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New VW gets 235mpg
(63 posts, started )
Quote from mrodgers :Read the comments in the original posted link. People talking about safety, then explaining how F1 drivers survive 200+ mph crashes and those cars are very small. As if F1 crash survival has nothing to do with the tubular rollcage framing, racing seat, 5 point harness, hans device or similar, full helmets, fireproof racing suits, etc etc. Nope, all the safety of F1 crashes comes from the CF bodies..... sheesh....

Would be quite a breakthrough, a F1 grade carbon composite shell for just €35000
If the compromised just a tiny bit on the mpg just to make it look like a 'normal' car they'd do so much better. It wouldn't be that much of a weight gain to have a proper interior instead of the silly bubble and it would still be really efficient.
#28 - Jakg
Remember this is just one of those "challenge" cars - it started off with a 3L car (i.e. a car that did 100km on 3L of fuel), then onto 2L and then VW did it with 1L.

This isn't a car designed for mass production - it's an experiment.
I just hope they stop designing cars that look like gay spaceships.

Challenge cars are all fine and dandy, but design elements of them carry on so normal road cars start looking even gayer.
you can't compromise fuel efficiency with a design that looks like a current box model car. This thing gets most of its fuel economy out of its shape; a small frontal surface and a low drag design. Current cars have a massive frontal surface with a design that just isn't aimed at low drag (except for some supercars obviously, i'm talking about that tin box that takes you to work).
The only thing you could do is remove weight by replacing heavy steel parts with lightweight parts, but that would make the car more expensive and for some reason people think anything that isn't steel is bad.

I think it just takes time to get used to a different design. I've read somewhere (can't find it anymore) that people didn't like the transition from a bathtub with wheels (Ford model T for example) to a bathtub with integrated fenders (Chrysler Airstream for example). History repeats itself.
But honestly, who cares about it being ugly if you can go about 4-5 months with out refilling? You could be one of those people laughing at the people filling up those old cars that gets 12mpg while you get one that gets over 200mpg.
Seriously, some of you guys are ridiculously hung up on aesthetics.

Who gives a crap if your car looks "gay" (wtf does that even mean?) if it gets you to work for six months on a single fill-up?
Unless I ever become rich an can afford being eccentric a / my car needs to fit the following profile:

- cheap
- easy to repair
- reliable
- economic

All I expect / want from a car is to come from A to B...
And over here in the US, by the way the gas prices are sky-rocketing we need a car like that. If you catch a good gas station that has the gas low go fill it up and then your good for another long time.

Who cares if someone makes fun of the car? You can make fun of them because they are putting almost $150-200 into their car every month or even more while you are still on your first or second tank of gas.
Quote from scoobyrbac :And over here in the US, by the way the gas prices are sky-rocketing we need a car like that. If you catch a good gas station that has the gas low go fill it up and then your good for another long time.

You are welcome to compare the U.S prices to the german ones... with 2,40 $/liter ... (1,54 €/liter) and then complain again.
Quote from scoobyrbac :And over here in the US, by the way the gas prices are sky-rocketing we need a car like that

Somehow, I always smile when an american complains about gas prices How much is it for you? The cheapest over here is 1.35 Euros per litre. That's 2.10 Dollars. Or 7.96 Dollars per gallon.
EDIT: I'm glad I don't live in Germany :P

BTT: I really like the concept, I don't think it looks that ugly, even though it hardly resembles a car, and if it is really that economic and reasonably safe (I can see it being a problem that others might overlook you) I will most likely get one, if I can afford it, and I don't need a bigger car. The ideal commuter's car.
Can't believe Scooby hasn't learned that particular lesson yet. :P
Quote from ColeusRattus :Somehow, I always smile when an american complains about gas prices How much is it for you? The cheapest over here is 1.35 Euros per litre. That's 2.10 Dollars. Or 7.96 Dollars per gallon.

Holy shit!

Regular Gas $4.03
Mid-Grade Gas $4.09
Premium $4.19
Diesel $4.79

Does anyone know how to tell what Oil Prices are? I cannot tell how the fcuk to read stock prices =\
The rise hits the US harder though as we are buffered by high tax. Thus when ours rises 10%, it can be what, 50% higher in the US?

8.9hp engine? WTFGTFO.
Quote from ColeusRattus :Somehow, I always smile when an american complains about gas prices How much is it for you? The cheapest over here is 1.35 Euros per litre. That's 2.10 Dollars. Or 7.96 Dollars per gallon.
EDIT: I'm glad I don't live in Germany :P

In Germany it would be 1.57€ per litre, 2.46$ per litre or 9,32$ per gallon.

In Norway it's even more... 1,65€ per litre, 2,59$ per litre oder 9,81$ per gallon.
Honestly i dont get the point of a similar car.It can move just a person at a time,not the usual 5 of a tipical one.Once inside you'd be struggling to prevent you from having serious backache.What's more it's ugly...i dont understand why eco-friendly cars or this kind of metal box with 4 wheels should be this ugly...i mean does it improve fuel economy in anyway?
Prius docet...ugly car and it struggles to be more economical than an M3...
#42 - Jakg
Quote from IlGuercio :Prius docet...ugly car and it struggles to be more economical than an M3...

Yes, because ragging a car at WOT all the time is similar to "cruising" in a faster car behind it...
Quote from Jakg :Yes, because ragging a car at WOT all the time is similar to "cruising" in a faster car behind it...

That is part of the problem, people are used to cars that can rip your face off, so when having to go back to a car using a different type of engine that isn't quite as fast no one wants it, but the fact they are all made to look like spaceships doesn't help the sales either. So they will quickly come back to the tried and tested internal combustion.

If a tree friendly car looked good, no one would care that it is slower than a snail.
#44 - wien
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :If a tree friendly car looked good, no one would care that it is slower than a snail.

They look like that in order to provide good mileage. Tiny drop shape = good mileage. Good looking = bad mileage. Take your pick.
Quote from wien :They look like that in order to provide good mileage. Tiny drop shape = good mileage. Good looking = bad mileage. Take your pick.

I'd take good looks (say the new Mondeo) and decent mileage, than gayspace ship and fantastical mileage. Chuck some eco hippy engine in there and it'd still look good and hug trees as it went along.
#46 - wien
Define "eco hippy engine". If you're thinking hybrid, then no it wouldn't. You'd save some fuel probably, but not nearly enough to make much of a difference. Body shape is just as important as the engine.
I'd say the Mondeo is more aerodynamic than a Prius.

But I was referring to any tree friendly engine that doesn't really generate much speed but thrown in an ugly box.
Sounds like "psychoman" has some personal issues to work through.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I'd take good looks (say the new Mondeo) and decent mileage, than gayspace ship and fantastical mileage.


The new eco cars pretty much always just look incredible ugly. If they sacrificed a tiny amount of economy (so it still was pretty incredible, jst not *quite* as incredible) in exchange for less ugliness, they wouldn't get nearly as much stick as they do.
Why buy a car at all? Why not just buy a horse or a mule, and ride that around?

New VW gets 235mpg
(63 posts, started )