We have a cruise filter, and with the addition of demo servers i think it's reasonable to add a demo filter. I know why demo was added etc but i still dont wanna have to filter through 20 blackwood XFG/XRG servers to look for a deent S2 server.
But there isn't any "demo" servers as such now. They're just S2 servers running demo content. Even if you set "/mode=s2", as long as it meets the criteria for a demo server (Blackwood, XFG/XRG/FBM, < 12 players), demo users can join.
So it wouldn't be possible to find which are demo servers as such, but still it would be nice
Was looking through the list the other day and im like "Damn which one of these servers are S2????" and then thought "Wheres the Demo filter button" and then sadly realised there wasnt one