I've been working on a force feedback brake pedal using the guts of a dual-shock controller. I can get it to vibrate at a certain pedal position using a simple switch but it would be better to vibrate (or more to be more realistic, stop vibrating) when a wheel locks up. I can't find any insim or outgage data that would support this and a previous thread says there is none. I suppose there may be a hack from tire temps or skid sound, but that would be too slow and too confusing.
Is there no way to get wheel speeds out of the sim? If so, insim/outsim is sorely lacking.....
I followed a thread by the maker of that ivibe seat asking for similar data....the common belief was that if the makers of $20,000 simulators don't need the data, then no one else does. Total BS. There's alot of data that would be useful for motion cues aside from g-force and position data. This is just one of them...
Is there no way to get wheel speeds out of the sim? If so, insim/outsim is sorely lacking.....
I followed a thread by the maker of that ivibe seat asking for similar data....the common belief was that if the makers of $20,000 simulators don't need the data, then no one else does. Total BS. There's alot of data that would be useful for motion cues aside from g-force and position data. This is just one of them...