Hello, i am Drift king of israel at the moment, and also Racing from time to time.
I would like to say, that LFS is getting more and more realistic.
I like very much, that now the sliding comes quicker and harder to correct [as in real life]. Patch Z made the XRT behaving even better.
There is still one thing, that different from real: Tire grip is like linear, that is not right.
In real life you can feel, in the end of the slide - you get sudden grip [rubber aspect].
How can it be seen very easly?:
When you start accelerating from "0" - it doesn't matter do you spin wheels or not. In real life,if you spin wheels too much - the car almost doesn't accelerate.
The more tires speed differs from ground speed - the less grip there is.
I remember Raininig day,when i took off with huge wheelspin and in 5 seconds moved maybe 2 metrs, not more
