The online racing simulator
This community loves LFS
(116 posts, started )
I live for speed, does that count? There are lots of interesting aspects of LFS, but the most important to me are:
- Continued development, you know that there will be more!
- Developers contact with community.
- Physics! Oh boy, this one is my favorite.
- Variety of cars.
- LFS World is revolutionary, now almost every gaming platform has something alike, xbox live and such.
- Easy of use and optimization, i just cant believe that a 7 years old computer can run LFS smoothly.
- Easy to buy
- Cheap
- Realistic
- BF1
- Fo8
- FoX
- Really easy to make a car setup
- Easy to plugin steering wheel to LFS
- No big MB Size, WTF 150 mb, other gamemakers take allmost 500 mb
- Testpatches
- Scawen
Everything else mentionned, and it's a great game that doesn't take itself seriously.
Quote from aroX123 :- Easy to buy
- Cheap
- Realistic
- BF1
- Fo8
- FoX
- Really easy to make a car setup
- Easy to plugin steering wheel to LFS
- No big MB Size, WTF 150 mb, other gamemakers take allmost 500 mb
- Testpatches
- Scawen

500mb? I think you never played tdu, wich has 7GB (7000 mb)!
Helo. I plays LFS 'cause of teh Scawen's hair. It'is large ands it'is scary. :spchewie:
Quote from Stefani24 :500mb? I think you never played tdu, wich has 7GB (7000 mb)!

I mean regular racing games
like Gp4
and so on
Kay, but rfactor scratch is 700 mb, too. just FYI
Realism,variety, compatibility with lower-end PCs, and good performance.

And it's still in Alpha stage. O_O
Great immersive on-line racing - pure and simple.

Nothing more needs to be said I feel.
- No nonsense (but the humour) attitude! One of the best things about LFS.
- Made with a passion for racing.
- Rock solid programming. The most bug free stable piece of software I ever bought.
- Excellent graphics. I find it very realistic and immersive. (I for one would not like to see all the "modern" way overdone graphics many seem to want.)
- Physics, feel and overal (amazing) racingexperience it offers.
- Majority of the community is very friendly, show mature racing and are very fast.
- Quality of cars and tracks is very high.
- High value for money. Actually the value for money is so high it saves me money because of the next point.
- The evil AI's that try to kill me make that I dont need to buy any other type of computergames involving extreme agression because I won't rest till I have all AI's on their roof. :arge::hbomb: In cars half the size they started with, twitching their wheels from left to right in sheer panic as they work out what happened, revving their engines as if they were to not believe the horizon really inversed on them, their heads burried half in the grass, my car waiting patiently in 1st gear in the distance, :hyper: then when the AI's start to keep themselves quiet, I start to calm and start to regain awareness of what I'm doing, I press shift-R :tired: again
Quote from _--NZ--_[HUN] :A few things I like about LFS:
  • starts up fast and runs well enough on my machine
  • good physics
  • good controller support
  • superb multiplayer
  • LFSWorld
  • easy to setup, to use, don't have to quit the game to adjust settings
  • it looks nice considering everything
  • development method
  • support
Of course everything could be better but I have a lot of fun racing in LFS so I can't complain. Long live LFS!

I higly agree with you on this
Quote from farcar :Yeah, I'm in.

We all know about LFS as a game, but I'm also interested in LFS in terms of development, and as a project.

LFS as a pile of code is one of the most solid and glitch free pieces of software I've ever used. No installer, very well optimised, never crashes, logically and simply laid out, and user friendly.

It's like this because of Scavier's unique goals and business model. The industry as a whole leans towards very large development teams pumping out software on very short lead times, then moving very quickly on to the next project. Result: graphically impressive and perhaps licensed software, but ultimately flawed and bug/glitch ridden software that will never be fixed.

Scavier have gone the opposite way.

A very, VERY! small dev team, and very long leadtimes. So, akthough development is slow, the big plus is that enhancements are overall very thorough, well thought and relatively free of bugs and glitches.

I just really admire them for settung this goal, and moreso for making it work.

Top work lads.

Well said.
Quote from Crashgate3 :Things I love:

1. Physics (every other driving game just feels wrong after LFS)

That about sums it up, all the other positive aspects are secondary for me.
Quote from Wasknijper :
- The evil AI's that try to kill me make that I dont need to buy any other type of computergames involving extreme agression because I won't rest till I have all AI's on their roof. :arge::hbomb: In cars half the size they started with, twitching their wheels from left to right in sheer panic as they work out what happened, revving their engines as if they were to not believe the horizon really inversed on them, their heads burried half in the grass, my car waiting patiently in 1st gear in the distance, :hyper: then when the AI's start to keep themselves quiet, I start to calm and start to regain awareness of what I'm doing, I press shift-R :tired: again

funny how people can still find new (and weird) ways to enjoy lfs!
so....race,drift,laid back driving(cruise)....and now destruction derby, haha
what next?
#65 - Byku
For feel of the cars, tyre deformations(awesome), physics, LFSW, and stable development, and of course communication with developers.
-Goodness, LFS is just great, and the devs not to mention!
-Do you know any other racingsim, where the devs are doing something like LFSWorld and its features? (hotlap-analyzer and so on)
-Skinning has never been easier.
- I sweat in exciting races. :shhh:
-the hot chic wich pops up if you press ALT+F4 ingame.
Pretty much everything has been said. I'll approach this thread from a different perspective.

For those who have driven that other "expensive" sim, LFS is a breath of fresh air. You have complete freedom to choose what you want to drive, where you want to drive it, and most importantly, you can drive whenever the hell you want.

Here's a typical racing experience in that "other" sim with the entire chat log.
1) Get off work at 5:00PM.
2) Race starts at 5:00PM. Ah f*** I guess I'll wait until 7.
3) Eat dinner at 6:30PM. Forget to sign up for 7PM race.
4) Wait for 9PM race.
5) Signup for 9PM race at 8:56. 60 people signed up for 9PM race.
6) Join pre-race chat. No one's in there.
7) Leave pre-race chat.
8) Patiently wait for clock to countdown to 0.
9) Join race
10) Do the 5 minute warmup
11) Someone says "Hello, can anyone hear me?" on their mic.
12) No one responds
13) After one minute, I find some place safe I can pull over:

"JJ#1: yes"

14) The race is about to start.
15) Two people with the initials "BS" say good luck, but you have no idea who they are or which one is which.

"BS#4: GLA"
"BS#9: gl from germany"

16) The race ends.
"JJ#1: great race red car with yellow stripe"
Bob Smith has disconnected from server
Bobdulu Sandonowski has disconnected from server
Arse Smith has disconnected from server
everyone else disconnects...

When you connect to an LFS server it's like a completely different experience. Total freedom. People chatting back and forth. It's not just a racing sim. It's like a big hang out for racing nerdz Not sure how else I can describe it.
What I like about LFS:
- the physics are actually even better than those in Need for Speed
- the default color of the XRT
- Westhill has only one possible layout, which is quite original
- it never rains in LFS...I hate rain, I'm allergic to it
Quote from Technique :When you connect to an LFS server it's like a completely different experience. Total freedom. People chatting back and forth. It's not just a racing sim. It's like a big hang out for racing nerdz Not sure how else I can describe it.

I agree the ease of communication and freedom of interaction in LFS has a huge impact on enjoyment of the sim.
Quote from Glenn67 :I agree the ease of communication and freedom of interaction in LFS has a huge impact on enjoyment of the sim.

Sometimes, instead of racing, I enjoy discussing the race with other people who are spectating. Mainly because my gas pedal stops working intermittently, and it spikes also, so racing is no longer enjoyable when the gas pedal goes out for 3 seconds and you get passed by everyone.
If you don't already appreciate it enough, go download LFS 0.04Q....
Things I love about LFS.

First is

Jayhawk! for doing License contests for demo'ers! Thank you again!

and the Dev's for LFS
to farcar, well said.
I appreciate the game and am happy to contribute with my license (and test patches debugging) - What the dev team has achieved there is more or less a dream for us all working, so my license is a thank you for what we had and now have, as well as congratulations! carry on with this idea as long as you get enough fun and income from it.
To those saying slow progress, please read Scawen's post about kids education again
Quote from breadfan :What I like about LFS:
- the physics are actually even better than those in Need for Speed
- the default color of the XRT
- Westhill has only one possible layout, which is quite original
- it never rains in LFS...I hate rain, I'm allergic to it

Saw your name and questioned if you were a metallica fan, then saw your sig. Rock on!
Quote from Dalibor79 :funny how people can still find new (and weird) ways to enjoy lfs!
so....race,Drag, Stunt ,drift,laid back driving(cruise)....and now destruction derby.


This community loves LFS
(116 posts, started )