New Oval tracks and people with disabilities
Again i would like to see the addition of at least a new Oval track??
Well I like some others within lfs i have come to know are classed as disabled.
The people i know on lfs that are disabled mainly use an oval track and are kind of limited to just one track.
So the addition of another Oval track would be very beneficial to those who are disabled and would give us a second choice of track.
Yes i sometimes race on other tracks but that is on very rare occasions.
But No doubt asking for another oval would just get thrown in the bin and us disabled people will get ignored again

OK I have edited this,, Yup i wrote it incorrectly and i am not/wasnt trying to using my illness to justify a new oval
But was merely trying to point out another oval would help people (SOME) people with disabilities.
And when i say i am disabled that doesnt mean i have lost limbs or anything coz i havnt and i dont use wheel chair either..
So my apologies if my post has come across that way.

Within this thread there has been so much controvasy about an Oval and Disabilities So I have edited this first post AND have left the/my text original as i first wrote it. (just so there is no confusion)

And as for silly improvments, take a look at the list of stuff some of you people say would improve the game as a whole??
Some of you will be asking for Friigin pink car seats, fluffy dice, languages from never everland, one person even asked for friggin steam??
So before you all go of ranting and raving
Why/ what is the problem of having a new OVal, for those that dont like oval stay the Uck away from them, but please dont go on and on to and about people who do use them and the stats show very CLEARLY OVal is very much liked..And As in a STICKY THREAD abou new cars for S3 well nascar would be good, so wouyld a NEW OVAL
The way you pose this reminds me of this well-known joke:

Once upon a time, Mr. Kent realized that he did not know the meaning of logic. So Mr. Kent went to Mr. Wayne and asked him to teach what logic is. Mr. Wayne being an illustrative fellow begins:

W: "ok... do you have a fishtank in your house?"
K: "yes.. yes I do"
W: "Ok, if you have a fishtank, you must have some fish in it.."
K: "yes... 3 in fact"
W: "see... that is logic... Now that you have fish in the tank, you must have water in it too.."
K: "yes.."
W: "See, that is logic... now if you have fish in the fishtank, you must feed them regularly right?"
K: "Right..."
W: "See... that is logic... if you feed it, so must your family"
K: "yeah... my wife feeds it to"
W: "See that is logic... now, as you are married, that means you aren't homosexual"
K: (long pause) "Yes... you are a genius, I know what logic is!!"

So Mr. Kent, glowing in the brilliance of his new found knowledge, prances around the dormroom proudly like a plump piglet. Mr. Sparrow inquires, "Mr. Kent, why are you so happy today?" Mr. Kent replies, "Mr. Sparrow, I have learnt what logic is!" Mr. Sparrow, being the illogical fellow he is, says, "wow, Mr. Kent, teach me the meaning of logic too!!" Mr. Kent begins..

K: "Ok Mr. Sparrow... Do you or do you not have a fish bowl at your home?"
S: "Err.... no... I don't have a fishtank at home...."

Mr. Kent then runs at top speed shouting "Hey everyone!! Mr. Sparrow is GAY!!!"
Xaotic, I can't really figure out what your post has to do with Popps' Post about the request for another oval track.. ? Maybe I am missing the logic here..
Quote from Torben :Maybe I am missing the logic here..

just like popps does... its quite baffling how he gets from ovals to implied discrimination in just 6 sentences
It has to do with the train of thought:

Some disabled people race on ovals therefore not making more ovals is ignoring all disabled people specifically.
Yeah, cheap shot that from the OP, how can not having more ovals in the game be discriminating people with disablities, sounds like the usual PC claptrap we have to endure.

Dev's more ovals or your discriminating against people with disabilities..........sheesh
About Ovals and and "Some Online Charts" at Lfs World, Vik is it possible to a make a Different Sektion for the Oval drivers.
I never ever see that anyone are able to win the Distance, Lap, Won Races, Finish Races, who are not racing on the Ovals.

I mean its a Joke to compare the other Tracks and Road Cars with the combo of Bf1 and Kyoto Oval. Everytime the OvalJunkies wins these monthly and overall Counts.

Its only a counter for them you know.
We the Road Car driver wont a Seperate Charts. Contradict me if i am wrong, its only my thinking of that.
(danowat) DELETED by danowat
Quote from danowat :Dev's more ovals or your discriminating against people with disabilities..........sheesh

he could at least have tried to add some humour by saying that it discriminates against people who cant turn right (or spell... or build cars that dont use leaf springs... or build cars where the steering wheel is connected to the rest of the car)

speaking of turning right (thanks to whoever posted this on #lfs last night)
The more I think about it, the more I am really offended by this post...........
Quote from Shotglass :speaking of turning right (thanks to whoever posted this on #lfs last night)

I'm lost. He doesn't even look like he's trying to take the corners? I admit I lose my bottle on my (push)bike a lot, and take corners slow than I think I can go, but I'm still leaning quite a bit.

I think he wasn't prepared for the fact that the bike rights itself up when you brake and not compensate for it with more countersteering. Then again it's good that he didn't, because with his display of skill it would've ended worse. Going in panic mode and staring ahead instead of where he wants to go didn't help either, and I'm not too sure if he fully grasps the concept of countersteering.

Quote from xaotik :The way you pose this reminds me of this well-known joke:

Once upon a time, Mr. Kent realized that he did not know the meaning of logic. So Mr. Kent went to Mr. Wayne and asked him to teach what logic is. Mr. Wayne being an illustrative fellow begins:

W: "ok... do you have a fishtank in your house?"
K: "yes.. yes I do"
W: "Ok, if you have a fishtank, you must have some fish in it.."
K: "yes... 3 in fact"
W: "see... that is logic... Now that you have fish in the tank, you must have water in it too.."
K: "yes.."
W: "See, that is logic... now if you have fish in the fishtank, you must feed them regularly right?"
K: "Right..."
W: "See... that is logic... if you feed it, so must your family"
K: "yeah... my wife feeds it to"
W: "See that is logic... now, as you are married, that means you aren't homosexual"
K: (long pause) "Yes... you are a genius, I know what logic is!!"

So Mr. Kent, glowing in the brilliance of his new found knowledge, prances around the dormroom proudly like a plump piglet. Mr. Sparrow inquires, "Mr. Kent, why are you so happy today?" Mr. Kent replies, "Mr. Sparrow, I have learnt what logic is!" Mr. Sparrow, being the illogical fellow he is, says, "wow, Mr. Kent, teach me the meaning of logic too!!" Mr. Kent begins..

K: "Ok Mr. Sparrow... Do you or do you not have a fish bowl at your home?"
S: "Err.... no... I don't have a fishtank at home...."

Mr. Kent then runs at top speed shouting "Hey everyone!! Mr. Sparrow is GAY!!!"

Maybe you dont understand my post,
People who are disabled usually get ignored by normal people help wise that is, and there is a only minority of people who do care.
A request for another Oval track will help us people with disabilities.
being limited to just one track sucks.
Maybe the develepors should now really look into this with an aid to help us people who are disabled, thats the point of my post
but usually people who are disabled do get ignored,
by the way i became disabled in 2000 so i have seen both side of the coin.
I don't know why you bring your disability into this at all. IF the devs add another oval then definitely not because you're disabled or to help disabled people, and if they don't, then not because you're disabled or because they ignore disabled people specifically either. Basically opening this suggestion with the notion of "if you don't add another oval, you don't care about disabled people" is ridiculous.

They add whatever tracks they like at whatever point they like to add them.
Quote from AndroidXP :I don't know why you bring your disability into this at all. IF the devs add another oval then definitely not because you're disabled or to help disabled people, and if they don't, then not because you're disabled or because they ignore disabled people specifically either. Basically opening this suggestion with the notion of "if you don't add another oval, you don't care about disabled people" is ridiculous.

They add whatever tracks they like at whatever point they like to add them.

My point is it would help disbled people, and why is it wrong to ask them to help disabled people,
Ok i am not so good at compiling letters and there was no malice within my posting,
i didnt realise the words ignored and dont care mean the same thing (your last sentence).
It would be nice if the developers did produce another Oval track to make lfs more enjoyable for us disabled people, does that sound correct??
Once again i am not good at writing letter so my apologies to anyone if you have been offended by my post
I await your reply sir
Quote from danowat :The more I think about it, the more I am really offended by this post...........

If i have offended you i am sorry it was not my intention to offend anyone.
#16 - th84
I wouldnt mind seeing another oval or two, as long as a proper oval car came with them. With the current choice of cars, one oval is more than enough.
Hold on.....lfs devs probably didn't add a oval with disabled people in-mind anyway, as there is no law/rule for this. So lfs doesn't really NEED one in the first place
Hmmm bit loathed to post in this thread to be honest, but, i've got to agree with Android, Dan and a few others.

There's no need to bring in the disability angle at all. If you want more Ovals then just say "I want more Ovals please". Using a disability to garner some sort of sympathy or justification to a request is not on quite frankly. But i'm sure the LFS "disabled community" would never stoop to such depths, would they.

For your information there are several disabled LFS members who wouldn't go within a hundred miles of an Oval, and you never hear them complaining how difficult the game is. Anyway, the problems encountered by someone with a disability are not the fault of the games programming or the content. Most if not all can be sorted out with the adaptation of controller equipment in the individuals homes (just like in real life) Ok, so you may not be as competitive on the road circuits, so what. With a bit of practice the speed will come, just look at how competitive Alex Zanardi is these days.

Adding more ovals just because it's easier for a crip to drive isn't the answer or the correct reason. Add extra ovals because it fits in with the direction the Devs want to take LFS, and to meet the demand of Oval racers period. Not pander to the needs of a few whingers(*) who feel they're being discriminated against. What's next ?, asking Eric to install hand controls in each of the cars, or better still get him to build an MPV with full wheelchair access ?

* N.B yes i did notice you answered the 'whinger' accusation, but i just wanted to add my 2cents to the question as a whole. And the use of the word is mainly directed to whingers in general and not a personal slur on you Popps.
Quote from Mazz4200 :Hmmm bit loathed to post in this thread to be honest, but, i've got to agree with Android, Dan and a few others.

There's no need to bring in the disability angle at all. If you want more Ovals then just say "I want more Ovals please". Using a disability to garner some sort of sympathy or justification to a request is not on quite frankly. But i'm sure the LFS "disabled community" would never stoop to such depths, would they.

For your information there are several disabled LFS members who wouldn't go within a hundred miles of an Oval, and you never hear them complaining how difficult the game is. Anyway, the problems encountered by someone with a disability are not the fault of the games programming or the content. Most if not all can be sorted out with the adaptation of controller equipment in the individuals homes (just like in real life) Ok, so you may not be as competitive on the road circuits, so what. With a bit of practice the speed will come, just look at how competitive Alex Zanardi is these days.

Adding more ovals just because it's easier for a crip to drive isn't the answer or the correct reason. Add extra ovals because it fits in with the direction the Devs want to take LFS, and to meet the demand of Oval racers period. Not pander to the needs of a few whingers(*) who feel they're being discriminated against. What's next ?, asking Eric to install hand controls in each of the cars, or better still get him to build an MPV with full wheelchair access ?

* N.B yes i did notice you answered the 'whinger' accusation, but i just wanted to add my 2cents to the question as a whole. And the use of the word is mainly directed to whingers in general and not a personal slur on you Popps.

my my such controvasy, about a post,
Is the word disabled such a dirty word?
My, judging some of the posts, for some it sure seems that way

yes there are people with different disabled capabilities and i do know some people do and are quite capable of racing on other tracks.
Also i do know about oher driving aids that are available, head mice and such..
maybe i should ask for this post to be totally removed and then i could rewrite it in a new post with my grammar corrected.

Bringing the disabled angle into the equation is not such a bad thing
asking for an extra oval to help us disabled enjoy LFS more should be a good thing.
there are lots of lfs users who ask for other stupid things such as tyre brands, colour of seats, dash layout, or complaining the time clock is not in its correct place, etc
Quote from popps258 :Is the word disabled such a dirty word?

No, but it's low to try and use it to your advantage and as a lever to get something that isn't in anyway related to being disabled.
Quote from Shotglass :he could at least have tried to add some humour by saying that it discriminates against people who cant turn right (or spell... or build cars that dont use leaf springs... or build cars where the steering wheel is connected to the rest of the car)

Those kind of comments get old regardless of weather they are being used in a jokingly manner or not. Grow up, I'm sure you have better things to do than sit and take pot-shots at subject that has been repeatedly beaten like a dead horse. Sorry that you feel the need to talk down upon other people/countries in order to make yourself feel superior.
I still haven't worked out how another Oval would make LFS any better or worse for somneone who's disabled.
(AndroidXP) DELETED by AndroidXP
I've got dyspraxia, I need a kart to race on AVUS. kthxbai.

It's all humour after the comma
Quote from Bob Smith :I'm lost. He doesn't even look like he's trying to take the corners?

i have no idea what was going through his mind in those corners... or when he bought the bike in the first place

Quote from AndroidXP :I think he wasn't prepared for the fact that the bike rights itself up when you brake and not compensate for it with more countersteering. Then again it's good that he didn't, because with his display of skill it would've ended worse. Going in panic mode and staring ahead instead of where he wants to go didn't help either, and I'm not too sure if he fully grasps the concept of countersteering.

what i dont get is how he managed to take lefthanders without any of these problems

Quote from Homeless_Drunk :Sorry that you feel the need to talk down upon other people/countries in order to make yourself feel superior.

too bad it isnt working and i dont feel the least bit superior... probably because that wasnt my intention
although i have to say reading your post did help quite a bit in the superiority department
Quote from popps258 :Is the word disabled such a dirty word?
My, judging some of the posts, for some it sure seems that way

Don't be ridiculous.

Quote from popps258 :maybe i should ask for this post to be totally removed and then i could rewrite it in a new post with my grammar corrected.

The grammar wasn't the issue, rather the context in which you're using your personal disability to justify a request and maybe even garner a bit of sympathy, which Dan has already pointed out has no relation to the request for extra ovals in the slightest

Quote from popps258 :there are lots of lfs users who ask for other stupid things such as tyre brands, colour of seats, dash layout, or complaining the time clock is not in its correct place, etc

Agreed, but how many photocopier salesmen have announced themselves as photocopier salesmen and then demanded a Mondeo diesel be added to the game. Or how many of them have complained they're being discriminated against because the existing cars don't have enough cupholders.

There's nothing wrong with a request for extra ovals at all. But the way in which you worded the request by pointing out your disability (and it's not the first time you've done this) and then claiming that extra ovals should be included to solely accommodate you and other disabled members of the LFS community was quite simple out of order. And as is apparent by the other posts in this thread, offensive to a quite a few of us here (some of whom are disabled themselves).
This thread is closed