The online racing simulator
Ctra 2 (tbo)
(248 posts, started )
I would be more than happy to bring up the rear of a field full of RB4's or XRT's
Forcing people into cars they don't like (whether with good reason or not doesn't matter), is a bad idea IMO. The fact that everyone on the server is in the same car won't change anything. Also, on XRT day all the XRT drivers - ie. the ones who love the XRT and always drive it - will have a huge advantage over all the other drivers. I can already hear the whining, the rant threads on the forums...
The cycles would be per track phase, so a couple of hours at a time. I would not be happy making ALL races car-restricted.. just occasional ones, injected into the mix. They could quite possibly not crop up for days at a time, or on a particular day you might get a couple.. the rest of the time, the server would be regular TBO.
Quite honestly, if FXO drivers - stuck in an XRT for once - were to complain about the dominance of particular XRT drivers for being "too good", I'd be tempted to down tools and just walk away, and never look back. That, or I'd feel like just knocking those people complaining down to Bronze for completely missing the point of CTRA, and racing in general.

Are you serious, obsolum? Do you actually think that's what would happen??
A suggestion as crazy as the rest...

Put the FXOs at the back like the GT2 class are on race 3, then they others can get an even better start and the FXOs can trip each other up.
Sam, I don't race on LFS for days, even weeks at a time, never mind a specific car on a specific server. I spend a fair bit of time doing hotlaps and racing on our own server with mates.

I only stated that it was the best venue for LRF pick up racing, which I was learning (after being practicaaly allergic to the RAC :tilt and whats more enjoying the massive challenge they present.

And nobody said anything about the decisoin being made on a whim. However, the opinions of certain member of the community undeniably carry more weight than others

I'm not lobbying for its return Sam, just lamenting its demise

And btw, the statement that NOBODY used it, and no offence, complete tosh. I remember plenty good races with mostly other LX6 racers........I even saw VoiD in one

Theres no need to defend your decision, its your server/system after all! But theres nowt wrong with voicing an opinion too.

PS - the only reason I started to 'get into' the LRF cars was exactly because they were a new class in Race 2. If you start to change it to specific TBO cars only per evening, it might be an incentive to try the XRT

PPS - the full grid TBO races recently have been forkin awesome, I don't think anybody is denying that?
More coding than I have time for, to reverse the grid on Race 2 I'm afraid.. but it would probably solve all the problems! LOL!
Reversing the grid would be nice, I think. It would pose a greater challenge to the fast FXO drivers, and a fairer shot at victory to the XRT/RB4 drivers.

About the forcing people in cars thing, if it'd be just for a few hours each time I don't think it would cause that much trouble. I was under the impression that it would each time be for a whole day, like Endurance day now. I still think a lot of people would either start whining or just leave the server, but seeing as it would only be for a number of hours I guess it wouldn't really affect Race2 popularity that much. Anyway, it's hard to guess what people's reaction to such things will be. Even with a poll you can't be sure, as a great number of racers on Race2 may not read the forum. I guess you could give it a shot...
Quote : Put the FXOs at the back like the GT2 class are on race 3

A brilliant idea.
Quote from Becky Rose :A brilliant idea.

It is actually I'd actually be tempted to join the CTRA2 server just to drive the FXO under that arrangement I love reverse grid racing especially with cars that have different strenghts
Mad idea, the XRT and RB4 already get off the line much quicker.

Just leave it as is, far too much aggro for such a small "problem"
Quote from HVS5b :I only stated that it was the best venue for LRF pick up racing, which I was learning (after being practicaaly allergic to the RAC :tilt and whats more enjoying the massive challenge they present.

You didn't actually state that, though.. and if that's what you meant by what you did state, it could perhaps have been stated a lot better cuz I didn't get what you now state is what you stated, from what you stated when you stated it at first.

Quote from HVS5b :And nobody said anything about the decisoin being made on a whim. However, the opinions of certain member of the community undeniably carry more weight than others

I'll be perfectly frank about my dictatorial position on this. Historically, no changes to server configurations happened unless I (me, myself personally) decided. For a long time, out of all the CTRA admins who have an equal say in such things, I was the one with his nose pressed most firmly to the statistics charts.. so my decisions carried. Outside of the CTRA admins, though, if anyone carries more influence over another person, it is by virtue of their participation in CTRA servers and not their verbosity on this forum, or in my PM box.

In point of fact, this is the only reason the LRF existed in the TBO server for so long, despite overwhelming lack of public RACING support for it. I was wrong to keep LRF around for so long, but I am very happy to eat humble pie while the TBO server regularly fills up these days.
Quote from HVS5b :I'm not lobbying for its return Sam, just lamenting its demise

I appreciate your position, and I'm sorry for your loss. CTRA has to be racing-oriented, not forum-oriented. The racers say TBO-only, and that is the decision that should carry over any opinion expressed on the forum.

Quote from HVS5b :And btw, the statement that NOBODY used it, and no offence, complete tosh. I remember plenty good races with mostly other LX6 racers........I even saw VoiD in one

In fact VoiD was just about THE only semi-regular in the server. I studied the logs. You may think it's tosh, but it's actually not, and I cannot nor will not any more hold open a server slot for a class that's driven by people who drive once in a blue moon.
Quote from HVS5b :Theres no need to defend your decision, its your server/system after all! But theres nowt wrong with voicing an opinion too.

You say that after making a post that leaves me with an overwhelming feeling that I must defend the decisions that are made. CTRA exists for the people that drive it. Specifically the ones that drive it, though.

Quote from HVS5b :PS - the only reason I started to 'get into' the LRF cars was exactly because they were a new class in Race 2. If you start to change it to specific TBO cars only per evening, it might be an incentive to try the XRT

I think you'd be pleasantly surprised.. you should try it, whether or not it's forced
Quote from HVS5b :PPS - the full grid TBO races recently have been forkin awesome, I don't think anybody is denying that?

Yep, by all accounts the place is humming. It took a long time to get me to change the structure of Race 2, and I do regret the lost racing that could have been going on all the time I was being my usual, obstinate self.
Quote from SamH :I cannot nor will not any more hold open a server slot for a class that's driven by people who drive once in a blue moon.

UFR/XFR springs to mind.

Do they really have significantly more use than the LRF class used to ?
Quote from Bean0 :UFR/XFR springs to mind.

Do they really have significantly more use than the LRF class used to ?

They're part of the GT2 class and theoretically should be balanced to the other restricted GT2's. I would be sorry to see GT2 go, I love the class, but I dont have time to race it. Maybe the GT server does want a reform, but I think Race 2 should be left to settle first as any changes could have implications there too. From what I can see CTRA is more or less as popular as it's ever been, so i'm not sure "fixing" another server will draw more racers in.
Quote from SamH :You didn't actually state that, though.. and if that's what you meant by what you did state, it could perhaps have been stated a lot better cuz I didn't get what you now state is what you stated, from what you stated when you stated it at first.

Quote from HVS5b :I am loving the fresh TBO Race 2, I just really liked the RAC as well and it's hard to find decent pick up races with it now

Ah, the state of confusion, a place I am mighty familiar with

Quote from SamH :Outside of the CTRA admins, though, if anyone carries more influence over another person, it is by virtue of their participation in CTRA servers and not their verbosity on this forum, or in my PM box.

Totally fair point. However, I would like to think platinum and nat A licences show a reason able level of participation. My stats aint too bad either. Oh and btw, 'verbosity' - what a great word

Quote from SamH :
You say that after making a post that leaves me with an overwhelming feeling that I must defend the decisions that are made. CTRA exists for the people that drive it. Specifically the ones that drive it, though.

IMO theres no need to defend the CTRA decision in this front. It's been a well debated and totally transparent process. Proper kudos for that! Sincere apologies if you took my comments as a slur. However, I reserve the right to mourn the passing of THE most difficult road cars to drive from the CTRA servers :weeping:
Erm, also, is there a word missing from one of those last two sentences? Or is I just beink fick again .

Quote from SamH :
I think you'd be pleasantly surprised.. you should try it, whether or not it's forced

Thats a certainty, I love the FXO and RB4 but haven't tried the XRT post Z.

Hope you don't think I'm having a go or plain whining, that isn't my intention . Just my tuppence worth on a quiet day at work.

Thanks for listening
Quote from Bean0 :UFR/XFR springs to mind.

Do they really have significantly more use than the LRF class used to ?

Yes, significantly more because they are part of GT2, as Becky points out.
Quote from Becky Rose :From what I can see CTRA is more or less as popular as it's ever been, so i'm not sure "fixing" another server will draw more racers in.

A new CTRA record number of concurrent racers in CTRA servers was recently made, thanks to the resurgence in popularity of Race 2.
Quote from HVS5b :IMO theres no need to defend the CTRA decision in this front. It's been a well debated and totally transparent process. Proper kudos for that! Sincere apologies if you took my comments as a slur. However, I reserve the right to mourn the passing of THE most difficult road cars to drive from the CTRA servers :weeping:
Erm, also, is there a word missing from one of those last two sentences? Or is I just beink fick again .

Perhaps I should have said "..race IN CTRA..". I've made the CTRA noun into a CTRA adverb, which to me means racing with a particular mindset regarding racing and etiquette, in a structured environment, being slightly different from either plain pickup or straight league racing

You're not alone in mourning the passing of LRF. I love the car class very much myself, and I was really loathed to see it go. I was determined that CTRA racers would love it if they just gave it a proper try.. but we just can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. They'll simply race what they DO want to race, elsewhere.
Quote from HVS5b :Hope you don't think I'm having a go or plain whining, that isn't my intention . Just my tuppence worth on a quiet day at work.

Not at all! Everyone should pitch in how they feel!
Quote :A new CTRA record number of concurrent racers in CTRA servers was recently made, thanks to the resurgence in popularity of Race 2.

It's a shame we didnt have stats for that kind of thing when it was the STCC servers, I remember when patch X was being worked on and we had the split servers we had 4 of them packed, although I dont recall how the maximum number of cars per server worked at that point. Out of pure curiosity do you have any idea how the new record compares to that?
Quote from SamH :Yes, significantly more because they are part of GT2, as Becky points out.

A new CTRA record number of concurrent racers in CTRA servers was recently made, thanks to the resurgence in popularity of Race 2.

They are more like GT2.5 though, the laptimes are not comparable. (or weren;t last time I checked...CTRA lap record section could do with making comparisons easier)

They should have more use than LRF anyway shouldn't they, being open to a lower license ?
Quote from SamH :but we just can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. They'll simply race what they DO want to race, elsewhere.

Wouldn't "forcing" people to drive a TBO car they don't want to drive (or don't know how to drive) be kind of the same thing, then? Don't get me wrong, personally I wouldn't mind giving the XRT or the RB4 a go at all, even though I exclusively drive the FXO now. If I were forced to drive one of the 2 "underdogs" I'd happily give them a go and try to master them. I just fear that a lot of other people wouldn't be quite as enthusiastic, and I'd hate to see a virtually empty Race2 on those specific times.
@ Becky: I wish I did have numbers from the STCC server days Sadly they're not available
Quote from Bean0 :They should have more use than LRF anyway shouldn't they, being open to a lower license ?

We tried LRF in various states, to try to coax racers in them. For most of the time, they were open to the same licence as GT2 (Silver)
Quote from obsolum :Wouldn't "forcing" people to drive a TBO car they don't want to drive (or don't know how to drive) be kind of the same thing, then?

That's not what you posted saying. You said that people would complain because other people were faster in the same car. That's a different issue.

Perhaps people would object to being forced into an RB4 or an XRT and perhaps they would enjoy it. Are you saying that they would like it, or are you saying that they wouldn't, or perhaps most reasonably, you would say that it's impossible to know at this stage, without finding out, what would actually happen?

When given the option, I'd always be more interested in actually finding out, rather than assuming what people will or will not like.
Quote from SamH :Are you saying that they would like it, or are you saying that they wouldn't, or perhaps most reasonably, you would say that it's impossible to know at this stage, without finding out, what would actually happen?

I guess I'm saying that it's impossible to know at this stage, and that I'm afraid people wouldn't like it.
I wouldnt like to be unable to race the FXO, I do ocassionally drive the XRT though (Remember that STCC internal event where yours truly took an XRT to victory, oh yeah - I creamed the STCC drivers... *oozes smugness* ) i'm not keen on the RB4 personally, but the FXO is my favorite and i'd rather drive that, however you got my interest in driving firmly redirected to the FBM now with your V1 thing so I dont know how much tin top driving i'm going to do.

Ctra 2 (tbo)
(248 posts, started )