The online racing simulator
#1 - tpa
Little control issue regarding driver changes.
My team is going to compete in the endu league with driver changes and all that. Now we've got a small problem because one of our drivers races with a joystick and thus he uses a much lower maximum lock in his setups then we wheel drivers do.

I know it's not exactly realistic, but it would be very cool if it was possible to adjust the maximum lock during pitting.
Or, since max wheel lock is not only a property of the car, but also of the type of controller you use, maybe an option could be added in the controls menu?
like a "max. lock multiplier", which someone with joystick could set to 1, where his mates whith wheel can set a value of 2 oder 1.8 oder something like that..
buy a wheel, Lucky It's about time anyway...
thats your solution to everything ;p

/me is speaking for joystick users all over the world