Imho, adding weight restriction:
1) Will totally kill it's front tires...then it's will be a bit unfair.
2) In real world FWD cars from this type usually always lighter [like Integra Type R etc]
I am fine with this,that Fast FXO drivers will be still fast [same as XRT fast drivers are damn fast].
1 second slower FXO = what we need,imho.
Because now if we look at all WR times......FXO aliens to 1 sec better than FXO/RB4 aliens.
So we can be even by restricting it a little bit.
I think XRT aliens will agree with it,because they are already very fast [not in comparation to current FXO WR makers].
But here - the choice is all yours...we are here to make the conclusion by our Expirience in CTRA racing of how we make Racing more Spirited and interesting.i looked, currect FXO power is 237 hp, with 3% restriction it's 226 hp [11 hp off]. It should make around 1 second off.
They still will win "out of the corner" [if other drivers ain't aliens], but finally FXO will be a bit slower in acceleration and top speed.
Imho - for best close racing we need cars, that each of them has it's own strengths [like in real life].
If any of you watch Best Motoring track battles, so there for example Honda S2000 almost always the weakest car, but it's Balance and Late Braking make her fast around track.
AWD's usually fastest around corners,but their drivetrain "eats" power, so on straights it's visible.
Well, you understood the point
Is there a possibility to cause SCAWEN to read this thread and to implement it in next LFS patch ? Because we are first-hand racers that "feel" the unbalancing of TBO.
Have a nice day!