Right Car, Wrong Badge

I'll let you have it, my car was the 1939 Hupmobile Skylark
Quote from Xaid0n :Right Car, Wrong Badge

I'll let you have it, my car was the 1939 Hupmobile Skylark

AHHH i fopund it before you posted it
So this will be my first post
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Closest I've come across is the Wolseley
(speedway) DELETED by speedway
It's an old car isn't it? Kick me if I'm wrong hehe
Just some hints because i need to go to work!

- it's not European
- it was built somewhere between 1940 - 1970
- model name is three letters/numbers there's no 9 init ^^
Is it an MGB?
EDIT: woops found it, its a Gaz 12
Yea Xaid0n is right

Xaid0n you cheat!
ehm NO he is wrong it's not a Gaz 12

name of the car begins with "Z" and the modell has three numbers :P

but as u gave me i will gave it back to ya

It was a

1956 Zil 114

Quote from AjRose :toki I just noticed your sig you should check out E30tech.com

Awesome site, thanks for this
lol @ eight, its the same car like my skylark was the graham, ill post up when ive found a pic (will edit post)

EDIT: Here it is, shouldn't take long
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(Töki (HUN)) DELETED by Töki (HUN)
New Opel Astra Sedan?!
It's not the Astra I'm looking for
Nor the Vecra
Opel Insignia
Opel Insignia... darn you where faster
Toki Wins! Cookie for you Post up boy
(Töki (HUN)) DELETED by Töki (HUN)

What am i?
(6421 posts, started )