Quote from bavorak :wtf???? i had time 1-12-91 and I was on server with mazdarati and benjiMC who both raced 1-13-04 and they are invited to race and I m not??? where is the point of this decision?

commitment, consistency etc.
Not how fast you are.....

Well done to those who got through!
Good luck!
Oh btw, Sam or someone, where exactly will the race be streamed? Or will it not?
How can I watch the race?
Quote from DevilDare :commitment, consistency etc.
Not how fast you are.....

Well done to those who got through!
Good luck!
Oh btw, Sam or someone, where exactly will the race be streamed? Or will it not?

I have always thought that every Q is just about the best time but I see you have very strange rules...and I dont think I broke rules in some way...I let pass racers on blue flag if they were faster and I tried not to endanger others...what else should I do to qualify...I was very happy with that time I made and then you tell me that it isnt about time...

do you know how much laps I screwed up because slower racer didnt wanna pass me even if they were in first (not qualifing) lap?
Quote from bavorak :I have always thought that every Q is just about the best time but I see you have very strange rules...and I dont think I broke rules in some way...I let pass racers on blue flag if they were faster and I tried not to endanger others...what else should I do to qualify...I was very happy with that time I made and then you tell me that it isnt about time...

ok, you put in fast times, good. But have you entered practise servers? showed that you really want to do well, put in as much laps as possible?
My laps were crap, but i tried my best, did some practise races, be friendly etc. For my level, i believe i went pretty far, getting to Q2 i was happy. Dont forget there will be alot more chances to race.
when I had time I raced on practice servers and finished 2nd almost every race (vincper was first ) so why did I get into Q2 if couldnt qualify into race? what´s the point of this all? I would like SamH to tell something to it...explain me what was wrong with my time? I m a bit angry now because I was content with my time and finally I could say that this was good qualification for me but as I see it wasnt good at all for admins
Best thing to do is accept it and try again as soon as you get the chance. I was quicker than one guy in the Q2 session yet he got in and I didn't because I spun the car more then once.
i dont know.... like i said i am happy to where i got. I will keep on practising and hoping for even better results in next Grand Prix after my hols.
Thanks to V1 and Sam, good job guys Fun "events"

What i can say to bavorak is dont put ur self down, there will be 8-9 more races, i am sure you will make it to some of the races.

Now off to watch F1 !
Quote :I m quite sure that if Trismo (lfsw nick schabram) would race then vincper wont get victory for sure....

For sure, so where is Trismo in the list?

i dont think he bothers
Quote from Mazar :For sure, so where is Trismo in the list?


He seems to have made a mistake in LFS accounts. He qualified as shaby for Q1, but he didn't show up for that session.

I've found out today, from another racer, that he qualified in Q1 under a different username - schabram. Unfortunately, because schabram didn't enter any qualification laps for open qualifying, and therefore didn't qualify for Q1, he was automatically excluded from the Q1 results and didn't pass to Q2.

Yesterday, I emailed the registration email address that I have on file for schabram, asking him to explain how he gained access to the Q1 server (which was private, only qualifiers had the password) and I got no answer. I now realise that he qualified once as shaby and once as schabram, but I had no way to connect the two before someone told me today. If he'd answered the email I sent, I could have adjusted the records and assigned all laps run to one or the other username, and he would have been able to qualify.

It's very unfortunate, but there is nothing that we can do here.
SamH explain me how havent I qualified into race if I had better time than some racers which go to race?
thx for answer...I am very curious about it
So stamping your feet gets you into a race now then yeah?

Explains how Danica got in then
Quote :Qualifiers for Season 1, Race 1
Q2 is now completed! Thank you to everyone who took part. The qualifying session ran for exactly one hour, during which the 35 qualifying drivers put in a total of 989 timed laps.

We have already emailed our top qualifiers, but since we are now forced to review the results, we must temporarily rescind the message sent out. Please bear with us as we review and resolve any discrepencies.

You managed to drop 2 of the finest real racers i've ever had the pleasure of working with in 18 years involved in Motorsport.

With due respect...

FRO|Trismo and FRO|Hibex both have won our 49 Laps BL1 FBM GP on many occasions, both averaging under 14's for that distance, no pitstops, one set of R1 tyres.

Hibex has the most consistent laps in every oneGP round to date, and every LFSCART race to date. He leads both series despite getting S2 only 3months ago as a prize for winning FRO's BL1 FBM GP series.

Are you sure you are searching for the best drivers? and have the tools to be able to identify them? so Trismo makes a mistake with his acct, why would you exclude him due to this if hes met the other criterion?

Best, Maz
Quote from Mike Bingo :So stamping your feet gets you into a race now then yeah?

Explains how Danica got in then

Highlighting a clear error in the qualifying system is all that anyone outside the V1 admins has done. We have manually reviewed all the qualifying sessions run today and we have a revised list of qualifiers.

Nobody who races today will do so for any other reason than because they are genuine qualifiers, having submitted good laps during the official qualifying period. Noise or no noise.
Fair enough then.
I've just seen the revised results and I would like apologise for my previous statement, can't argue with whats there.

Now how do I get to watch the race?
Quote from Mike Bingo :I've just seen the revised results and I would like apologise for my previous statement, can't argue with whats there.

Now how do I get to watch the race?

We'll be beginning work on the broadcast first thing tomorrow at the studio in London. It's the first time we've done this, but we should be good to release the race broadcast on Wednesday. That's our target, though. We'll make a replay of the race available later today, and I will post a link to it as soon as I can
Nice, is there anyway other way to get besides being quick on LFS?
Afterall when there's element of danger involved it all changes
Quote from Mike Bingo :Nice, is there anyway other way to get besides being quick on LFS?
Afterall when there's element of danger involved it all changes

Yep, be *pretty darn fast*, and also persistent and consistent in LFS.

There are other ways into motorsports, but all of them require significant financial input. That's not our area, though, and others will be able to advise you on club-level, karting etc. The point, with V1, is to extend the opportunity to everyone regardless of financial status. If you do have money, though, there is always an alternative way.
Whey, 12th on the grid

I feel really bad for Ladinho, look how close our times were:

jaws99 01:13.33
Ladhino 01:13.34
"This host requires a spectator password".

We are not allowed to watch it?
I'm getting "this host requires a spectators password" when I try and spectate via lfsremote?

V1 Championship
(738 posts, started )