Yeah, I'm in.
We all know about LFS as a game, but I'm also interested in LFS in terms of development, and as a project.
LFS as a pile of code is one of the most solid and glitch free pieces of software I've ever used. No installer, very well optimised, never crashes, logically and simply laid out, and user friendly.
It's like this because of Scavier's unique goals and business model. The industry as a whole leans towards very large development teams pumping out software on very short lead times, then moving very quickly on to the next project. Result: graphically impressive and perhaps licensed software, but ultimately flawed and bug/glitch ridden software that will never be fixed.
Scavier have gone the opposite way.
A very, VERY! small dev team, and very long leadtimes. So, akthough development is slow, the big plus is that enhancements are overall very thorough, well thought and relatively free of bugs and glitches.
I just really admire them for settung this goal, and moreso for making it work.
Top work lads.