The online racing simulator
Top Gear racing circuit
(9 posts, started )
#1 - feat
Top Gear racing circuit
Erhm, i'm not sure how to really explain this, but ok, here it goes ..
Well, i'm watching some pretty old seasons, not very sure how old, but there is lot of episodes where they invite some famous or not that famous persons to Top Gear and they are making one hotlap in some track. Lap times goes up from minute to 2 minutes, they were racing against Planes couple times, and .. yeah. I hope you got me, this sounds pretty silly tough.

Thank you !
#2 - G!NhO
there are already many TG layouts
they do that in every episode, its called "A star in a reasonable priced car"
Although all the Topgear tracks ive tryed never feel right.
yeah i want someone to make a new one because i have a old one and i did a quick lap in the xfg and i got a 1:09 seconds which is frankly quicker than all the cars on top gear they actually test lol
Quote from kamilek12 :yeah i want someone to make a new one because i have a old one and i did a quick lap in the xfg and i got a 1:09 seconds which is frankly quicker than all the cars on top gear they actually test lol

There is not enough space i guess for a 1:1 scaled circuit.
#7 - feat
we should scale cars then ..

Top Gear racing circuit
(9 posts, started )