Momo force axis
(4 posts, started )
Momo force axis
hi i got momo force it was working completely fine untill i switched to keyboard in lfs one night, i went to use my wheel the next day the brake was working fine, but the throttle pedel wasnt working at all but when i turned my wheel it would accelate (sp) and decelate as i turned but it would also steer aswell ive checked the axis and everything they are all right but throttle axis has decided to share the steering one

any body had the same trouble ??

if so can somebody please help me

or any ideas would help lot

55 veiws no reply ?? come on guys some one must know
maybe you need the clear calibration program from the website to set your axxis right again.
first i would try to deinstall the logitech drivers from you system and reinstall them once again - if the problem persists try the momo tweak utility (that was made for the problem when the wheel is not centering right) and the other utilites from the wingmanteam site.

by momo force do you mean the red one?
if so this page might be also of interest to you:

peace mo
tried them still hasnt worked come on guys thought some one would know about this program

Momo force axis
(4 posts, started )