The online racing simulator
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :They can't give team orders

Sure they can. :rolleyes: It's just a matter of making it look like they're not doing it. Which obvously makes sense when other driver is slower.

MTV3 (our F1 channel) pit reporter had tried to interview Heikki after the race, he had just shouted something that he's pissed because he's not allowed to race. And I'm not making this up, the interview said that on the post race coverage.

Quote from deggis :Sure they can. :rolleyes:

exactly... if they didn't, we wouldn't have had that alonso/hamilton beef last year.
Excellent performance by lewis.

But the crappy bais commentry from ITV makes me want to hate him grrr..

They even classed the Hekki team order as a great overtake by lewis

I think Massa just wants to play it safe this season as hes seen how far kubica has gone due to it, he was probably thinking if he fought with lewis they would probably hit and he would lose on alot of potential points and be behind hes team mate(which is worse then being behind hamilton because the team can decide to make kimi the title contender instead).
every bleedin race we get this crap!!!, i carnt belive the crap you lot spew somtimes i really carnt....

what does a driver have to do to show he is worthy of a F1 seat???? i personly dont give a rats ass what LH is like at home or in a confrence! if i was interested in that crap i would be watching big brother FFS!!..

your all going on about lewis's "EGO" and and then bring shui into it!!!! do you know feck all about F1??? MS had got the biggest ego ever to sit in a F1 car, LH has nothing on him, i said last race all this comparison to MS and sena is a friggin JOKE¬!!! he aint done 2 seasons yet he wont even be close to senna/MS for another 3 years then we will talk but understand this people THATS WHAT THE MEDIA DO!!!, build a sportsman up and thrash em to death when there is more money in dishing the dirt, it happens in every sport!....

like lewis or hate him he drove awsome today. but some of you people have got a problem with even giving him that, his team made one big booby and he pulled it back, you carnt even complain "lewis didnt have any competion" he had to fight his way back, granted not mutch in the way of fighting but he still had to nail it to do it, but no... he dont sound right in a confrence so whats he doing in a F1 car, you even nailed him cus he moved!!!!!!!! so have all the other drivers!!!!!!!! button lives in monaco so what who gives a toss??????????, do you know what is like to have the worlds press at ya door every 5 mins??? vidio'ing ya while ya have a crap??? and do you REALLY!!!!!! i mean REALLY expect him to turn round and say "yes ive moved bucause i now earn 12 million a year i want to get out of paying stupidly high taxes!!!!!!".. cus if you do you need to have yur balls removed from your brow, cus if i was him I WOULD and so would you...

as regards the race ...

hikki pass....

every transmision is monitered its against regulations... if the team did send anything (not even confermed) it would be somthing like "hikki lewis is comming up and running 1 sec faster" and no matter what you ass hats say its hikki's decission to let him go/make it easy, lewis wasnt even expecting it.. if it was planned it would have gone a bit smoother than that...

massa pass...

this one i PARTIALY agree he did make it a bit to easy, but we are all here cus we race either in RL or online, NOW call me a dunce here, but if i was tied at the top of the championship half way through the season, and in this race i know my car aint gona blitz the pack plus i was getting problems with the tires and brakes i really wouldnt want to get into a slip and slide tangle with a car lapping way faster than me with fresh boots on!, its a thing called damage limitation, massa was never gona hold lewis back, LH was on a rampage while massa was strugling to get a decent lap in, you seem to think that massa should have defended as if his life depended on it!! and if they did come together then hey so what the !2! cars would be out ????????????? its not writen in stone that if 2 cars meet they BOTH go out, massa could have defended met with LH and ended up in the wall with 0 points to show for it and lewis goes scampering off in to the wild blue, then you would all be nailing massa for a dumb ass move!! personly i think it was a clever move from massa (if it was meant) not to tangle with lewis, and if that was me i would be happy just like he was today.. at least lewis is in touching distance and the reds found it hard going today, but no lewis passes someone and there is somthing behind it, well ya right its called thinking!!...

piquet pass.....

no brainer here really, he had a grate drive but he KNOWS he carnt compete with the mclaren's pace plus he's got 2 in the bag!!!!!!! wtf would you do???? i personly think that msg over the radio was a stupid move from renault, putting all that pressure on a new guy like that with a car that carnt shake off a honda most of the time, the 2x world champ wouldnt have been able to hold him never mind piquet, if i was him i would have stoped let him through gave him a wave and thought 2nd will do me just fine flavio thank you very mutch, and actualy get to the finnish, whats the point????, you all know how dangerouse it is when your comming up behind a car a lot slower in pace than ya self lock ups happen and then your a passenger, would you risk your first F1 podium for that??? naa me nither....

so am i a LH love child ???????...... NO i like to see him race i dont want his arse! or to move in with the guy... is he even comperable to MS/senna??? dont make me laugh he's still learning how to spell F1 could he be??? time will tell... but its possible in years to come..

i just carnt see how we carnt have a discusion abou the RACE! and not how LH eats his cream egg, cus frankly i dont give a crap, i watch f1 for what i saw today, not to kiss the screen everytime LH walks on the podium...

if you want closer racing dont watch F1 its to money oriented most F1 races are down to the clock and pitstops, it often you get what we got today, so just enjoy it and STFU FFS, i dont care who's driving the car i just want to see some action!!...

so is lewis the best driver on the track??? for me NO kimi is the better allround package at the moment.....
Quote from Gizz :

massa pass...

this one i PARTIALY agree he did make it a bit to easy, but we are all here cus we race either in RL or online, NOW call me a dunce here, but if i was tied at the top of the championship half way through the season, and in this race i know my car aint gona blitz the pack plus i was getting problems with the tires and brakes i really wouldnt want to get into a slip and slide tangle with a car lapping way faster than me with fresh boots on!, its a thing called damage limitation, massa was never gona hold lewis back, LH was on a rampage while massa was strugling to get a decent lap in, you seem to think that massa should have defended as if his life depended on it!! and if they did come together then hey so what the !2! cars would be out ????????????? its not writen in stone that if 2 cars meet they BOTH go out, massa could have defended met with LH and ended up in the wall with 0 points to show for it and lewis goes scampering off in to the wild blue, then you would all be nailing massa for a dumb ass move!! personly i think it was a clever move from massa (if it was meant) not to tangle with lewis, and if that was me i would be happy just like he was today..

See this is the problem with racers today.....back in the good old days, Senna would have just punted his teammate/rival off so that if he wasn't going to get the win, then neither is that son of a B

Seriously though, Massa could have defended it a bit more, but now drivers are more concerned about damage limitation rather than defending to the hilt. I know it sounds strange (and very difficult for me to put across my point properly without coming across a complete arse)...but to me it just seems a bit wimpish
Quote from Gizz :every bleedin race we get this crap!!!, i carnt belive the crap you lot spew somtimes i really carnt....

what does a driver have to do to show he is worthy of a F1 seat???? i personly dont give a rats ass what LH is like at home or in a confrence! if i was interested in that crap i would be watching big brother FFS!!..

your all going on about lewis's "EGO" and and then bring shui into it!!!! do you know feck all about F1??? MS had got the biggest ego ever to sit in a F1 car, LH has nothing on him, i said last race all this comparison to MS and sena is a friggin JOKE¬!!! he aint done 2 seasons yet he wont even be close to senna/MS for another 3 years then we will talk but understand this people THATS WHAT THE MEDIA DO!!!, build a sportsman up and thrash em to death when there is more money in dishing the dirt, it happens in every sport!....

like lewis or hate him he drove awsome today. but some of you people have got a problem with even giving him that, his team made one big booby and he pulled it back, you carnt even complain "lewis didnt have any competion" he had to fight his way back, granted not mutch in the way of fighting but he still had to nail it to do it, but no... he dont sound right in a confrence so whats he doing in a F1 car, you even nailed him cus he moved!!!!!!!! so have all the other drivers!!!!!!!! button lives in monaco so what who gives a toss??????????, do you know what is like to have the worlds press at ya door every 5 mins??? vidio'ing ya while ya have a crap??? and do you REALLY!!!!!! i mean REALLY expect him to turn round and say "yes ive moved bucause i now earn 12 million a year i want to get out of paying stupidly high taxes!!!!!!".. cus if you do you need to have yur balls removed from your brow, cus if i was him I WOULD and so would you...

as regards the race ...

hikki pass....

every transmision is monitered its against regulations... if the team did send anything (not even confermed) it would be somthing like "hikki lewis is comming up and running 1 sec faster" and no matter what you ass hats say its hikki's decission to let him go/make it easy, lewis wasnt even expecting it.. if it was planned it would have gone a bit smoother than that...

massa pass...

this one i PARTIALY agree he did make it a bit to easy, but we are all here cus we race either in RL or online, NOW call me a dunce here, but if i was tied at the top of the championship half way through the season, and in this race i know my car aint gona blitz the pack plus i was getting problems with the tires and brakes i really wouldnt want to get into a slip and slide tangle with a car lapping way faster than me with fresh boots on!, its a thing called damage limitation, massa was never gona hold lewis back, LH was on a rampage while massa was strugling to get a decent lap in, you seem to think that massa should have defended as if his life depended on it!! and if they did come together then hey so what the !2! cars would be out ????????????? its not writen in stone that if 2 cars meet they BOTH go out, massa could have defended met with LH and ended up in the wall with 0 points to show for it and lewis goes scampering off in to the wild blue, then you would all be nailing massa for a dumb ass move!! personly i think it was a clever move from massa (if it was meant) not to tangle with lewis, and if that was me i would be happy just like he was today.. at least lewis is in touching distance and the reds found it hard going today, but no lewis passes someone and there is somthing behind it, well ya right its called thinking!!...

piquet pass.....

no brainer here really, he had a grate drive but he KNOWS he carnt compete with the mclaren's pace plus he's got 2 in the bag!!!!!!! wtf would you do???? i personly think that msg over the radio was a stupid move from renault, putting all that pressure on a new guy like that with a car that carnt shake off a honda most of the time, the 2x world champ wouldnt have been able to hold him never mind piquet, if i was him i would have stoped let him through gave him a wave and thought 2nd will do me just fine flavio thank you very mutch, and actualy get to the finnish, whats the point????, you all know how dangerouse it is when your comming up behind a car a lot slower in pace than ya self lock ups happen and then your a passenger, would you risk your first F1 podium for that??? naa me nither....

so am i a LH love child ???????...... NO i like to see him race i dont want his arse! or to move in with the guy... is he even comperable to MS/senna??? dont make me laugh he's still learning how to spell F1 could he be??? time will tell... but its possible in years to come..

i just carnt see how we carnt have a discusion abou the RACE! and not how LH eats his cream egg, cus frankly i dont give a crap, i watch f1 for what i saw today, not to kiss the screen everytime LH walks on the podium...

if you want closer racing dont watch F1 its to money oriented most F1 races are down to the clock and pitstops, it often you get what we got today, so just enjoy it and STFU FFS, i dont care who's driving the car i just want to see some action!!...

so is lewis the best driver on the track??? for me NO kimi is the better allround package at the moment.....

thats exactly what i think, dead on mate, well said

Off topic- are u miss spelling those words on purpose, or was it because u typed fast Loads of mistakes
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :
Seriously though, Massa could have defended it a bit more, but now drivers are more concerned about damage limitation rather than defending to the hilt. I know it sounds strange (and very difficult for me to put across my point properly without coming across a complete arse)...but to me it just seems a bit wimpish

no your NOT a complete arse thats what i call a VALID argument! thats what we should be talking about, and i 100% agree with ya, sena/prost era was simple who wants the apex most LOL, and thats where F1 has lost a lot of it's specticle for me...

so NO you didnt come over a complete arse m8 those are the things we should be talking about instead of "did you see the way driver "A" looked bernies man boobs" cus that i have no interest in..

i hate it when 20 mins of a F1 showing is taken up with politics!!!!!!! its F1 FFS not newsround, i dont care if mosely gave the plumbers arse what for while the dog watched on, im not interested he can put his C*%K in a deep fat fryer for all i care...

last season (i for get witch "SCANDLE") 4 solid races it was banging on about this crap and flavio turns round and says "aaahhh yeaaaa lets go racing!" i was hanging from the lights!! lets just race!!!!!!!! put "asama binladan" in LH seat as long as he puts on a race i dont give a rats ass..

Quote from DevilDare :thats exactly what i think, dead on mate, well said

Off topic- are u miss spelling those words on purpose, or was it because u typed fast Loads of mistakes

not sure what to say to that incase people think im some sort of ego nutcase

but to answer ya question "NO" i carnt deny it i was melting the keyboard when i posted that, plus the fact i should'nt have skipped all my english lessons when i was a young whiper snapper if you wait i will go through it and edit it but you will be waiting a long time
I think Massa just didn't believe Hamilton could pass him in the braking zone. Bit silly really, but that's what it looked like.

Nelsinho got lucky with the safety car but still, second place in a Renault that started at the back - what are the chances? Great drive. And he was smart to let Hamilton past early, otherwise Massa might've caught him before the end.

Vettel did well to get the final point too. He's been on fire this weekend.
I didn't see the first third, because my hard drive recorder thingy went wrong, I missed the live race, and missed the start of the highlights.

But it looks as though Hamilton is getting his act together. He's still a smug git (although I'll grant him it was reasonably acceptable today), and he's still relying heavily on luck, but he's recovered well from his shite start to the season.

But Piquet and Massa diving out of the way don't make them good passes. It just shows how awful Piquet and Massa are (Massa has been known as awful by F1 standards since he started in F1), rather than how great Hamilton is.

I liked the cartoon though - very funny
Quote from tristancliffe :I didn't see the first third, because my hard drive recorder thingy went wrong, I missed the live race, and missed the start of the highlights.

But it looks as though Hamilton is getting his act together. He's still a smug git (although I'll grant him it was reasonably acceptable today), and he's still relying heavily on luck, but he's recovered well from his shite start to the season.

But Piquet and Massa diving out of the way don't make them good passes. It just shows how awful Piquet and Massa are (Massa has been known as awful by F1 standards since he started in F1), rather than how great Hamilton is.

I liked the cartoon though - very funny

Where did he get luck today? The SC killed his race, and the team didn't help! Today, and at Silverstone he has made everyone look like amateurs.

Has to be said Kimi isn't there atm. He's better than that!

Hamilton did say in the highlights show he wouldn't have let Massa past the we Massa let him through. That was bizarre!

Piquet just wanted to get to the finish, and battling with Hamilton would have only brought Massa into the equation. Can't blame him to much after lucking into that position... If Hamilton wasn't on fire he woulda won FFS...!!! WON!
Quote from Intrepid :Piquet just wanted to get to the finish, and battling with Hamilton would have only brought Massa into the equation. Can't blame him to much after lucking into that position... If Hamilton wasn't on fire he woulda won FFS...!!! WON!

Amazing to think that, eh? Having a "Nelson Piquet" on podium would be a serious case of deja vu.

Can't blame him for moving over though.

Massa, on the other hand, was too much of a pushover. He was slower, true. But Hamilton's tyres were in danger of graining if he pushed much longer. He could have put up more of a struggle. For someone trumpeting earlier this year about how he was going to win a WDC, his defence was disheartening. Alonso, Webber, Vettel, or even Trulli, could have done better in the same car.
im so sick of people keep flaming Hamilton no matter what. even if he drove an exceptional race today, people still critize him. "wooo he got lucky" (the SC almost cost him the race) "woo he got the fastest car" (look at Hekki he was nowhere in the race)

ps. im no hamilton fanboy. im just saying what i feel and what i see.
Quote from mythdat :What position is that? Directly in front of him, blocking the inside line?

Are you saying Massa moved to the left because he wanted to hand Hamilton P2? The reason he moved is because he didn't believe that Hamilton would be able to outbrake him and still make the corner, since he had to start braking on the very right of the track. And because he was scared that if he would brake on the right himself Hamilton might take him around the outside. Hamilton anticipated this and made the move work perfectly.
Quote from J.B. :Are you saying Massa moved to the left because he wanted to hand Hamilton P2? The reason he moved is because he didn't believe that Hamilton would be able to outbrake him and still make the corner, since he had to start braking on the very right of the track. And because he was scared that if he would brake on the right himself Hamilton might take him around the outside. Hamilton anticipated this and made the move work perfectly.

carefull what you say round here J.B................ (whispers)there watching and listening
Quote from thisnameistaken :Nelsinho got lucky with the safety car

he got more than that... he managed to drive more than half of the race on one single set of softs

Quote from J.B. :The reason he moved is because he didn't believe that Hamilton would be able to outbrake him and still make the corner, since he had to start braking on the very right of the track. And because he was scared that if he would brake on the right himself Hamilton might take him around the outside. Hamilton anticipated this and made the move work perfectly.

which is the point though... he has no race craft at all and effectively handed over the position without putting up a fight
Quote from samjh :Amazing to think that, eh? Having a "Nelson Piquet" on podium would be a serious case of deja vu.

Can't blame him for moving over though.

Massa, on the other hand, was too much of a pushover. He was slower, true. But Hamilton's tyres were in danger of graining if he pushed much longer. He could have put up more of a struggle. For someone trumpeting earlier this year about how he was going to win a WDC, his defence was disheartening. Alonso, Webber, Vettel, or even Trulli, could have done better in the same car.

to quote from Ross Brawn two weeks ago: "We can't be too greedy"~
so as Piquet said on the press conference, second is still way better than risking for the win and ended up a third or a forth...
Neither did her mother initially it seems - he had to point out for her that she likely just poked her kid in the eye with her folder. I like how the reporter with the microphone shows up on the scene from the background: it's like it's some CGI re-enactment done in front of a green screen.
Quote from J.B. :Are you saying Massa moved to the left because he wanted to hand Hamilton P2? The reason he moved is because he didn't believe that Hamilton would be able to outbrake him and still make the corner, since he had to start braking on the very right of the track. And because he was scared that if he would brake on the right himself Hamilton might take him around the outside. Hamilton anticipated this and made the move work perfectly.

But surely everyone on the F1 circuit knows just how late on the brakes Lewis is, he constantly is seen locking brakes by being on the limit all the time, hence the rather poor milliage he manages on the softs. So with this in meind surely he would have been better to deffend the inside and then just slide up the track to block Lewis.

Anyway is all hindsight, Massa had less than a second to weigh up all the chances, scenrios, if's and maybe's while driving at speed into a corner and looking in his mirror at the same time. It's easy this side of the car because we can digest and say what he could have and should have done, I'm sure the folks at Ferrari are doing the same thing........most likely begining with a horse's head next to Massa this morning.
Apparently Massa's excuse (although not specifically offered on the subject of the overtaking maneuver) was that he had brake problems in the later stages. However he didn't really try to minimize the damage with the switchback attempt he went for - that was a really bad move.

The truth of the matter is that Hamilton really just did it all right this time. Second truth is that Piquet seemed like he had no idea if this was some joke played on him - I swear he was looking for a candid camera every now and again - I guess he can retire now with an f1 podium on his record.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :But surely everyone on the F1 circuit knows just how late on the brakes Lewis is, he constantly is seen locking brakes by being on the limit all the time, hence the rather poor milliage he manages on the softs. So with this in meind surely he would have been better to deffend the inside and then just slide up the track to block Lewis.

Anyway is all hindsight, Massa had less than a second to weigh up all the chances, scenrios, if's and maybe's while driving at speed into a corner and looking in his mirror at the same time. It's easy this side of the car because we can digest and say what he could have and should have done, I'm sure the folks at Ferrari are doing the same thing........most likely begining with a horse's head next to Massa this morning.

Massa has been racing for years, those sort of decisions take no thinking whatsoever. You defend the inside line and then if Hamilton does attempt to take you on the outside you hang him out to dry, exactly like what he did to Massa two corners later. You leave any sort of door open your going to get hung out to dry no matter what as Massa found out.
If Massa had brake problems, then sticking to the inside would have been even more critical. Somewhere on the 'straight' he made a decision to give Hamilton about 4 car widths, and that is just stupid. Even Piquet would be able to pass Massa if he makes it THAT easy. Heck, even I could do it.
I think Massa would have been under a lot of pressure so a quick reaction would be harder - when I was watching it I thought he was going to go wide and then cut back under Hamilton and re-pass him but Hamilton stayed side by side to make sure he didn't do that.
Quote from Gizz :every bleedin race we get this crap!!!, i carnt belive the crap you lot spew somtimes i really carnt....snip....
so is lewis the best driver on the track??? for me NO kimi is the better allround package at the moment.....

By paragraph two of that post I am bleeding from every facial orifice.....I feel raped by the lack of, and excessive use of punctuation. Lets just not even think about grammer. Trulli excruciateingly painful (excuse the pun )

Anyhoo, the race.

Hamilton was outstanding. Managed to win the race despite seemingly questionable team decisions during the SC period. Definately let thru by HK near the end tho, typically obtuse of Dennis to deny it.

Is Massa off to McLaren next year or something? P!ss poor non-attempt to defend his position from LH.

Piquet, the jammy sod Happy for him, but he will need to produce more....erm, more......well just more generally to make sure he is around next year.

Ferrari. Its all my fault, I apologise In the fantasy F1 league I 'purchased' a Ferrari chassis prior to Silverstone, clearly that act has f*cked them right over. After this post I am off to pen a personal apology to Marinello written in my own blood

Alonso. I like him more and more as each race goes by. He tries so hard my eyes water. Much respect

RBR were a bit of a let down, their junior team have really closed the gap. DC just aint doing the business, a sad end to what has been an outstanding career. I'm sure its not for the lack of trying, but he's racing 2/3rds of the way down the pack (when he actually keeps it on the track). Webber is showing how it should be done, but he obviously drove in front of a pack of black cats whch made him swerve and crash into a mirror shop a few years ago. His bad run of luck is a shame as I think the boy has real speed.

Vettel. Star in the making? Could be, could be.....

Trulli - another consistant quali and race. Having an outstanding season.

The Bayern Motor Works will be a quiet place this morning. Outpaced and outraced by their traditional rivals. Wonder if they have moved most of the focus onto the 2009 car?

Honda and Williams seem to be going backwards......perhaps they should try facing the right way You have to think that Frank and Ross will sort them out for next year though.

And for a final snippet - how the hell does Hungaroring stay on the rota?
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of a track to watch, might just watch quali then not bother with the race.......
also i dont get why massa gave him that much room on the exit and even let hamilton push him off (god i hate those tarmac runoffs that allows these tits to get away with this kind of overtaking)
surely if he had forced hamilton tight on the exit he would have had a chance to go side by side and take the inside on the following left hander

Quote from HVS5b :And for a final snippet - how the hell does Hungaroring stay on the rota?
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of a track to watch, might just watch quali then not bother with the race.......

hungary has the most attractive models