The online racing simulator

Poll : Favorite racing view while racing??

In Cockpit
Hi danowat,

you know, i already have a cockpit view, the real cockpit i use to play, with steering wheel, gear shifter, etc... so i dt want to have both steering wheel in my pov
I checked this again this morning, when i'm looking the road, the dials are NOT in my field of view, also i see only top of the steering wheel, so, in my opinion, the standard LFS cockpit view is not realistic, so i prefered make my own one exactly like Infinity pov.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've always thought that TrackIR would make racing impossible. Right now, the only indication we have of whether the rear of the car is stepping out is the lateral movement of the view on screen. If that view could be changed just by absent-mindedly moving your head... Well, you'd never know what the hell the car was doing.

Thats why I stopped using my TrackIR quite quickly after I bought it - thought it would help, but it just made being quick so much harder, and no more rewarding.
cockpit view, is the more realistic view, i think.
Quote from Tweaker :Aghh you're still not getting the point danowat. You are restricted of having a realistic view because of the monitor, and in a sense, you CAN'T have a full cone of viewing range because of it. That picture I showed is just a representation of what it would be like if you had only a monitor to use to drive a real car from.

Your point is this I think:

If you want an accurate FOV (as in "true to life") in LFS, you need to measure the angle of two lines extending from the bridge of your nose to the edges of your viewing area. If you set LFS's FOV to that angle, you would see what you would see IRL through the monitor, excluding your peripheral vision.
Cockpit view, with an FOV of about 100°, I think... The instruments are a lot more compact than in custom view (why do I need to know how much I steer? I know where I'm going...) and it's about the FOV I'd have in RL (plus, I have both mirrors on the screen, I just have to glance in the corner, same for instruments...)
With that setting I'd probably drive every corner at 2/3 of the normal speed, because everything would feel so FAST
I like being fast...

In fact, I don't really think it's fast... The tracks are so wide, it even feels slow... Or maybe I just adjusted to it, who knows...
I was driving for a few hours today back home from work and like dan I also tried to visualise the LFS cockpit and how I could interpret the view I could see onto the screen. I came up with this and so far, it feels a lot closer to driving my own car (VW Touran - so I'm up quite high). You'll see that the view is slightly angled down so you can see some of the bonnet as well.

Anyway, each to their own and there isn't a right or wrong way, you just need to experiment and try a few different angles. This one is actually growing on me I have to say.
Attached images
Only cockpit view. In all simulators.
Zero7, that looks very close to mine, except in that seat you should only see a glove box and the dash. The wheel and guages should be on the other side, LOL. To me, it isn't about what you see/what you don't see, it's about proportion. You have to think when visualizing in your real car and scale it down to monitor size AND correct proportion. Those with anything 80 or above, the proportion is just so wrong. I don't see the mirrors out in front of me, they are to the side. I have to turn my head to look at them, therefore I shouldn't see them on the monitor as well unless turning my head. Same with any part of the doorpanel or passenger side of the car. They should not be in view on the monitor if you set the proportion correct.
I treat my monitor as my windscreen, though have the cam centered in car, as I don't have the same ability to compensate for view as in real life... none of the car visible, 120 fov (only possible since I picked up a 21" screen, looked too distorted previously) to emulate peripheral vision as well as possible.
A widescreen monitor really helps I found, I use cockpit view and see the mirrors without needing to use a high fov, about 85 I think.
Is it me or does phrase 'soft poll' sound slighlty suspect.
No I think you just have too much time to spare
Quote from mrodgers :Zero7, that looks very close to mine, except in that seat you should only see a glove box and the dash. The wheel and guages should be on the other side, LOL.

What you mean on the wrong side!!?

Quote from mrodgers :To me, it isn't about what you see/what you don't see, it's about proportion. You have to think when visualizing in your real car and scale it down to monitor size AND correct proportion. Those with anything 80 or above, the proportion is just so wrong. I don't see the mirrors out in front of me, they are to the side. I have to turn my head to look at them, therefore I shouldn't see them on the monitor as well unless turning my head. Same with any part of the doorpanel or passenger side of the car. They should not be in view on the monitor if you set the proportion correct.

Absolutely. In fact I was on Aston GP Rev (in the FXR) last night with this view and even though it's a low FOV it still felt very fast and the speed did feel closer to the real thing. The other thing that I couldn't do with this is reposition the mirror so it was in view (the mirror settings were at their max), so I had to resort to the virtual mirror which whilst showed who was behind me, it didn't truely represent where someone was as they tried to pass me on the inside. I'm not sure if this has been suggested as well, but an option to look 45 degrees left and right would be nice just so you can look in the wing mirrors (well, it would be useful for this type of view).
#91 - IDUI
I'd like to thank cvearl and all those who contributed to this thread. You've made me faster! I now can actually see where I'm going. Didn't bother with changing FOV before. Now I gave the smaller FOV a chance and :wow: I can see! :woohoo:
Cockpit. Always cockpit, with these settings:

- Field of view : 90°
- 1g head tilt : 1.00°
- 1g lateral shift : 0.010 m
- 1g forward shift : 0.040 m
- 1g vertical shift : 0.030 m
- Move view with animation : on
- Look function : steer
- Look sensitiviy : 0.30

Those make the driving experience more "alive" for me. Great feeling of driving
FOV - 60°
1g head tilt - 2.00°
1g lateral shift - 0.030m
1g forward shift - 0.030m
1g vertical shift - 0.020m
Move.... - on
look function - steer
look sensitivity - 1.00

Now that's what you call immersion! I do drive with those settings too..
Quote from three_jump :I've also seen some really strange view settings... like the "120° frog wheels view" fordman was using when I visited him....

is there any chance that you or fordman could post a screenshot of that? i'm having trouble getting my head around "120° frog wheels view"

Quote from IDUI :I'd like to thank cvearl and all those who contributed to this thread. You've made me faster! I now can actually see where I'm going. Didn't bother with changing FOV before. Now I gave the smaller FOV a chance and :wow: I can see! :woohoo:

I am just very happy and suprised that so many actually responded. Usually forums are not this alive.

Although I have not gotten my LFS Full version yet (but will soon) I am becomming increasing convinced this is a long term game opportunity for me.

This number of responses in this little time is a testiment to the quality and quantity of the online community of this game.

Just got to get off my azz and register and get out there and drive!!! Still finnishing GTL and RBR seasons first though. Gotta get my moneys worth outta those tites. Because something tells me I will not be driving other sims once I start here.

Very wise thinking
TV cams the only way to go
I've tried to use top down view (sky view?) in banger racing .
Quote from mrodgers :I've tried to use top down view (sky view?) in banger racing .

So that's what you call autocross: Banger racing!



FYI that Pacifica Racing fellow came back and absolutely slaughtered my best time on my own track

Does anyone use an FOV that would be akin to RL (like... 40 degrees or so?) When I first started LFSing I used to run 100 degrees, and now that I use 80 it looks really strange using high FOV. I thought I would really miss the sensation of speed but I don't at all
Watch out for those Pacifica Racing guys BBT, pack of bloody cheats they are