Hello all
since my resent pc problems i have decided with my next pay cheque to upgrade my pc mainly better psu more ram and new better graphics card.
Im pretty sure ill get a corsair TX650W power suply and ill upgrade from 1 gb of ram to either 1.5 or 2gb of ram
But im just wondering what is a good card to get now all i know is i have a agp slot aka the brown one. I really dont know where to start with these im looking at spending around 80 to 100 pound ive currently got a Nvidia Geforce 6200 turbo cache 256mb.
To keep me busy between now and payday ive spent a little and ive used a holesaw to cut two holes for a pair of 80 mm fans ive never done anything like this before what do you think....

Ive also ordered a fan controller so i can moniter the tempreture of equipment and ajust the speed of the fans.
I owe alot to LFS its awsome if i hadnt started playing it my life would be boring and i wouldnt get to do stuff like this to my pc.
since my resent pc problems i have decided with my next pay cheque to upgrade my pc mainly better psu more ram and new better graphics card.
Im pretty sure ill get a corsair TX650W power suply and ill upgrade from 1 gb of ram to either 1.5 or 2gb of ram
But im just wondering what is a good card to get now all i know is i have a agp slot aka the brown one. I really dont know where to start with these im looking at spending around 80 to 100 pound ive currently got a Nvidia Geforce 6200 turbo cache 256mb.
To keep me busy between now and payday ive spent a little and ive used a holesaw to cut two holes for a pair of 80 mm fans ive never done anything like this before what do you think....

Ive also ordered a fan controller so i can moniter the tempreture of equipment and ajust the speed of the fans.
I owe alot to LFS its awsome if i hadnt started playing it my life would be boring and i wouldnt get to do stuff like this to my pc.