I've always thought it would be handy to have a short list somewhere on the forums or elsewhere listing some of the new features/ideas they are working on.
I know the developers wouldn't want to promise things that they might not end up doing but Scawen often gives hints at what they are looking at so it would just be useful to have these in one place for reference purposes.
Before I get jumped on! I'm not suggesting they do it, just saying it would be a useful addition and might keep some of the critical posts at bay.
Talking of which is there are a recent post by one of the devs on what may be coming up?
I can't wait for the improved collisions and break-off wings. That is really going to change the way we race online. To me the FBM seems almost indestructable at times at the moment. But I'll try and be patient...
I don't quite understand the improved collisions part, that's referred to contact with another vehicle, online improvement? Cause that's pretty good, maybe the netcode could be more polished, there's always room for imrovement there, but what we really need is a proper damage already... Killing the car when crashing with more then 30, 40 mph, etc..
Low speed tyre physics have plenty of room for improvements, but sadly won't be improved any time soon.. the starts are still like in your average arcade game, floor the throttle and everyone starts the same... It seems that sound also won't be adressed, which is a bummer...
It would be really really nice if we knew that all these things that needs adressing are planed for the S2 version, or all that, along with the new content is beeing delayed till S3? I think that's what's buging most people, me included, that we don't know some prety basic plans for the future, nobody's asking for the exact date when we have breakable wings etc , just a general view on things what could we expect in the S2 and what in the S3...
Meh.. ok, that's a rare ocassion If that IS fixed, if i just continue to drive the car after such an impact, then it's an unnecessery fix... better car/engine damage must go along with that..
Not so rare in autocross. The autoX editor is a unique feature which cannot be found in any other sims(AFAIK) and at its current state autox is not very usable as soon as you put a barrier somewhere near cars.
Absolutely. It will also remove a lot of the bad driving and you will see hugely improved driving among those who know currently they can get away with some pretty major taps.
I expect the online driving side of LFS will be hugely bettered for it.
Yes, it would be nice if you knew, and I'd like to know the future as well... but it's not possible!
I've explained a few times, that anything we mention that is planned, or a possibility, or something we might like to do at some time, soon becomes, in the eyes of many readers, a promise that we have made, and is later held against us when the feature is not done in the time scale imagined by the reader. So, why give people the stick to hit us with? This we have learned from some not very nice experiences. You should try to learn from your experiences!
I've stated those things that keep the ALPHA tag in LFS and our aim is to get past that stage, with various improvements and updates, probably various things that are not on this list. Big or small, I do not know, plans change.
In order to do things after that point, first we must get to that point.
I hope that helps. No matter how many requests are made, for me to reveal future plans, it's not going to change anything, I'm not gong to say, OK, now I've been asked 1000 times, I'll just say everything I'd like to do at some time in the future.
It's quite simple really, we want to keep updating the sim for some time to come. And we hope you enjoy the improvements.
Ok, thanks. So basically there are no specific plans for S3, just a continous improvement of the sim in general, wheather that be S2 or whatever... that's cool i guess but i guess you already know, that.. people would never wanna see LFS as a completely finished and abandoned product :nol2: We just love it too damn much and hope you guys realise the potential here and reasons of all these "moans"
I agree there are downsides to showing your hand (so to speak) but I also feel there are some upsides which are quite important for the community.
The want to discuss and chatter about the likely development - this keeps the interest in LFS strong.
FWIW, I think you've got the balance about right as you give away the occasional hints but never promise although I think people would welcome more of these posts from time to time when you are ready and have definite ideas in your minds.
Under promising and over delivering is always an effective business method. Long may it continue and keep up the good work.
Can I ask if your going to do breakable wings can they not disapear like AutoX objects, it looks naff for things to disappear before their time. I'd much rather things stayed where they were or if on or near the black stuff then are removed when no cars are about, with a local yellow thrown in the interim.
Speaking of yellow flags, howsabout making them slower to deploy and defined in areas of the track (not a whole sector, but between marshall posts). The first step to graphically realised flag marshalls and also "no overtaking under yellow" might then meen something? Just a thought .
It would definitely be great if the tyres etc didn't just randomly dissapear. I've always found it weird that they go away... They should only get removed when there's no other cars around, as Becky said, to simulate a marshal getting rid of them when it's safe... Also agreed about the yellows
OK technically debris on track is usually flagged with the slippery surface flag
A more complete list of generic racing flags here: http://markwebber.150m.com/Others/flags.htm
thanks scawen but one or two things i would like to comment on here, is that i understand fully why you guys are not giving away alot of details.. but on the part where you said "we want to keep updating the sim for some time to come. And we hope you enjoy the improvements" questions start arrising... is it going to take so long to update we are 20 years older by the time it gets here..
i know that you havent got the man power that some of the big companies have got.. so i know you cant do the same volume of coding in the same timeframe.. and i appreciate that.. but some of the updates that are coming out, feels like wasted time where you could be working on something else..
like for example all the language updates.. the majority of the world speak english and for those that dont then yea, create a language... but i look on the langage screen and the percentage of people playing from that country makes you wonder what was the point.. maybe choose the main 5 countries / languages and have done with it.
take call of duty for example, i know its not a racing game but its a big success in its own right, and that is played by thousands of players and not all are english.. and you dont see a language section 4 pages long.
i guess i feel that time would be better spent on getting the game moving now instead of this little tweak here, this little tweak there.. yea they might be good but is it priority over something like the sound, graphics, immersion factor..
to me the revamp of the cars interior was brilliant work and impressive for the graphics engine we are using, but why not spend more time on things like this rather than put lots of hours work in on a language that 2 people are going to read.. (now your going to tell me it takes 10 mins )
but i think i see games like Grid, GTR2, Iracing and then LFS still looking like a game from 2002 with Dx8 engine makes me just depressed as its such a good online game, with some very good features i just cant help but think that if a game like GTR2 had an exceptional netcode and physics engine people woul start to choose that over LFS.
I would on the basis that its got real cars that i long to drive in real life, real tracks i have actaully raced on.. the models are great, sound is very good (yes i know its sampled) it has a good or reasonably good graphics engine.
Im rambling on now. i just wanna say i want to see lfs be as good as it can be not just a game that has a decent net code that makes it god for online play.
I could begin to answer your post point by point and it would take me another half an hour but I have answered exactly the same points several times recently.
If you want to know all the answers, juct click my name and search for posts by user.
For now, I'll just close the thread because there's no point having a thread that covers the same ground and asks me the same questions I have already wasted a lot of time answering for the past week.