The online racing simulator
well done chaps for releasing the patch into the wild...

long weekend with the wife + kiddies I suspect ?!
Quote from feat :Wait, you are saying that these cars won't be able to share hotlaps ?
Or they just needs some improvements and can be use for hotlaps ?

How can such simple things cause so much confusion? *sigh*
No, it means that the current hotlaps for these cars are cleared, because their physics changed. Of course you can still upload new hotlaps for them.
Well that sucks that you can't mod the wheel for xrt, xrg and xfg. It just looks plain and a boring, surely you should make it so we can mod it like we could with the older steering wheels (cromowheel)

I am not mocking, it's a great patch etc.
Not been here for a while, but great to see a new patch,
many thanks

I have a small problem, but it may be my computer.
When running LFS in a window that is smaller than my monitor,
everything slows down massively, like 2fps and the cursor is lagging badly.
Not just while racing but in every part of LFS, and any other programs I have running! Full screen or windowed but maximised its fine, bouncing of the 100fps limiter.
Anyone experienced this? Or have any ideas?
Id update my graphics drivers but my card is so old new drivers are not written for it anymore.
Great !!!
This patch realy puts lfs to an even higher level !!!
grtz bjpc
I like the update
The new interiors are great!

Detailed textures, nice modeling. When I'm in the XFG, I feel like I'm in a real car. I'm seeing more detailed textures all over, but maybe that's because I'm paying more attention to it.

I don't think I have any benefit from the ingame antialiasing and anisotropic filtering. I always use the Nvidia driver settings to force 8xS AA and 8x AF. That way it looks better too in my opinion.

However, the first thing I noticed was the new main menu. It looks very stylish.

Congratulations to the developers
And lots of fun everyone!
I can run this in a much higher resolution now and still get +40 FPS

And i'm using a crappy laptop!!

It is a display of the developers talent that they can optimize this sim to run so well on even a pc like mine.

Fantastic stuff. LFS just gets better and better.

Great job. I'll give it a good going when I'm sober again.
Thanks Guys i appreciate all of your hard work.

The interiors are not what i was expecting after being so long in the making .

Not that i can do any better. Just doent seem like the massive change i was expecting , Eric must have heaps of stuff just waiting to be used
I've got a question:
the list of changes / improvements doesn't include any about FOX (the only car I tried in Z so far...), but the interior...

Yet it handles differently with the same set and on the same track, depending on the Y or Z patch.

Can someone please explain what changes have been made to the default settings, so I could adjust my setups?

The FOX hasn't been changed, otherwise its hotlaps would have to be wiped, too.
Quote from AndroidXP :The FOX hasn't been changed, otherwise the patch Y replays with the FOX wouldn't work anymore.

But the handling is significantly different now?
Probably your imagination playing tricks on you, due to the new cockpit and all.
Quote from Mattesa :Are demo compatible S1/S2 hosts those that run demo-only content? Will demo users be able to join? So if CTRA Race1 runs BL-GP, Demo users can join? I remember this was a suggestion a while back... not sure I'm a fan personally though.

As long as a server is running demo-only content, anyone can join it now. So, as long as you only have Blackwood and the XRG/FBM/XFG enabled, Demo users and S1/S2 users will be able to connect and play.
Quote from kodyro :Thanx for patch , good ,BUT No improvements on other cars .

The other cars weren't finished in time for this patch. They will be out when they are done (probably the next patch, and most likely in a test patch for the next version).
(Cue-Ball) DELETED by Cue-Ball : confused XRG and XFG
Sweet! Looks like a great patch.
Quote from Cue-Ball :Placebo effect.

Quote from AndroidXP :Probably your imagination playing tricks on you, due to the new cockpit and all.

No, it's not. I've been running both patches one after another and I've tried the same combo (KY2R @ FOX) with the same set file, but it DOES NOT handle the same.

I've been practicing that combo for a few days now, fot the next OWRL race, and I do now what I'm saying...
Go here, download a WR replay, play it with patch Z. If it doesn't go out of sync (OOS) - and it won't - then the physics haven't changed.
Quote from sermilan :No, it's not. I've been running both patches one after another and I've tried the same combo (KY2R @ FOX) with the same set file, but it DOES NOT handle the same.

I've been practicing that combo for a few days now, fot the next OWRL race, and I do now what I'm saying...

Download the FOX WR for KY2R and try to play back the replay on Patch Z. When it works, that should prove to you that the physics have not changed.

It's all in your mind, whether you want to believe it or not.

Edit: Dammit, beaten by Android!
Many thanks Scawen for your hard work. Hopefully the test forum and the OT posts weren't that annoying. Cheers!
Quote from AndroidXP :Go here, download a WR replay, play it with patch Z. If it doesn't go out of sync (OOS) - and it won't - then the physics haven't changed.

Try this set on KY2r @ FOX combo on both patches. It's more unstable on patch Z than on patch Y and it doesn't have the same grip.
Attached files
FOX_KY2r OWRL.set - 132 B - 1217 views
Quote from Memph1s :I didn`t say that I could do better, but what is the sense of making unneeded things instead of make more content, which would

unneeded things?... i bet you can't name one.
And still... you havent fixed the "probable error in graphics driver" thing.... youre pathetic

LFS S2 - Patch Z
(556 posts, started )