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sound drivers
(27 posts, started )
sound drivers
sound drivers
Hi im getting very frustrated with my computer due to the sound keeps crashing, ive updating all the drivers, plus its a new sound card, does any no one no how to relosve this problem, apart from smashing it up.:tempted:
sorry i dont no what that link is all about, and how it got there!
First, post here what your sound card is. If we want to get all the information on your sound (and your computer), attach a DxDiag.txt file here so we can see what it is. Do this to get the file:

To obtain your DXDiag.txt:

-Click Start, click Run, and then type in dxdiag

-A dialog should appear; This is your DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

-At the bottom of the dialog you will see a Save All Information button.
Click that to save the information to your Hard drive (dxdiag.txt)

-Attach that dxdiag.txt file here in a reply
the sound card is, SC-5200 5.1 SUROUND SOUND CARD.
Attached files
DxDiag.txt - 39.4 KB - 267 views
Quote from jjones :the sound card is, SC-5200 5.1 SUROUND SOUND CARD.

Hmmm, well you have that card, but what I see is quite possibly an onboard audio still present on your system: "C-Media Wave Device". Chances are, this is onboard audio, and if you have this other soundcard in your system, they are probably conflicting.

However, there are also chances that this new soundcard you have is this C-Media one. Because most times some hardware shows itself as some primary vendor/maker of soundcards, C-Media being one of them. But I am inclined to believe that this C-Media card is your onboard audio because the drivers are old (From 2002), the card you have is newer, and most C-Media devices come onboard/standard with most PCs.

You would have to remove/uninstall the onboard audio properly before you try and install your new soundcard.
OK ill do that, but the on bord sound does not work!, Ill uninstall drivers then ill print another copy of dx, if thats ok, thanks for your help and kindness.
Well, Windows XP will probably keep trying to reinstall the onboard audio, and it will probably always show up on your system. You may have to seek some professional tech help, because the painstaking process of removing onboard audio is impossible to discuss here
Thats ok i disabled it in the bios, and i have some computer nolege and my spelling could improve, but here,s that file.
Attached files
DxDiag.txt - 38.6 KB - 186 views
Ermm... still shows up in that file. Same thing.

This onboard card:

CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device

First, I'd get the latest drivers for that device and see how the sound works WITHOUT the new soundcard in your system. (So take that 5.1 card out, uninstall the onboard drivers, install these new ones). See if your sound works alright.
Ive tried that cant seem to find the right drivers, even on the main sight for this bord, the link with the driver on does not work, all the other links for drivers work accept for the sound, would you recomend updating the bios?
sorry did not see your link ill try that
Not much to add, but this, C-media based cards are the spawn of the devil, I had no end of trouble and BSOD's with one.

cm18738/pci is my sound card, not the onbord card!
ermm... Bud that card # definitely sounds like the C-Media onboard device. But like I said, it COULD be that 5.1 Surround card you just got, because some manufacturers use some main vendor for their chip on the card... in this case it could be C-Media.

IF it is using the C-Media chip, I suggest returning that soundcard and getting a different model, because like danowat mentioned, they are always the source of many problems (with games, windows, etc). What brand of soundcard is it anyways?

EDIT, hmm this is some site I found on that 5.1 card, in French, but on the right, I believe it explains what chip it is using: ... _Expert_Digital_Surround/ :doh:

EDIT2: Check if the soundcard is pushed all the way in the slot. If nothing still works, might try and replace it for another one, maybe this one is bad. Otherwise, I'd return it and try something else if all else fails.
one more try this is the file without the pci surround card in!
Attached files
DxDiag.txt - 39 KB - 226 views
work that out
K good good, well that does prove that the card is the C-Media one (because it isn't present in that file above since you removed it). But ehmm, I have nothing else to recommend other than what I said in my edits above, or search around the net for common problems with that specific card... or that C-Media chip in general.
ok m8 thanks for your help, im inclined to get a new motherbord.A better one
HI what sound card would you recomend?
Get a cheap creative card, they've been doing soundcards for quite a while now and tend to get it right.
turns out i need a new mother bord and cpu.
How have you managed to link an error with sound to your motherboard and cpu?

I mean, having problems with sound doesn't usually call for replacing your entire core pc.
well m8 the onbord sound does not work and the onbord graphics are unstable when playing games, so i dont want to spend out on a new graphics card and sound card just incase i have the same problems, so thats why i have desided to infest in a better mother bord and cpu.
Quote from jjones :well m8 the onbord sound does not work and the onbord graphics are unstable when playing games, so i dont want to spend out on a new graphics card and sound card just incase i have the same problems, so thats why i have desided to infest in a better mother bord and cpu.

If there's something wrong with your motherboard, or worst case - cpu, i think you'd be having more severe problems with your pc.

Also, i don't think there's a single motherboard in existance that has a good onboard graphics chip for gaming.
At the moment my computer is running as slow as anything ive put a fresh copy of windows xp on updated all the drivers but its not working right, im at a lose with it. i did have a ati radeon but that has stoped working plis my new sound card has stop working, i dont want to by new graphics cards and sound cards to find that this mother board does dont like them. plus i did buy the mother board and cpu second had, all the second hand components ive ever paid for has been nothing but il start from scratch and ill maybe use this one as a servre for lfs.

sound drivers
(27 posts, started )