very good advice!
Trouble is that there are many "bad drivers" out there, maybe an excesive emphasis on "fast laps" and winning at all cost. Of course I race on DEMO servers (let's hope I can get S2 soon).
Where I usualy race it depends a bit on who is in the race, "good drivers" and there is no problem. "Bad drivers" and crashes begin even before T1. When in doubt I find that the best way is to stay at the back of the pack.
Somehow I find that the current stadistics system (LFS WORLD), who by the way do a great job, encourages accidents (not on purpose, I'm sure). I'll try to explain myself:
I've noticed that if you retire before the race ends it's actualy as if you hadn't been in that race at all. also if you "wisely" go taking out slower drivers in front, instead of cleanly overtaking them there is no record.
Not sure what can be done about "taking out" instead of overtaking. As it would need someone to supervise.
But it may help if all participants in the race figured in the stadistics, because many times there is a full grid at the start, you finish 4th and you end up being "4th out of 4". DNF should be listed in LFS World. And if a race restarts those that pressed restart should get a DNF too. The same as those that "shift+P" or "shift+S" before the race ends.
Then we could have a "nice" list of those with a higher DNF percentage. Just an idea, but you can bet that a fast PB with a high DNF percentage won't look that good anymore.
By the way, yesterday We had some very nice races where no one crashed at T1, or later on. Maybe sometimes you got stuck behind a good but slower driver/car and it was difficult or imposible to overtake, but it was a very nice series of races.