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(149 posts, started )
Who believes in god? And why?
I don't myself.. I'm interested about this..
Maybe you should have made a poll about this. I am a realist, so I don't, but how should I explain all those strange things happening to me?
In the last few months there have been many religious threads. Might you read those first before starting another one. A lot has already been discussed/argued/mocked, so no need to do it all again (imo).
i belive into god and devil but im not kind of ''serving'' neither one of them.
Quote from tristancliffe :In the last few months there have been many religious threads. Might you read those first before starting another one. A lot has already been discussed/argued/mocked, so no need to do it all again (imo).

yeah noticed but never really found answer to anything so that's why I posted new thread..
I don't think LFSForum is the place to find answers to a religious debate. Opinions, untruths and downright lies, but not truths. Have you thought about joining a religious based forum?
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :yeah noticed but never really found answer to anything so that's why I posted new thread..

When you at some time find that answer you will have about 3 billion other people who want to know it as well
Quote from Hyperactive :When you at some time find that answer you will have about 3 billion other people who want to know it as well

And when that so called answer is found, you'll be called a liar.
Science is currently proving more about evolution of mankind than God putting Adam & Eve on earth ...

Thats my theory so far


P.S The only thing i can think of, is if humans evolved from primates, where the f**k did they come from ?
Quote from Equinox :Science is currently proving more about evolution of mankind than God putting Adam & Eve on earth ...

Thats my theory so far


P.S The only thing i can think of, is if humans evolved from primates, where the f**k did they come from ?

Or we are just thinking this life.. It may not be real
I believe in God. I also believe that God gave us free will, to chose our own destiny be it to believe in the existence of God or not.

I have found on this forum (and of all the forums I visit, this one is the WORST) that God or Jesus is ridiculed, made fun of or slandered...yet the people who have faith in God never do the same to the ones who mock religion. Also, being that most people are inherently cowards, they will post LOL Jesus pictures, but never of anything mocking Islam or Jusaism.


Judaism, Christianity and Islam all bow their heads to the same God, yet it is Christianity that is mocked. Is it because those who do so are afraid, they rather pick or bully the "weaker" religion? Are they afraid of the repercussions of Islamic people who are assertive of their beliefs? I mean, that is what cowards do, right? Bully the person who doesn't fight back...
Dylan Moran explains my beliefs better than I ever could.
#13 - VoiD
"'I still believe in God, but God no longer believes in me..."
"God is a DJ."
People believe in God because in past generations, believing in God(s) has increased their chance of survival and reproduction.*

*: This does not necessarily imply that hot babes dig religious blokes.
i believe
Can I add poll still? Didn't find from anywhere though..
A world without religion would be ace imo
Quote from jayhawk :I believe in God. I also believe that God gave us free will, to chose our own destiny be it to believe in the existence of God or not.

I have found on this forum (and of all the forums I visit, this one is the WORST) that God or Jesus is ridiculed, made fun of or slandered...yet the people who have faith in God never do the same to the ones who mock religion. Also, being that most people are inherently cowards, they will post LOL Jesus pictures, but never of anything mocking Islam or Jusaism.


Judaism, Christianity and Islam all bow their heads to the same God, yet it is Christianity that is mocked. Is it because those who do so are afraid, they rather pick or bully the "weaker" religion? Are they afraid of the repercussions of Islamic people who are assertive of their beliefs? I mean, that is what cowards do, right? Bully the person who doesn't fight back...

Maybe because that is their religion?

I would never make a post mocking disabled people for example, but if I was disabled myself, then I'd have the right to laugh at people of the same disposition. Likewise, I see no problem with Christians posting funny pics of Christianity. Plus some of the other religions are a bit iffy about being laughed at, even if it is meant in good fun (ahem, Islam).

It's not meant to mock the religion, it's in good fun. It's not like the picture says "Religion suxxers roflmaolololol", but it's there for enjoyment. I have yet to see a religious "lol" picture that degrades the religion, and isn't meant to be taken lightly. Maybe you need to lighten up?

If you want, I can find some Islam LOL pictures on t'interwebs and post them here? Or does it need to be PC and post one of every world religion?

Personally, although I am officially Catholic, I'm a bit undecided on the whole religion thing. Agnostic I think, there's so many names I can't be sure It just doesn't seem right that there is a master pupeteer up there somewhere. And if there is, which religion has the right beliefs? If you believe in the wrong religion, you're screwed in the end, bit too much of a gamble to be honest. I do believe in an afterlife, but the idea of one single God controlling everything doesn't seem plausible. Plus there isn't one shred of proof that there ever was or is a God(s), and science is working to prove there isn't one, and is making a pretty good job of it
Quote from jayhawk :I believe in God. I also believe that God gave us free will, to chose our own destiny be it to believe in the existence of God or not.

I have found on this forum (and of all the forums I visit, this one is the WORST) that God or Jesus is ridiculed, made fun of or slandered...yet the people who have faith in God never do the same to the ones who mock religion. Also, being that most people are inherently cowards, they will post LOL Jesus pictures, but never of anything mocking Islam or Jusaism.


Judaism, Christianity and Islam all bow their heads to the same God, yet it is Christianity that is mocked. Is it because those who do so are afraid, they rather pick or bully the "weaker" religion? Are they afraid of the repercussions of Islamic people who are assertive of their beliefs? I mean, that is what cowards do, right? Bully the person who doesn't fight back...

I totally expected more from you.

In my life, the downright worst people I have ever met have been of a Christian denomination. Full stop. The downright best people I've ever met have been Agnostic/Atheist. Full stop.

Your perception of the mockery of Christianity on this forum is based, mostly, on two things. The most outspoken people on this forum seem to be atheistic or agnostic, and because of the nature of those individuals, their posts stand out.

Secondly, the Christian denominations outright piss off a majority of the western world's population. Maybe not the religions themselves, but several "authorities" within the church. I've never seen that from an Islamic or Jewish denomination. Denying that is like denying ..uh.. something everyone knows. Because of this, it gets mocked and slandered more.

Finally, I don't know what you're talking about the non-mocking of other major religions. I shit on all religions because they all piss me off. I will shit on Islam and Judaism, and I will not be afraid on the consequences. You seem to think everyone is a pansy for not mocking Islam (obviously for the terrorist ties..) but for some reason you think people of your faith not mocking others is not being pansy, that it is somehow higher? Give me a break.

For the record, many, MANY more people have died at the hands of a Christian (in the name of their god) than at the hands of an Islam, in the name of theirs. You're delusioned if you think otherwise.

(149 posts, started )