Let me have my two-cents here ^^
First about your disability dude. I feel sympathy for you because I know some people who are disabled (in different ways), and their life isn't as easy as non-disabled people's. However, I don't quite get the link between disability and Oval racing ?
Check this video (
http://www.driftblog.fr/prepar ... -de-drift-pour-handicape/), the guy lost the use of his two legs and still he CAN drift with an adapted car. The point of this video is that with all the steering aids you can get from LFS, you can build yourself an aid-setup that can help you drive better and easier. It's long, it's annoying, it takes time, but it can have very unexpectedly good results

As others said, but this has already been discussed before, saying that not adding an Oval is discriminating against disabled people isn't very kind, andwon't get you far. But as everything was said on this point, I will move on
My second point is Oval Racing itself. I'm not a member of the anti-oval-police or the oval-brigade but I yet have some stuff to say about this kind of racing. Firstly, I guess that in LFS people don't have the maturity to race the oval.
Most of them go there because they think it is easy and end up turning the race into the crashfest, which is very annoying.
The oval nerds (especially the teams), even if they are good there, also contribute to give a bad image of oval.
I mean, you guys know that you play for winning, get the best times, have the best draft pattern, which is normal and cool to watch. But everytime one of you guys crashes you just restart hard the race as if you didn't care for the other racers, which isn't the best way to show you're fairplay, right ? And when other people try to restart on their own, you just tell them that their mouth can get Jaffa'ed.
About the track itself, I'd say that the only challenging corner is the 3rd bended one, only because when you're distracted you don't see/feel in time that the bend is slightly lower than the two others, then you start sliding or understeering bad. This is good for passing moves, when you go all out on here and you end up with a massive fail.
That track is too wide for what LFS cars can do know. Even with the best setups for the Oval, you're never ever really at the limit of your cars, which doesn't seem fun to do. Finally, the aerodraft model isn't good, so yet it needs to be perfected in order to reflect the real oval racing.
I would be glad to have another Oval, but a short one. Why ? Because what is fun/impressive in oval racing is too see 40 dudes going bumpers to bumpers in lines, etc... The Oval we have now is too big for the car possibilities, so we never really see this. What we see is more of a dance in every corner, people switching places, etc.
A short, narrow, twist oval would be good, because it would be more technical (people would actually have to lift-off before the corners -and even brake- and the traffic would be so packed that it would be really hard to pass/overlap people), so this would train them for the bigger oval, where actually people could race and give us a show.