kk installed patch z the xf gtr is now flick shifts on g25 i put it first gear and it just revs without moving same in everygear it is not the clutch!
Have you assigned the buttons to shift up and down? Also, you'll need to learn to type normal english. Not necessarily the Queen's english, but abbreviations aren't needed for keyboard typing
got g25 shifter it says its in gear . are there any sort of driving aids on it that i dont know about??????
So, you've put it in gear, let out the clutch, and it's not going? Is the clutch actually moving out (bottom right of LFS, blue bar)?
By any chance were you on a hill when you tried to go? It sounds like it's some weird button-assigning problem
The XFR has sequential gearbox now, that means one button Up- and one Downshift. edit. LMAO, 3 answers in 1 minute