The online racing simulator
It's simple.

Load the grid and delete AI til 24.
i tried that for BL2 and FE5 & 6, but they're not taking my saved 24 car grid. i did as you said above, then saved it, then changed to those tracks, but i can't get it to take the 24 cars.

as far as i remember, BL2 and FE5 & 6 are 24 car grids, right? or have they changed in the recent patch Z to only 20 car grids?
I think the grid is BF1, and, rallyx tracks is not allowed race cars.
The cars allowed in those tracks are UF 1000, XF GTI, XR GT, LX4, RB4, FXO, XR Turbo... I guess.
A little hack on the grid and voilá
Grid with 24 XF GTI
Attached files
24 XF - 870 B - 511 views
Quote from Vagner :A little hack on the grid and voilá
Grid with 24 XF GTI

thank you. don't know why i didn't think of that . that works perfectly.
My system actually handles 32 ai's.
Just a noob question : where I can put rac files?
well if i do this i cant join anymore race is full
Quote from G!NhO :well if i do this i cant join anymore race is full

add your self in first then load the gird i think
Quote from Luke.S :My system actually handles 32 ai's.

FPS? When looking on evry ai at same time, moving?
(UnknownMaster21) DELETED by UnknownMaster21
Where can I download: Y18?

What happens if I install Y18 as I already have 0.6 B S2 license?
I would like to play at 0.6 B, and the settings do in the Y18

Where written a list of the AI name (I'm talking about the list that appears in the settings)
I found on my computer: Live for Speed S2 0.5P ALPHA - will work 32 AI's? cant save/load grid in this version

no one really has a version that Y18 could share?

has anyone out on the computer are two versions of the operating license LFS?
This bug works in the 0.6E version ?
Sorry for my bad english ;-;
Quote from pingusx :This bug works in the 0.6E version ?
Sorry for my bad english ;-;

Holy thread :bump:

No it doesn't work IIRC (If I Recall Correctly).
it does
Now the ultimate question: does thig function work in 0.6G14 with 40 AI drivers? Big grin

At least I could not make it anyhow
also for me it does not work
Attached images
Quote from Draggo :also for me it does not work

because KY1 does not have 40 start positions, only new WE1 and WE2 tracks have.
ok, i can load 40 AI WE1/2, but the last 8 car does not move.
Probably i did something wrong.
Can someone tell me what I am exactly doing wrong as I do what people have informed to do 40 AI start... or at least 32

Also, I think there must be something about as increased max cars from 32 to 40, the addition must have been done somehow differently than before, maybe that's why the last 8 cars wont move

Quote from Gekkibi :1) Add 20 AI-drivers, from "AI 1" to "AI 20" by using "Add AI driver" -button
2) Save the grid by pressing "save" button
3) Go to Options - Game and rename the AI slots from "AI 21" to "AI 40"
4) Load the grid, even it is still opened? Uh-hu
5) Type "/ai" 12 times, even it does not do anything... Shrug
6) ???
7) Profit

Yes, I did exactly this, binded F7 as /ai, even tried to put specific ai ( like /ai AI 500 or /ai RandomNoob, etc... )

No good, I tried on Westhills... hmh... a bit annoying thing, if some will make it but I can't. Just wanted to mess with AI's with different setups...

Why 40? The more the merrier :P ( Altough fps will be very low, but I do not drive so doesn't really matter)