The online racing simulator
Quote from ninja469 :As far as i know there is no way to have the ban file for all servers unless you have all the servers setup in one folder and not a good idea.

I have 7 servers running from one folder so the banfile is used for all 7 servers.
No problem at all.
Quote from UltimateGER :Hello,

i have the following problem with the Lapper 5.713. The Lapper gives me a Error and i dont know how i make it right.

Syntax error in cfg file: Token not catched at line #0 in function 'WebReturnFunction' script aborted


Usualy there's a small thing missing in the configurationfile. Please upload your LFSLapper.lpr and replace *.lpr to *.txt
Thanks for your fast reply. I have found the error in my config-file. It was produced by HTTP(...).

Quote from ninja469 :Hi Tim, here's the ban editor, you need to put it into your lfs server folder.
As far as i know there is no way to have the ban file for all servers unless you have all the servers setup in one folder and not a good idea.

Hi Ninja,

Thanks for the baneditor, works great .
I was looking for that for a long time.
Might have found a bug...
One of the racers on my server asked the !top list. The list was displayed on the screen, but there was no OK-button. So he was stuck with the list from that moment on..

Only thing special about his gamesettings is perhaps the screenresolution of 1900*1200. Not an apparent reason for not getting an OK-button, but that's the only thing I can imagine, seeing that others have no problem with this...

I've just a little question.

We have set up the LFSLapper on our servers. If i drive with another car then the default car (e.g. GTR class with default car FZR and i drive with the XRR) and i drive a new personal best it shows "Friendly XRR Rank 0/0". If i type "!top XRR" into the chat it displays the right rank for the XRR.

If i drive a new personal best with the default car (in this case FZR) it displays "Friendly FZR Rank x/y" with place/amount of ranked players.

Is this behavoir of the lapper normal? Or should it display the Friendly Rank directly after crossing the finish line for every car?
Quote from soucy :Hi,

I've just a little question.

We have set up the LFSLapper on our servers. If i drive with another car then the default car (e.g. GTR class with default car FZR and i drive with the XRR) and i drive a new personal best it shows "Friendly XRR Rank 0/0". If i type "!top XRR" into the chat it displays the right rank for the XRR.

If i drive a new personal best with the default car (in this case FZR) it displays "Friendly FZR Rank x/y" with place/amount of ranked players.

Is this behavoir of the lapper normal? Or should it display the Friendly Rank directly after crossing the finish line for every car?

This is normal behaviour for Lapper. However I would like to see Lapper choose the default from the LFS-settings. That shouldn't be a problem if only one car is aloud but could cause some programming troubles if more cars are aloud on a server. Then it should set the default car to the car the player is driving. Maybe Gai-Luron could add this to the wish-list.
Quote from soucy :Hi,

I've just a little question.

We have set up the LFSLapper on our servers. If i drive with another car then the default car (e.g. GTR class with default car FZR and i drive with the XRR) and i drive a new personal best it shows "Friendly XRR Rank 0/0". If i type "!top XRR" into the chat it displays the right rank for the XRR.

If i drive a new personal best with the default car (in this case FZR) it displays "Friendly FZR Rank x/y" with place/amount of ranked players.

Is this behavoir of the lapper normal? Or should it display the Friendly Rank directly after crossing the finish line for every car?

Try adding this line for your default car, then when you do !top it will show all cars.

hope that helps
Hello, how can I put it leaves a message for every 120 seconds?

Thank you and good work for programmers
Quote from bertux :Hello, how can I put it leaves a message for every 120 seconds?

Thank you and good work for programmers

Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 * * * *", MessageID );
Register ScheduleAction( "0 2 * * * *", MessageID );
Register ScheduleAction( "0 4 * * * *", MessageID );
Register ScheduleAction( "0 6 * * * *", MessageID );

etc. etc.

Sub MessageID()
cmdLFS("/msg YOUR MESSAGE");
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 * * * *", MessageID );
Register ScheduleAction( "0 2 * * * *", MessageID );
Register ScheduleAction( "0 4 * * * *", MessageID );
Register ScheduleAction( "0 6 * * * *", MessageID );

etc. etc.

Sub MessageID()
cmdLFS("/msg YOUR MESSAGE");

Can't you just use Register ScheduleAction( "0 2 * * * *", MessageID );, rather than have to type it 30 times and incrementing the minutes by 2 every time?
Quote from sinanju :

Can't you just use Register ScheduleAction( "0 2 * * * *", MessageID );, rather than have to type it 30 times and incrementing the minutes by 2 every time?

No, at this time that isn't possible.
Maybe in the future if Gai could change scheduled actions to accept GlobalVar to be used in the syntax. Then you could me something like this:

GlobalVar $mytime;
$mytime = "42";

Register ScheduleAction( "0 $mytime * * * *", MessageID );
Sub MessageID()
cmdLFS("/rcm Test");

But at the moment this isn't possible so you have to write down all the lines yourself.

Yisc[NL] You can write this
$mytime = 42;

Register ScheduleAction( "0 " . $mytime . " * * * *", MessageID );

but it's not the good solution

The solution is

Declare this in event start lapper
GlobalVar $Glob_doAction = 1;

# Action every minute
Register ScheduleAction( "0 * * * * *", MessageID );

Sub MessageID

IF $Glob_doAction == 1 THEN
$Glob_doAction = 0;
Here your action, every 2 minutes
$Glob_doAction = 1;
# no action


I feel it but I am very very bad and furthermore as I am of another country I understand very badly the things with the translator
You me can put a REAL example (to copy and to stick code) in the file.
I want that he puts the message by " /msg hello all" every 120 seconds. Thanks and pardon
I tried the following without succes:

Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $Glob_doAction;
$Glob_doAction = 1;

Register ScheduleAction( "0 * * * * *", Say_Hello );

Sub Say_Hello()
IF ($Glob_doAction == 1)
$Glob_doAction = 0;
cmdLFS("/rcm Hello everyone");
$Glob_doAction = 1;

I think this $Glob_doAction has to be somewhere in the ScheduleAction or am I missing something else.

Hangon Bertux, we try to solve this and then post code you can use.

Normally your code is good

Try to add console( "Message" );
to view on console where you go in this script and when it's called

Found the problem
I wasn't in my car so the RCM didn't reach me
Changed it to /msg and the message is now displayed every 2 minutes.


Here's the code you can use:

Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $Glob_doAction;
$Glob_doAction = 1;

Register ScheduleAction( "0 * * * * *", Say_Hello );

Sub Say_Hello()
IF ($Glob_doAction == 1)
$Glob_doAction = 0;
cmdLFS("/msg Hello everyone");
$Glob_doAction = 1;

Very very good found.

Very thx for help me.

Good Bye
Hi All,
Need some help quickly if possible as not got time over weekend to sort this and got a Race Meeting on Monday Night.

Is it possible in Authorisation Options to only allow Racers who's Username is held in a text file to join the race, others can join to spectate but if they go to try and join race it spectates them. The reason I want them in a txt file is so I can add Usernames on the fly and they will be allowed onto server without restarting Lapper. I can edit it in FTP Client as and when needed while Event is taking place.

Thanks in advance. (Off to bed as just got in from work snnnooorrr lol)
Hi all,

I have a small problem.
I used the super good looking pitboard maked by grandmaster Yisc[NL] .

I was trying to make a posibility to show the pitboard to the left , rigth side or put the pitboard off and show the splittimes the normal way.

When im alone at the track it works super , but with more player's the following hapenend.

When someone put on the pitboard , everyone get a pitboard , when someone put to the right , the pitboard move by everyone to the right.
Is there a posibility to show a pitboard local for a user?

I've attached the relevant sections of Lapper for my pitboard with the option to put on/off , left/right.
type !pitboard to open pitboard options.

ps. Yisc[NL] i hope that it aloud to use your Pitboard. It realy looks good.
Attached files
LFSLapper pitboard.txt - 13.6 KB - 298 views
Sure that's okay. I made it and released it to the community
I made the same options as you did but for now this can't work.
GlobalVars (as the word says) are global and therefor used for every user.
Gai-Luron is working on PlayerVars which can be set for individual players.
So put you script in the freezer for a while (next to mine please ) and get it out as soon as Gai-Luron releases a version which include these PlayerVars.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Sure that's okay. I made it and released it to the community
I made the same options as you did but for now this can't work.
GlobalVars (as the word says) are global and therefor used for every user.
Gai-Luron is working on PlayerVars which can be set for individual players.
So put you script in the freezer for a while (next to mine please ) and get it out as soon as Gai-Luron releases a version which include these PlayerVars.

Thanks Yisc,

We wil wait for the PlayerVars "LocalVar" in case of the GlobalVar lol


LocalVars are var used in Event and sub and this var dissapear at end of script (Event or sub ).

GlobalsVars are for all players the same and don't dissapear at end of Script (Event or sub ). This var must be declared in start lapper event

PlayersVars can be different for each players and don't dissapear at end of Script (Event or sub ). This var must be declared in start lapper event

Quote from Andy King :Hi All,
Need some help quickly if possible as not got time over weekend to sort this and got a Race Meeting on Monday Night.

Is it possible in Authorisation Options to only allow Racers who's Username is held in a text file to join the race, others can join to spectate but if they go to try and join race it spectates them. The reason I want them in a txt file is so I can add Usernames on the fly and they will be allowed onto server without restarting Lapper. I can edit it in FTP Client as and when needed while Event is taking place.

Thanks in advance. (Off to bed as just got in from work snnnooorrr lol)

Hi Gai,
Is the above quoted text workable as been trying for hours and cannot get it to work and running out of time as off to work now lol

Thanks for any help...
How to change rotation text?
Hi tot all! I want to know how to change the text that appears when the car/track changes, cuurently the text says 'New car&go to pit!' i want to traduce it to french... How can i do that, i can't find this text in the config file... Tanks for all Gai Luron, Keep on like that!
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LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )