The online racing simulator
#26 - AMB
Are GWR paying you to turn a blind eye? do you think 'Elite Drivers' ignore the blue flags? and hold up numerous drivers?

Seems to me you need to check the replay and look at what they were doing not just me.
How in God green Earth am I turning a blind Eye to GWR ?

I've still penalised them in some way. The penalties are to the level of the crime. I only look at what's in the time between start of qual and end of race. between weekends, unless it's really massive, then I really do not penalise for that.

AMBs actions were unacceptable to any series, and really, a series would probably ban him for years, if not life, for the act of intentional wrecking.

And for the record, I watched everyones replay, and Colton and Barnsley DID do well underblue flags, except in a few instances where the person passing was impatient. The person issuing the blue flag STILL has to take the pass cleanly, the blue flagged driver can still race their race and hold their line. They are NOT required to pull over into the kitty litter, brake, have a picnic, then resume once you've passed. That's not how this works. The following car has all responsibility for safely making the pass, the blue flagged car has all responsibility to not contest the pass once it's made. I did penalise colton in-race for blue flag violations, recall this.

#28 - AMB
Funny how i've never received a penatly in any other series i've raced, even the big ones,

But maybe you should re-think why your so called series is so empty and you have to let people like the GWR guys race, and I don't call that a race, it's like arm wrestling a two year old, no challenge whatsoever.
All I have to say is that after watching the replay, Messy's remarks and driving was a direct answer to the GWR's driving. Not saying they were acceptable, not at all, but I understand why he did it.

Tbh, Messy did go a little too far but the GWR guys were asking for it. What they did when being lapped was completly unacceptable and it is simply unbelievable that a lapped car dive bombs a car which is clearly faster and lapping him and get's away with it without a DQ.

About Messy's penalty's, they are in a way fair but I think the point penalty to SR is a little harsh.

And Mazar, tbh, the kicking in the server should have been for Colton and Pearcy. Pearcy wasn't the only one arguing. Colton was kinda asking for it aswell.

This is coming from someone who is pretty neutral and has nothing personal agaisnt GWR or Messy.
Whatever you did Messy (and I am not getting involved in that particular debate thanks ) you were actually representing two teams on Saturday - SR and spdo. Both have spent a long time in LFS building supreme reputations.

Ask yourself (don't tell me or anyone else on here, just think about it) if everything you did was becoming of two such respected teams. Ignore what was done to you - did you behave in a way that is a credit to the teams that you belong to and raced for on Saturday?
#31 - AMB
Nope I didn't, but when something goes wrong and I know it's not my fault and nothing happens I over react, but i'll prove them wrong next race.
I didn't watch Beattie's replay so I'm not gonna comment on that. But I do think that Colton's penalty might have been a bit light considering how much he blocked other drivers, myself included, under blue flag. Boogie at least made attempts to get out of the way. I understand you don't have to leave the racing line while under a blue flag but I feel that Colton was making things especially difficult.

That being said.. The GWR drivers made the race a lot more dangerous than it should have been. I'm suggesting if they don't improve their driving by the next race that they be suspended for the season.

No hard feelings guys.
The post-race penalty for Colton is "a bit light" because I DID penalise him for Ignoring blue flags. Penalizing him for it again post-race is just double. He's on probation, that means the penalties for him will be much stricter regardless.

And if someone could point out to me a point where one of the GWR guys dive-bombed someone ? I didn't really see any dive-bombing when watching their replays. If someone points to me at what times in the replay they occured, I will gladly reconsider the penalties.

I'll rewatch it tomorow and see if I saw it correctly but I saw from Messy's POV and Messy passed him right before the S/F straight and then Messy brakes, one of the GWR guys brakes super late and knocks Messy almost in the sand. I'll try to find it tomorow and see if it was indeed a dive bomb. Meh.
So, I realised when cleaning my desk that I missed an investigation, into Colton from a late-race incident, so I have reviewed this. Here is the new outcome:

At approximately 1h03m10s, a series begins with AMB and colton. Colton gets overtaken by AMB into turn 12, then going into Turn 13, colton rear-ends AMB, spinning both out. This contact is deemed to be avoidable, and although unclear, potentially intentional. However, due to inability to completely confirm this, this will not be assumed to be the case.

The new penalty for [HR] Colton is Disqualification from resuls, and Probation is increased from 6 weeks to 9 Months, from the date of the event.

Quote from wOoOzZy :I didn't watch Beattie's replay so I'm not gonna comment on that. But I do think that Colton's penalty might have been a bit light considering how much he blocked other drivers, myself included, under blue flag. Boogie at least made attempts to get out of the way. I understand you don't have to leave the racing line while under a blue flag but I feel that Colton was making things especially difficult.

That being said.. The GWR drivers made the race a lot more dangerous than it should have been. I'm suggesting if they don't improve their driving by the next race that they be suspended for the season.

No hard feelings guys.

I rewatched both GWR guy's replays, and gooberiv was very keen to get out of the way of drivers lapping him.

I do expect that the GWR team will get better as they get more time on the tracks for oneGP. But we will see, for sure.

Can we all please get back to building this series as, all that needs saying has been said post R5. Look forward to R6, the WR was lowered at least twice and at least 3 oneGP drivers are under the old WR for the next round on day one of testing at Aston North Reverse.

On a more important note.

Round5 was run in the absence *since round4* of the original series organizer. We just about, thanks to Deko and NDR team managed to make the event happen in a very short space of time once it became clear the organizer could not and was not going to make the event.

As there is still no word, we must make plans for the future efficient running of the oneGP championship. I believe NDR should take over the running of the series in the absence of the original organizer, they have the tools, people and motivation to what the series needs in organization, event running and most importantly promotion.

In order to give them time to plan and prepare for Round6 on, please can we discuss this now and could team managers give their thoughts and a vote on whether this should or should not happen.

Best, Maz
I agree with letting NDR take over, since it doesn't seem like Silver will be back so soon
I'm all for NDR taking over the series. We have no way of knowing if silver will be back tomorrow or a year from now. And deko has shown than he's more than capable of running the series.
Quote :Re: oneGP race organisation
As the manager for AMD Capsule Racing, I think that is in the best interest of the oneGp series is to have active administration.

Therefore, if NDR decide to take over the series, I have no reason to disagree.

Above message from Thunderhead of AMD Capsule Racing. Received as PM.

Formula Racing Organization, agree with NDR taking over the organization of the championship and believe this in the best interests of the oneGP series in the original organizers absence.

Many thanks Woozy for the response from AA, yes also i though NDR Deko did a great job and looking forward to round six already.

Best, Maz
Rising Phoenix Motorsports agrees to let NDR admin the league.

I've been racing in NDR leagues since I started league racing and they are really great. Deko really wants the race to go smoothly and isn't scared to give penalty's were needed. I have absolutly no problem with having them admin the races.
#42 - slen
Am I the only person embarrassed about this race?

The drivers acted terribly.
The race admin did a poor job.
This race should have been embarrassing to everyone involved.

I do not believe that Silver would want anything like this for the league that he created and put so much work into.

That being said, I do not think that dekojester should be the admin of any other race on the calendar (any race at all). It's quite obvious after watching the replay that he handled this one extremely poorly, and that's all that should be said there.

To respect the series, the creator of the series, the drivers, and the teams... I think that we all should take a brief hiatus from the series, until Silver returns.
How did he handle it poorly? He gave penalty's were needed.

When soeone chatted without permission he gave a warning. When someone lacked respect he gave a drive through, when someone ignored blue flags he gave a stop-go. What else could you possibly want from him?

I think he did a pretty good job and gave out the penalty's that were needed. He can't control how poorly the drivers act or drive. But he can surely give out penalty's to make sure they get there head straight and race fair which is what he did quite well.

Once again, point me to 1 situation were he handled it poorly please?
Quote from slen :am I The Only Person Embarrassed About This Race?

The Drivers Acted Terribly.
The Race Admin Did A Poor Job.
This Race Should Have Been Embarrassing To Everyone Involved.

I Do Not Believe That Silver Would Want Anything Like This For The League That He Created And Put So Much Work Into.

That Being Said, I Do Not Think That Dekojester Should Be The Admin Of Any Other Race On The Calendar (any Race At All). It's Quite Obvious After Watching The Replay That He Handled This One Extremely Poorly, And That's All That Should Be Said There.

To Respect The Series, The Creator Of The Series, The Drivers, And The Teams... I Think That We All Should Take A Brief Hiatus From The Series, Until Silver Returns.

Quote from slen :Am I the only person embarrassed about this race?

The drivers acted terribly.
The race admin did a poor job.
This race should have been embarrassing to everyone involved.

I do not believe that Silver would want anything like this for the league that he created and put so much work into.

That being said, I do not think that dekojester should be the admin of any other race on the calendar (any race at all). It's quite obvious after watching the replay that he handled this one extremely poorly, and that's all that should be said there.

To respect the series, the creator of the series, the drivers, and the teams... I think that we all should take a brief hiatus from the series, until Silver returns.

I do appreciate hearing how I might have not handled situations in the best way, but I do not appreciate just being told that I did poorly with no explanation. I realize that I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, I am human, I admit that. I'm not the end all be all of Race Directors, but I try to let racers race. But I would like to hear what, in your opinion, I did that was poor. I would like to know this to know how I can improve.


Quote :I think that we all should take a brief hiatus from the series, until Silver returns.

That is definitely a option, to scrap the series.

I doubt anyone would chance being left in the lurch again a 3rd of the way into the restarted series so i doubt a hiatus would work. But is this a fair option for all the drivers that have put massive efforts into this league so far?

Quote :
I do not believe that Silver would want anything like this for the league that he created and put so much work into.

Silver could not find the time to post results after Round4! but was able to find time to race with us on our server practicing for round5. He could not find the time to post the stats, or results. A 30min job, no longer than the races he was driving in. This is effort?

The drivers on the other hand, are testing and developing sets for weeks, day after day to compete with their colleagues and peer's. Including your own teams driver, Woozy.

With all due respect. I really do not think the previous organizers effort compares to the teams or drivers..I also do not think this series to be about organizers, its about the drivers and teams competing and they should get rewarded for their efforts. Not abandoned in the middle of a championship race.

Do not forget, Deko stood in at the last minute for a absent organizer, whom as far as we know, failed to provide any one with any word at all. Including his own team members.

I and many others have driven in events handled by Deko and found them well run, delivering what they promise. Unlike the previous organization.

Best, Maz
Quote from Mazar :
Round5 was run in the absence *since round4* of the original series organizer. We just about, thanks to Deko and NDR team managed to make the event happen in a very short space of time once it became clear the organizer could not and was not going to make the event.

Yes, that was short note, but such experienced race director shouldn't have made that weird decisions.

- Letting one racer with burned clutch crawl to the pits (having other players endangered with his slow and almost uncontrolable movements) and then DNF'ing him in pitlane for burned clutch.

- Above mentioned player was asked to revving engine in pits when his clutch temerature was already going down. Just to make sure he won't be able to continue racing?

- And finally disqualifing him again for leaving race server early...

[1GP RaceAdmin] :AMD D.Opasik - DNF - Reason: Clutch
[1GP RaceAdmin] :AMD D.Opasik will be penalised post-race for disconnecting from server early.
[1GP RaceAdmin] :Likely penalty: DSQ

- Having co-admin mate with almost identital name on server chatting and commenting situation on track...

[1GP RaceAdmin] :[GWR]M.Barnsley - I will spec you shortly
[GWR]M.Barnsley :no im getting out
[1GP RaceAdmin] :Maybe.
[1GP Race Admin] :You're making about 2mm progress every few secs
[1GP Race Admin] :Should be back on the tarmac by tommorrow :D
[1GP RaceAdmin] :I think we've got two cars beached.
[1GP Race Admin] :and Miles is working on it :P
[1GP RaceAdmin] :Wow.
[1GP Race Admin] :Barnsley's put
[1GP Race Admin] :out
[1GP Race Admin] :and so is Miles!
[GWR]M.Barnsley :i got uot
[1GP Race Admin] :Out of the sand
[1GP Race Admin] ::-)
[1GP Race Admin] :That was quite spectacular

do race admins with "profesional" attitude should act like this?

- forgetting about given then cleared for some reason(?) penalties

[GWR]M.Barnsley :my drive throught needs to be reisued
[GWR]M.Barnsley :ty
[GWR]M.Barnsley completed his drive-through penalty

c'mon... does driver really needs to ask for penalty?

- Not keeping his own words.

[1GP RaceAdmin] : NOTICE: Please Drive to pitlane (inlap) after finishing. NO parking, spining, etc post-race

and at the end of race:

[1GP RaceAdmin] :Drive and get to pitlane, and pull into a garage stall
[GWR]M.Barnsley :sry
[1GP Race Admin] :LOL
[1GP RaceAdmin] :NO CHAT
[1GP RaceAdmin] :Still no chat, please
A new guest is connecting
[SR] R.Pearson connected (pearcy_2k7)
A new guest is connecting
FRO| Mazar connected (Mazar)
[SR] R.Pearson : [SR] Wisniewski - woot well done mate
[GWR]C.Miles joined the spectators
[1GP RaceAdmin] : Alright, I'll open it up.
[1GP Race Admin] : Yo Maz
[1GP Race Admin] : :-)

and at this point there were still racers left on cool-down laps driving to the pits as requested earlier.

About not serving blue flag of one of GWR racer... Who really thinks that Drive-Through or Stop-Go presents any threat for dude who is 10 or 20 laps down relatively to the driver who is blocked by him? I don't.

and finally about the race... seriously... someone has problems with 'respect' thing... Just few examples:

[1GP RaceAdmin] : [SR] M.Beattie - I'm beginning to suspect that you have some disrespect here

[1GP RaceAdmin] :Alright, those asshats who do "Teh Oval SUcks!!!111!!" clearly have no respect for others.
[1GP RaceAdmin] :IMHO.

[1GP RaceAdmin] :In addition, [SR] M.Beattie will face extra investigations after race for lack...
[1GP RaceAdmin] :...of respect to other competitors

That notices should be passed to team managers after race instead of arguing with drivers during race. IMHO.

Quote :As there is still no word, we must make plans for the future efficient running of the oneGP championship. I believe NDR should take over the running of the series in the absence of the original organizer, they have the tools, people and motivation to what the series needs in organization, event running and most importantly promotion.

Just to remind you that this is not NDR series, they just agreed to step in and help with keeping this series running, period. But since they come to this I have weird feeling that they want to steal it and run on their own with their own stated rules (clearly disobeying existing rules and precendents)
and finally:
Quote :(original)
by dekojester Yesterday at 5:15 pm
So, because I don't have admin here and don't have ability to edit or sticky or close or open anything, I'm going to post everything from now in the LFSForums subsection for oneGP. I will be creating a New Dimension Racing subsection soon for oneGP, once I get the fourm set up for us, so that we may have an extra place to post than the LFSForums.

how not having admin rights in forum makes his work any different and
even not possible to complete?

Quote from Mazar :Silver could not find the time to post results after Round4! but was able to find time to race with us on our server practicing for round5. He could not find the time to post the stats, or results. A 30min job, no longer than the races he was driving in. This is effort?

round 4 was 28.06 2008 and Silver was gone missing 2 days later... add some time for post race appeals he was waiting for and there's not much time left for posting the results (not to mention having some real life things issues that pays the bills). And since you have no idea what was the cause of his absence you have no right to question all the effort he put into organising and running this series with just one sily sentence.

just my 5 cents.. no change needed...
Also giving our driver a penalty of 8 points I didn't agree with. You stuck with this penalty even after you admitted you missed the incident that caused his reaction 1st time around that he got so angry about and when you did see it you kept the penalty? I admit his reaction and language were totally inappropriate, but come on....

Quote "At approximately 1h03m10s, a series begins with AMB and colton. Colton gets overtaken by AMB into turn 12, then going into Turn 13, colton rear-ends AMB, spinning both out. This contact is deemed to be avoidable, and although unclear, potentially intentional. However, due to inability to completely confirm this, this will not be assumed to be the case.

The new penalty for [HR] Colton is Disqualification from resuls, and Probation is increased from 6 weeks to 9 Months, from the date of the event."
JoRuss, for the clutch I think it was a fair call. In real life do you make the guy teleport to a certain spectate mode or do you black flag him and see if the damage is at a state were he can keep going. I think he asked to keep the engin revving because if you dont and you pull out of the pits the clutch gets badly damaged.

Now don't tell me a DSQ isn't needed when a racer has his clutch burnt and clearly will be a danger to others.

The co admin did have exessive chat indeed.

For the penalty you said was cleared it wasn't as far as I can remember. He served his drive-through during safety car period and was told he was going to be reassigned his penalty once the track went green again. They were about to do it and he asked for it so they did give it anyways lol.

Tbh, JoRuss, if silver fails to continue a running league without notice, he shouldn't have to start it. NDR was nice enough to make efforts and time to help us finish the series anyways because we love it. If they weren't there the series would be dead. What Silver did shouldn't happen. Are you going to tell me that the better admin is the one who ditches everyone? Now don't get me wrong, something bad could of happened to him. If so it is not his fault. But we aren't going to wait forever for him... We gotta move on with the league... LOTA did the same with SR Cup. The initial admin gave up on it because it was wayyy too much work and LOTA decided to take it from there with the initial admin still being in the admin team which made things easier and kept the league running so that all the efforts that ppl put into it isn't lost.

The only thing I found exessive was the 8 point penalty given to SR. I understand that the penalty was given because the team must make sure that the driver knows and follows the rules but a DQ already puts them 8 points behind what they should of had. An additional 8 points makes a 16 point penalty pretty much which is indeed exessive.

Overall I found the admining great. Apart from that single penalty.
Quote :I admit his reaction and language were totally inappropriate,

As you know, Silver had NO tolerance for swearing on server, Messy would have been banned let alone disqualified had Silver been there. No doubts about it and we all know that.

Quote :
Just to remind you that this is not NDR series, they just agreed to step in and help with keeping this series running, period. But since they come to this I have weird feeling that they want to steal it and run on their own with their own stated rules (clearly disobeying existing rules and precendents)

Let me remind you, it was me who asked them to come in.

This series has no admin control, no promotion and no server accessible by admin. If the teams are not in agreement with NDR running it, its over, finished. Make you minds up now please and not waste any more of the teams and drivers time.

Best, Maz
This thread is closed