Scawen, I feel sorry for all the shit you have to put up with from ungrateful users. I know I would've given up and probably had several breakdowns by now
I don't care how long future, better, more improved versions of LFS will take, as long as they are within a reasonable time frame (i.e., not 10 years away :rolleyes

. Which you have said. So that's good
Future version should really propel LFS, as long as it's still a viable competitor by then. I mean, there's no point having break-off wings, 3 years after every other sim has them. So I do hope that you guys can manage to keep our lovely sim alive, but still working to your plan.
At the end of the day, it is your plan, your work, you have no obligation to us. But hopefully the dream of working for yourselves, and the dream of creating a kick-ass racing simulator will stay alive, and keep you going