This community loves LFS
(116 posts, started )
This community loves LFS
Given the recent amount of negative posts from selfish people complaining about "slow" development, I thought we could all give the developers a positive thread. Lets show those complainers that the number of people who love LFS is far greater than they think.

Please save any arguements, complaints, or negative comments, for other threads.

List the things you like or love about LFS, the reasons you like them, and what keeps you coming back for more.
A few things I like about LFS:
  • starts up fast and runs well enough on my machine
  • good physics
  • good controller support
  • superb multiplayer
  • LFSWorld
  • easy to setup, to use, don't have to quit the game to adjust settings
  • it looks nice considering everything
  • development method
  • support

there are more but I'm too tired to write them down in English, I can't even write them down properly in Hungarian right now

Of course everything could be better but I have a lot of fun racing in LFS so I can't complain, I got great value for my money. Long live LFS!
good cars.
good tracks.
runs fine on my slow pc.
really cheap.
Completly agree.


I love LFS because of

- Great physics (tire deformation is one of my favorite)
- Easy to use (You just extract, start it up, and race)
- The amazing multiplayer
- Graphics (Yes, I actually like them well enough)
- Stats (LFSworld)
- The devs (Good improvements to the game which have made it what it is today, one of the best racing simulators)
I love the online racing,the adrenalin just kicks is and cant stop playing lol

The game is well made,even in alpha stage(sure we have some bugs,but will be fixed)

And if you just think once,how many hours a coding,pain, headache goes to the devs,to bring us the most realistic racing game,just cant imagine...
Scawen said lfs is millions of carachters,thinking of that,when he has to find a bug in that

Well Simply its the best
Here are my favourite things...

-Setup management and sending setups to people online is very easy
-Skinning and uploading/downloading skins is very easy
-LFSW statistics and features
-The variety in cars and tracks is very good considering no real world tracks are used.
-The lack of modding, keeping LFS an easy to pick up online racer that doesn't need F1 mod 2008 1.42b before playing on a server.
-Active devs in the community, good communication with their customers and fans.

...but the best part is the devs make sure they make each new update as bug free as possible before releasing it, the attention to detail and constant progress is unique to LFS and its really what makes me love it so much.
looking at the title
no shit sherlock this is a LFS forum

but reading ur post.. yer its harsh some of the comments but they dont noe wat its like to be in the devs shoes.

Keep up the great work guys
@ATC Quicksilver great idea for this post its probably just the motivation they need


Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Here are my favourite things...

-Setup management and sending setups to people online is very easy
-Skinning and uploading/downloading skins is very easy
-LFSW statistics and features
-The variety in cars and tracks is very good considering no real world tracks are used.
-The lack of modding, keeping LFS an easy to pick up online racer that doesn't need F1 mod 2008 1.42b before playing on a server.

...but the best part is the devs make sure they make each new update as bug free as possible before releasing it, the attention to detail and constant progress is unique to LFS and its really what makes me love it so much.

Agreed as set above.

Tbh I only play 'cuz of the physics and car modding (setup wise), so you can really fine tune your car and what-not, make it handle how you want.
- When I play LFS, I feel I am driving a car. When I play any other game, I feel I am playing a game.
- Development style. Devs know what they want.
- Support
- Turbo cars
- LFS is the only game which deserves my Logitech G25.
I love:

The gear box simulation.
The FFB is nothing short of amazing.
G25 support.
The constant development.
The physics, of course.
The Drifting

btw i cant play because my HDD died
-No drift mode! You have to do it.
-Great physics (exclude colision physics)
-Great peoples (On LFS, not necessary on the forum)
-Cheap (Compared to a real car, ofc. :P)
-Lasts long (almost 5 years now!)
-One of the devs used to have a mullet cut. a MUST
I just had a blast hustling an FO8 around Aston Historic. I love the way you can throw the car into the corner hard and it rewards you for it. It feels like you're hanging onto the car, rather than driving it. Great feeling, fantastic game.
For me LFS is simply perfect, the thing i love most is that the major updates come exactly at the right intervals, just as I start to lose interest the TEST Patch forum appears and makes my day.

- Superb accessibility
- Excellent loading times
- Xtra quality driving physics
- You have to do the driving (pun intended)

Among other things i also love the selection of cars, in no other games have i encountered road cars that actually handle like road cars. Also, the race cars aren't that bad, however they do need some tweaks to make them realistic. Excluding the aerodynamic physics, the XRR is now perfect, the rest of the GTR cars should go in the same direction.

I love:

-Eric B.:lovies3d:
-The angry angel:lovies3d:

-I love porn.
Its a World racing sim - i.e. not focused on local cars tracks but on fictional cars and real cars that have a wide audience on fictional tracks. I have raced and made friends with people from every corner of the Earth. (improvements in collision physics and the recent language updates will make this even more true)

Its very Online oriented
- has very good netcode (started out with 56k modem back in '04) very easy to find online servers, great facilities for sharing sets, chatting, etc Excellent support for addon apps to improve online server functionality and LFS functionality itself.

- the physics along with the community is what first attracted me to LFS (and still does) It has great physics which are being developed further as time goes on.

The Community
- I also don't just mean on the forums, although I've had many interesting discusions on the forum the friends I've made are almost always online first.
It amazes me how many old timers have never posted on the forums and it's a loss to the forums that they don't as many are great gentleman who are always a pleasure to bump into online.
Also it's a great community in regards to how much alot of the members cotribute past and present, this has certainly increased my enjoyment of LFS.
Lastly it's a great community because the developers interact with it quite openly.
The development process - I actually thoroughly enjoy being apart of the process, testing each new patch participating in discussion when I have something relevant to say. Seeing how each new development effort changes the behaviour of the cars/online experience, etc.
-Best physics of any other sim
-You do the driving, nothing else
-Multiplayer's usability is best, not a single game come even close
-Part of community (hope this isn't fading away)
-Devs's support
-Really light software
-Easy to use
-Best setup modding, can feel the changes instantly and easy

There is more, but it's way too late/early to think

But let me put it this way, good games keeps me busy maybe a month max before bored.. while LFS has kept me busy for over 6 years!
And not even close to get boring yet, always something new to learn
One word,

Pretty much every thing you guys said over here.

But what i like the most is the close contact we have with the Devs, something we usually dont have in others games.
No doubt the best value piece of software I ever bought. And I've been around a while...

All the weird and wonderful characters on the forum...

Dev support & contact
What everyone said

I also like the fact that I'm still here and keeping up with LFS on a daily basis even though i don't have much time to race anymore.
What I love about LfS
  • online racing
  • close racing
  • close online racing
  • the good racers who are willing to help you with your set or line
  • the XRT
  • the LX4
  • the LX6 (I would have never quessed that I'd fall for this beast)
There is so much to love about LfS.

The only thing I hate about LfS is that I can't get paid for driving around in it. If I did I wouldn't need to work so I could be LfSing 24/7.
All about it, but mostly support. Thanks Devs.

This community loves LFS
(116 posts, started )