Hi. In one of my tests I've come to need to track and understand a little PLIDs and UCIDs.
As I'm not going to have AI cars, I'll I have to do is keep a static array that links UCIDs and PLIDs. But I''d like to know what should be the size of that array, and that depends on the maximum UCID value.
Let's say I have this array:
(Using C++)
I've used 47 thinking that UCIDs keep it at the minimum possible values, and considering there is a maximum of 47 slots (connections) including spectators.
I use the UCID as the index for the array, and assign to it the corresponding PLID value. But if I ever get an UCID greater than 46 that will produce a violation.
As I'm not going to have AI cars, I'll I have to do is keep a static array that links UCIDs and PLIDs. But I''d like to know what should be the size of that array, and that depends on the maximum UCID value.
Let's say I have this array:
byte PLIDS[47];
(Using C++)
I've used 47 thinking that UCIDs keep it at the minimum possible values, and considering there is a maximum of 47 slots (connections) including spectators.
I use the UCID as the index for the array, and assign to it the corresponding PLID value. But if I ever get an UCID greater than 46 that will produce a violation.