The online racing simulator
Some new InSim packets needed
(1 post, started )
Some new InSim packets needed
Hi all, but in particular Scawen

I wonder if it is possible to get some new InSim Non-Verified tracking packets.
Those packets concern the pits opeerations. I thought to :

struct IS_PEP // Player Enter Pitlane (Player enter in the pitlane, when the 3g_enterpit ou 3g_enterfor message is dislpayed)
char PEP [4];
char UName [24]; // username
char PName [24]; // nickname
byte UniqueId; // player's assigned unique id
byte reason; // 0=3g_enterpit, 1=3g_enterfor, may be used sometimes

struct IS_PPI // Player Pit In (Player stops his car between the yellow marks, when the 3g_x_pitstp message is dislpayed)
char PPI [4];
char UName [24]; // username
char PName [24]; // nickname
byte UniqueId; // player's assigned unique id

struct IS_PPO // Player Pit Out (Player leave pitlane, when the 3g_leavepit message is displayed)
char PPI [4];
char UName [24]; // username
char PName [24]; // nickname
byte UniqueId; // player's assigned unique id

struct IS_SWP // SWap Pilote (A spectate player take place in the car instead of another, when the 3g_xtakovrx message is displayed)
char SWP [4];
char UName1 [24]; // username gettint out of the car and go to spectate
char UName2 [24]; // username gettint into the car, was spectate
char CName [32]; // car name (can be usefull for some cases)
byte UniqueId1; // leaving race player's assigned unique id
byte UniqueId2; // going to race player's assigned unique id

Some of those events can be intercepted by parsing the MSS ou MSO messages, but we are limited to one language and need that the original language file.


Some new InSim packets needed
(1 post, started )