Disclaimer: I am speaking only for myself. I do not feel like a sheep, LFS is the only game I have purchased for...xx years (since some floppy discs during Atari computers times

I want to say thank you to the dev team, and especially to Scawen, for the following:
I like the game for what it is but also as a unique piece of software, which possesses the characteristics of objects created by skilled craftsmen (good and bad ones, overall very positive - like a hand made english car (or expensive swiss watch

) maybe?)
I appreciate the tone Scawen puts in the communications on the forums lately, taking a little more time to explain his choices in development and sharing with us what the next steps could be. Some here should read these posts more carefully before spamming nonsense.
The test patches forum is very informative, but maybe a read only feature and special registration granted by the mod team to post in there would help keeping the spam (even friendly spam is spam) out.
I have little interest in eye candy but still think that the tracks and cars look very good even on my laptop, at least good enough not to worry about them and concentrate on racing. Which is what I am (still) here for.
Also thank you for remaining focused and working hard despite sometimes harsh and unrefined criticism on these forums. Sometimes when I read them I feel than if I were in the dev teams place I would need to take a long break from LFS.
So thanks and please continue creating this unique sim.