Quote from Yisc[NL] :Unbelievable people (I mean this in general) write this kind of comments all the time. Scawen has worked his but off to get patch Z out the door. Eric has made plenty of new interiors and the game itself is progressing in the right direction with at least two patches a year. If you don't like what Scavier is doing with their game, just leave it alone. If you still want to play it, accept the way they're working and stop complaining.

Feel free to continue to arse-lick, like 90% of the posts in this thread.. but the long and short of it is.. LFS is nothing but a glorified hobby to the devs (which it shouldn't be!). Consider this recent pace and think about S3.. complete new game engine (or at least, you'd like to hope so it looks like a 200x game, not a 1980s BBC Micro game in compraison to what's available these days), complete new content.. etc etc. Eric will be complete with 1 new track in about 2052.. woohoo!!

You like too many others keep spouting this "their game" bullshit. It's not. They're developing it, but they're selling it for a profit, that comes with certain requirements.

I could create a list like the (rather comical) changelog for apps I write too, except I note the important changes and the rest get filed under 'minor tweaks'... but Scawen is well aware just how gullible and fanatic the LFS community is in general.. so if he writes down every tiny change.. people will cream their pants at such a long list. I'm surprised we don't see things like 'removed redundant comment on line 3219 of network.cpp' just to make it look like more work was done than actually was.

Bollox to 'LFS - Online Racing Simulator'... more like 'LFS - Smoke n Mirrors Simulator'.


Quote from Yisc[NL] : If you don't like what Scavier is doing with their game, just leave it alone. If you still want to play it, accept the way they're working and stop complaining.

This is not negative, but positive complaining. People complain because they see the huge potential in LFS.

In France they say: "Qui aime bien chatie bien"...something like: "Who likes well punishes well". The day there will be no more people complaining, then you have to worry

This is software world, game industry. Slow progress means quick death.
Since when was criticism a bad thing? Working at this pace though is just... really bloody slow. An interior should take a week or 2, not... 2 years or so (S2 launch). that's 20 cars, at 2 weeks each, all these interiors should have been done by Patch Y approximately, not 5 of them thrown into patch Z.

Besides, saying 5 interiors were done is stretching it, seeing the XRG and XRT ones are the same, and the UFR one is nothing short of a rush job, of copy+paste the gauges from the XFG.

Yet more reasons why I've moved on from LFS to better things.
I too have to agree Ian in his basic statement. When I look at the Miscellaneous Addons forum part or at the mods that are produced for other games (remember Desert Combat for BF 1942?) by a unpayed team of a handfull of gamers, than LFS development is veeeerrrryy slow. And on the side of simple content, its the worst. I mean, Scawen and Victor regulary post here on the forum, and we see what they are doing, but iirc Eric never posted once in this forum.
One question: I notice that the XRR doesn't pick up the roll cage colour from the skin anymore. Is there a way to set the colour for this?


Hush your whining you bunch of ingrates. This is another real step forward in terms of content and actual game environment. Well done to the devs.
That Z changed my setups Now i can drift on braking but when i pull the trhottle the car momentaly stop drifting.No sliding
Quote from Ian.H :Feel free to continue to arse-lick, like 90% of the posts in this thread.. but the long and short of it is.. LFS is nothing but a glorified hobby to the devs (which it shouldn't be!). Consider this recent pace and think about S3.. complete new game engine (or at least, you'd like to hope so it looks like a 200x game, not a 1980s BBC Micro game in compraison to what's available these days), complete new content.. etc etc. Eric will be complete with 1 new track in about 2052.. woohoo!!

You like too many others keep spouting this "their game" bullshit. It's not. They're developing it, but they're selling it for a profit, that comes with certain requirements.

I could create a list like the (rather comical) changelog for apps I write too, except I note the important changes and the rest get filed under 'minor tweaks'... but Scawen is well aware just how gullible and fanatic the LFS community is in general.. so if he writes down every tiny change.. people will cream their pants at such a long list. I'm surprised we don't see things like 'removed redundant comment on line 3219 of network.cpp' just to make it look like more work was done than actually was.

Bollox to 'LFS - Online Racing Simulator'... more like 'LFS - Smoke n Mirrors Simulator'.



If you feel that way about this game and it's community, just leave it and find something else to do and rant about. Most people simply loves this game and accept the way it is developed. Scavier isn't a big company like Microsoft, EA etc. and therefor they can't have the same pace as those companies. And to be honest about it, I'm glad they can't. Ofcourse LFS still has bug and flaws but which software doesn't have them? Over a year ago I bought Arma Armed Assault which is developed by a rather large company. Still their pace isn't much quicker then Scavier and their software is much more bugged then LFS. I know you can't simply compare one product with another but I want to show that development is a very delicate proces. I agree that LFS still has a long way to go with many things to fix and to add but the game already runs very smooth with great networkplay. If I have to choose between looks/features and stability/gameplay I don't have to think for one second to choose the last option.
Oh hell deja vu deja vu deja vu the same argument every single time don't you get bored....don't you realise the "what should be done" and "why should be done" and "I am going out if these ain't done" is never going to change the way the game progress.

If you don't have any hope in the game go do something else, why advertise the point that "I don't care this is shit, and I'm LEAVVVINNGGG!!!"
Quote from Ian.H :Feel free to continue to arse-lick, like 90% of the posts in this thread.. but the long and short of it is.. LFS is nothing but a glorified hobby to the devs (which it shouldn't be!). Consider this recent pace and think about S3.. complete new game engine (or at least, you'd like to hope so it looks like a 200x game, not a 1980s BBC Micro game in compraison to what's available these days), complete new content.. etc etc. Eric will be complete with 1 new track in about 2052.. woohoo!!

You like too many others keep spouting this "their game" bullshit. It's not. They're developing it, but they're selling it for a profit, that comes with certain requirements.

I could create a list like the (rather comical) changelog for apps I write too, except I note the important changes and the rest get filed under 'minor tweaks'... but Scawen is well aware just how gullible and fanatic the LFS community is in general.. so if he writes down every tiny change.. people will cream their pants at such a long list. I'm surprised we don't see things like 'removed redundant comment on line 3219 of network.cpp' just to make it look like more work was done than actually was.

Bollox to 'LFS - Online Racing Simulator'... more like 'LFS - Smoke n Mirrors Simulator'.



Same s**t, different day. You make a point but then go on to make the same point on several posts.
you paid a small amount of money for a game several years ago - do you not have anything better to do than just whine about it???
I dunno, someone send him 24 pounds maybe he is missing that.
Quote from Resound :One question: I notice that the XRR doesn't pick up the roll cage colour from the skin anymore. Is there a way to set the colour for this?


Hush your whining you bunch of ingrates. This is another real step forward in terms of content and actual game environment. Well done to the devs.

If this is a "step forward", I'd hate to see a small improvement.

Quote from random small improvement : Small Improvement: Inuit language added.

Ian.H's posts like that are weird mixture... you have sensible points and I even agree on them at least partly, but then in the next line you turn on complete troll mode. When you exaggerate too much, it's not anymore provocative.
It's a tough one really, they don't "owe" us anything, we paid a very small amount for a continually developing product.

However, I can understand how people can get frustrated with the development, and of course, are entitled to voice constructive critisim.

But the bottomline is, none of us are owed any further developments, regardless of how fast or slow they may be.
Indeed, hence why - atleast I - have moved on to a sim that has some development progress, and that feels better, and that won't take 3.4 million years to get a track that's still smoother than a wall and flatter than A cups.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :If you feel that way about this game and it's community, just leave it and find something else to do and rant about. Most people simply loves this game and accept the way it is developed.

[ snip ]

So because you, and 80% of the people associated with this forum are gullible sheep, that makes everything ok? I'm glad you see the world in black and white.

People keep telling me "take a break, go play something else then come back when there's something new"... well.. I did this, 3 years ago and came back after 2 years of being away and building my own content for rFactor.. yet, LFS is _still_ almost where I left it back then (except of course now, we can have [racist language removed] menus \o/ ). Just how much of a break does one need to take before something substantial is added to LFS?

Technology moves quickly.. and if you don't keep up, you fall flat on your face. How do you think a static web page with half a dozen pics on would do against a fully dynamic and interactive web gallery? Which would get the most visitors?

I seriously believe that if there was a true count for reasons people use LFS now, it'd be something along the lines of:

60% - skidding twats who think FnF was "ahhhhllll dat".
30% - racers looking for something semi-realistic.
10% - fanboys that no matter what happens to LFS, will always believe it was written by god himself and they're now blessed to be able to "share the experience".

LFS will fall, I'm almost certain of it. It does have huge potential, but alas, by the time we _may_ actually see some of it, there'll be a dozen other _real_ sims (not arcade games with half-decent tyre physics) that'll make LFS look like it was written for a WAP phone.

In the mean time... I hear your shepherd calling.


Ian.H why are u still here if u seem to hate this game so much?

wtb his posts deleted from the thread so ppl can talk about the patch
Quote from webdigga :Same s**t, different day. You make a point but then go on to make the same point on several posts.
you paid a small amount of money for a game several years ago - do you not have anything better to do than just whine about it???

He maybe sounds too harsh, but he speaks the truth.. We love LFS to bits and i personaly would hate to jump vagons.. iRacing, physics wise, seems like a perfect vagon to jump on, but i'm "lucky" that it's system of play and pricing does not apeal to me.. You know, we DON'T WANT to switch on another sim, but who can say no to something better?
There's just a frustration that little had been done since that great patch in april 2006... very little. The tracks are still perfectly smooth, physics are still the same, setup options are still redicolously unrealistic which results in ludacris setups that ruin the characheristics of the car just to make it faster.... I mean, fast LX setups are like i'm driving an XFG all of those things should've been ironed out by now... Now that i think about it, what happened beatween april 2006 and July 2008? FBM comes to my mind, we have 32 players on server instead 22, that's good... aaaand.... i really can't think of anything else... now seriously, i'm not trying to be sarcastic, but was there anything else?
Sad to see guys like dawesdust and yourself keep on ranting over a game they don't play anymore. Deep inside you seem to care about this game and therefor you keep coming back to see what's happening and filling this forum with rants about LFS and it's developement. I think you have to make a final decission, play this game and go along or play something else and leave everything behind you, which includes writing on this forum with the same rants over and over again.
I am deeply offended why Ian you have to keep insulting people who are seeing the positive side of LFS, your constantly referring of people as sleep pissed me off.

Just because something doesn't work as in your rulebook of business model doesn't mean it must be wrong, you can dislike it turn away from it but how on earth can you reject the idea that some people does actually enjoy the experience and ain't here because people want something to worship? And just because somebody say thankyou in this post automatically render them brainless and uncapable of using common sense? Why don't you understand most of us see something positive WHILE also have our complaints with this sim.

I have LFS, Rfactor and is signing up to Iracing, I also just returned from CTRA1 and was pleasantly satisfied, slow development or not, why should I be pissed just because "hey in business term we are not treated fairly".

I think you have issues with people actually enjoying the game, and while a few months before you would still pretend you are making the post because you want to "ring the bell" and hope LFS does better, now you are just plain trolling because you hated it.

You want LFS to fail okay but who are you and why should we care??????? I honestly think you should pull your head out of your ass and stoping thinking that you are the special one with a rare insight because all you are special for is not processing the ability to see beyond your own opinion.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Sad to see guys like dawesdust and yourself keep on ranting over a game they don't play anymore. Deep inside you seem to care about this game and therefor you keep coming back to see what's happening and filling this forum with rants about LFS and it's developement. I think you have to make a final decission, play this game and go along or play something else and leave everything behind you, which includes writing on this forum with the same rants over and over again.

I don't think there are any rules saying you have to be actually playing the game to be able to contribute on the forum.........

They have paid for a license, and have as much right to comment as you or I
Quote from Boris Lozac :He maybe sounds too harsh, but he speaks the truth.. We love LFS to bits and i personaly would hate to jump vagons.. iRacing, physics wise, seems like a perfect vagon to jump on, but i'm "lucky" that it's system of play and pricing does not apeal to me.. You know, we DON'T WANT to switch on another sim, but who can say no to something better?
There's just a frustration that little had been done since that great patch in april 2006... very little. The tracks are still perfectly smooth, physics are still the same, setup options are still redicolously unrealistic which results in ludacris setups that ruin the characheristics of the car just to make it faster.... I mean, fast LX setups are like i'm driving an XFG all of those things should've been ironed out by now... Now that i think about it, what happened beatween april 2006 and July 2008? FBM comes to my mind, we have 32 players on server instead 22, that's good... aaaand.... i really can't think of anything else... now seriously, i'm not trying to be sarcastic, but was there anything else?


geez, people are sounding like a woman who know her boyfriend from college, knows all his bad habits and suddenly want to make him a perfect man so she can love him more.

play something else seriously.......maybe then you will understand there's no definitive ultimate racing sim in the world and there's no perfect sim experience.......maybe try ping pong even.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Indeed, hence why - atleast I - have moved on to a sim that has some development progress, and that feels better, and that won't take 3.4 million years to get a track that's still smoother than a wall and flatter than A cups.

iRacing tracks aren't much bumpier, unfortunately
Quote from danowat :I don't think there are any rules saying you have to be actually playing the game to be able to contribute on the forum.........

They have paid for a license, and have as much right to comment as you or I

You are right about that, but they also haven't got the right to insult other people loving the game and the developers (at least we know Scawen does) that work day in day out to make this game.
I don't see any insults TBH, just opinions that differ from yours

LFS S2 - Patch Z
(556 posts, started )