The jargons killing me - Is there an explanation anywhere please?
As with any pursuit there is a new language to learn.
It would be nice to know just how to have a quick reference point to spell out these little buzz words....
Someone on this wonderful website must have thought of such a time saving gadget......please!!
Hmmm never heard of Jargon.
ermm check out Bobs advanced setup guide.. i think thats what ur looking for...... it says advanced setup guide but Bob goes into a lot of detail on how to setup a car and explains some of the setup features....


edit... heres a link to his website!!

if the website fails to pop up then ur firewall is blocking the ad... turn it off and then load the page..
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#4 - richy
if you mean internet slang, often using in gaming, then here is wiki's page.

as for racing sim specific slang, im too fresh under the collar to know that much. however...

WR = world record
PB = personal best
LFSW = LFS world, the website, that should definately be in your favourites. See link
XFR = XF GTR, those are all pretty much self explanitory same as the tracks (eg BL= blackwood) youll learn those pretty quick.
Just goto and look up whatever word you have no idea about

People tend to write the slang versions of what they mean, and some have multiple meanings.... but have fun, funny site
#6 - filur
Quote from peejayh :As with any pursuit there is a new language to learn.

If you list a few i'm sure you'd get them translated.
EDIT: opps
ta ever so madman cz, do your friends just call you mad for short.....?