I dont know how to explain further as i am really tired atm, but im just curious why you have such a strong hatred towards fords. What is it about them you hate? You have a pretty poor list of car's you have driven, with most of them being old cars. If i remember correctly, none of them were fords. So, have you actually ever driven any of the classic fords like Escort RS2000, Escort/Seirra cosworths, Mondeo ST220, Focus ST etc. etc.
Also, i find it funny that you are slagging off other people's cars. Have you not seen what is parked outside your house? I know everyone can have an opinion on cars, but you seem to be slagging car's off that you probably have'nt even sat in, let alone driven. If you have driven something like a cosworth, escort RS turbo or that of a similiar nature, then you would realise that they are not as bad as you say. And i remember you saying that fords rust badly? Yes, they do (well, any from <2000) but only if you do not look after them. You seem to be forgetting that the cars that you mentioning rusting badly are old cars. I can assure your precious audi's of that same era will rust as badly. At the end of the day, im not telling you to STFU and stop acting like a dick (which i think some people would be happy with), but i think most, if not all people would prefer it here if you stopped causing arguments. Its fine making a discussion, but so far, you seem to be making rude, arrogant comments which then set's everyone off. All i am saying is just lower your attitude down abit and stop looking for an argument.