Well, the DVD drive has failed on my laptop after 4 months, so I'm taking it back in to get it repaired. My problem is the hard drive though. It's got 120/140GB used, which I'm currently trying to back up. But I can't get it all backed up, it's estimated at another 40 hours :eek:
So, do I really need to back up everything? I presume I'm not going to get a totally new unit, as it's just a simple drive to be replaced, hopefully. I've all my really important stuff backed up, as I do regularly. The other thing is, there's a fair bit of warez and the likes on it, as we use the laptop to download everything. None of it is too serious, mainly music, and a few movies. Do I need to remove all of this before taking it in? I can't back it up, as I don't have time. I'm hoping to go in tomorrow morning before work (yes, I'm working tomorrow. It's a bitch
), so I only have about 5 hours to get everything I need off of it.
I'm just fairly paranoid that they're going to wipe the hard drive, damage it or give me a new one, as I do all of my work on the laptop, and it's perfectly set up as it is. Having to restore everything the way it was could take months
Sorry if this should be in the hardware section, it just doesn't seem like a hardware issue, more of a general question
Thanks for any advice, I'm fairly worried now
So, do I really need to back up everything? I presume I'm not going to get a totally new unit, as it's just a simple drive to be replaced, hopefully. I've all my really important stuff backed up, as I do regularly. The other thing is, there's a fair bit of warez and the likes on it, as we use the laptop to download everything. None of it is too serious, mainly music, and a few movies. Do I need to remove all of this before taking it in? I can't back it up, as I don't have time. I'm hoping to go in tomorrow morning before work (yes, I'm working tomorrow. It's a bitch

I'm just fairly paranoid that they're going to wipe the hard drive, damage it or give me a new one, as I do all of my work on the laptop, and it's perfectly set up as it is. Having to restore everything the way it was could take months

Sorry if this should be in the hardware section, it just doesn't seem like a hardware issue, more of a general question

Thanks for any advice, I'm fairly worried now