks ... ehm . It just not fit to the text like in lynce's pics

Ah yes that's what's should happen indeed, thats because they are made for 5:4 instead of your 4:3 res.


1440x900 = 16:10

I know this is pretty lame, maybe scawen can adjust the way the backgrounds are made to fit onto the screen sometime in the future. It's a bit hard to make it look good for every aspect ratio, that's why i made backdrops that fit in 4:3 and 16:10 without making it look totally weird and off-set. Guess we have to live with it the way it is. That garage backdrop is impossible to fit on every aspectratio. Shame i guess.
Problem is not many ppl have 5:4 displays. Only 1280x1024 LCD's are, the majority quite likely uses 4:3 and 16:10 so to many ppl these backdrops from Lynce wont fit correctly
Some very nice backgrounds you made there - though I have to be honest, I don't like all of the screens. Hope you don't mind some constructive criticism.

bkg_entry - Very good in general, though I'm not so much a fan of the FXO personally
bkg_garage - Love it
bkg_lesson - Okay I suppose, it's not like I ever spend any time there
bkg_training - See bkg_lesson
bkg_multi - Excellent
bkg_credits - Nice

Good, would be too cluttered/saturated if I spent considerable amounts of time in this menu, but I don't, so all is fine

Far too bright, blinds me every time I open it. Also the pink... meh

Nice try, but it looks horrible IMO. Simulating a wrapper for the input buttons is a good idea, but it could be much better; for example how they don't seem to fit exactly under the buttons, which is avoidable when you know the target resolution.
Visually this screen is just a huge mess, there's too much going on and the piss yellow text (that looks ok on the other screens/areas) doesn't help this one at all. Considering how often you come by this one, it is absolutely important to look pleasing, which it doesn't.

Nice idea, but it doesn't really work for me. Looks too much like spaghetti, and overall it seems like something is off. Can't put the finger on it, just a feeling.

With regards to the overall package (assuming it is meant to be used as complete pack), I get the feeling that it isn't consistent/streamlined enough throughout the different screens. Every screen seems to have a different theme or different things you tried out at that point, so everything doesn't really fit together. For me the garage and multiplayer screens are definite keepers though, whereas the setup, options and track one have to go.

Very good effort and quality, but it's "dragged down" a lot by a few bad apples in my opinion.
lynce, you sir are the the.. the..... man! these are awesome! great work