The online racing simulator
do you have a uk proxy that i can use?
i tried a couple but none of them works
i see rain?
Quote from Vain :SpeedTV via TVUplayer (->google) has been working perfectly for years.
However it sometimes lags behind reality by several minutes, so don't check the forum during the ads, or you might read something that your stream didn't yet show.


Well, there is the normal ~30 secs lag (I've counted it) but Speed TV always shows qualifying about 15 mins too late. That's the American way of showing "live". It's not because of the stream. Race itself is really live.
Ooh, look at the monitor then.
Too bad, Trulli already pitted. 2 or 3 more laps for Hamilton behind Trulli would have been better.
anyone hear a big clunk from hamilton when lauching from the pitbox?
Quote from Crommi :Just use UK proxy for your browser.

(OT) does that actually work? all the sites i've tried to do that on don't work... stuff like comedy central, etc. its like they detect the proxy and stop transfer.
Quote from bunder9999 :(OT) does that actually work? all the sites i've tried to do that on don't work... stuff like comedy central, etc. its like they detect the proxy and stop transfer.

Yes, watching it atm since I don't own TV
mind sharing which proxy you are using??
Woah nasty crash on Glock!!

Rear suspension faliure! .

Safety car is out, not good for Massa with low fuel stop?
noooooooo, SC Damn u Toyota!
aieeeeeeee, fox doesn't air this till this afternoon, no wonder my dvr isn't recording... *fingers in ears* shut up shut up shut up!
Holy crap all teams ready to pit!! This should be fun!

Hamilton stayed out, how stupid was that?
#96 - JCTK
why didn't Lewis pit~? =.="
Alonso over white line, and Webber looks as if his engine is going to go.
Isn't he on a longer fuel stint? Might use the lighter car as an advantage.
Quote from BigDave2967 :Isn't he on a longer fuel stint? Might use the lighter car as an advantage.

But not for enough laps to make it worth it, IMO.

I think, he just lost the race there.
Quote from BigDave2967 :Isn't he on a longer fuel stint? Might use the lighter car as an advantage.

only like 3 laps...... stupid if you ask me, Hamilton cant fly at 400kph to get big enough gap over Massa.......