were bant from my server! A throwback from when we could opt to have our ban lists updated by the Wrecker Barricade....dunno why, which is why I wasw asking!
Ban TVE from existence..oops, I mean CO-existence [2/8]
Bladey is with dSRC, so it's likely to be a dSRC server. Which means you probably got on the wrong side of Tiny. Which wasn't easy to manage, as she was very tolerant.
Aha...Sorry, can't blame you for that particular train of thought, but its wrong
The servers concerned are hosted on MY spare box, and although they bear the [dSRC] tag, they are/were not connected physically to the original [dSRC] Battleground servers, that had to close when our provider went bye-byes on a permanent basis.
The ban list on mine was originated by Wrecker Barricade, a service which Tiny didnt bother with; her opinion (and quite rightly so..) was that SHE would decide who to ban or not to ban, based on the behaviour by individuals on our servers...
(pretty much the ethos to which I subscribe nowadays anyway! )
I was on the wrecker Barricade! LOL!! Epic! I know I were a **** back in time, but I even whent on the same list as The Stig and the other famous people feeds my ego
Hehe yeah, was pretty screwed up, that oval time. Good things changed, tho I miss taking a race on the oval every now and then, still what I did canot be tolerated. Sure I was younger at that time, but still, I desrved that ban.
But enough of that, I think I have became a famous person now lol.
When I join random servers I get a reply from one dude saying how wacko I was for buying Lerts a lisence, and on a other one it was like "woaw! Your the dude using chase veiw" o_O I laughed my balls off and enjoys this ..attention, maybe I am an attention whore
FTR that was the barricade's ethos too. The ban file that was available from the barricade (eventually, after much pressure to create one) was there for those that didn't hold that ethos, and just wanted to go with what the majority on the barricade thought about individuals that were reported there, but the basic premise of the Barricade was to bring the information to the server admins in the form of a report and a replay, and for them to make their own decision and action their own bans. That was the bulk of the content of the barricade, not just an arbitrary bans.ban file. Not that it makes any difference at this point, since it's closed down now, but I wouldn't want the barricade to be remembered as some pan-server banning factory. That's exactly what it was NOT.