... em-up-says-astronaut.html
Being a sci-fi nerd I personally found this article interesting. Now I know the trend for "omg gov conspiracy alien cover up!" is getting tiresome, and if this was another random "UFOlogist" then I would have immediately closed the browser. But this person was a NASA astronaut and was on the Apollo 14 mission. He was also a graduate of the Carnegie Institute of Technology so I found it intriguing that he would say something like this.
Think there's any validity to the article?
I personally think he just wants to make the news. However, I do believe that there is life outside of our solar system. I mean Stephen Hawkings once stated that it is a statistical impossibility that we are completely alone in universe that spans billion+ of galaxies and solar systems.
But aliens? Here? Government Cover up? Sounds like a really bad X-Files movie (which coincidentally was released this friday).
(and please no religious references)
Being a sci-fi nerd I personally found this article interesting. Now I know the trend for "omg gov conspiracy alien cover up!" is getting tiresome, and if this was another random "UFOlogist" then I would have immediately closed the browser. But this person was a NASA astronaut and was on the Apollo 14 mission. He was also a graduate of the Carnegie Institute of Technology so I found it intriguing that he would say something like this.
Think there's any validity to the article?
I personally think he just wants to make the news. However, I do believe that there is life outside of our solar system. I mean Stephen Hawkings once stated that it is a statistical impossibility that we are completely alone in universe that spans billion+ of galaxies and solar systems.
But aliens? Here? Government Cover up? Sounds like a really bad X-Files movie (which coincidentally was released this friday).

(and please no religious references)