The online racing simulator
(149 posts, started )
Quote from jayhawk :I have found on this forum (and of all the forums I visit, this one is the WORST) that God or Jesus is ridiculed, made fun of or slandered...yet the people who have faith in God never do the same to the ones who mock religion.

Maybe you were speaking only of this forum but in general it just twists my stomach and makes my eyes dizzy when I put all what I quoted from you in larger perspective. Religions, above all anything else, ridicule, slander, terrorize, burn and whatnot all non-believers. All non-believing and/or disagreeing is treated with all the stuff that was listed. Being a non-believer in a believing environment is very hard because your whole way of living is being questioned, ridiculed and slandered and your whole "you" is being converted into something "right".

The biggest problem of the religions is imho defenately the obtrusive and invasive nature of them. Again, in larger perspective, you have good religious people who may think that being gay is a good reason to be killed simply because being gay is wrong. The main thing here is not really the killing part, it is the total system of brute force and scare tactics which puts you in position to judge and sentence others. Being ridiculed, made fun or slandered is something very little to worry about when you look at what is going on on the other side.
Quote from jayhawk :

Also, being that most people are inherently cowards, they will post LOL Jesus pictures, but never of anything mocking Islam or Jusaism.

because we know we can get away with it as we know no one gives a rats arse about upsetting Christians - if anyone on here did anything to upset those precious Muslims we would get branded racist, anti-islam et al by the PC mob not wanting to hurt anyones feelings if they are of a different skin colour persuasion. It's a fact that only white people can be racist, but that's an entirely different thread......
Quote from jayhawk :I have found on this forum (and of all the forums I visit, this one is the WORST) that God or Jesus is ridiculed, made fun of or slandered...yet the people who have faith in God never do the same to the ones who mock religion.

If it makes you feel better, go ahead and mock me for not believing fairy stories. Call me... rational, or sensible or something - see if I care.
I believe in god, his son built my hotrod.
Quote from jayhawk :I believe in God. I also believe that God gave us free will, to chose our own destiny be it to believe in the existence of God or not.

I have found on this forum (and of all the forums I visit, this one is the WORST) that God or Jesus is ridiculed, made fun of or slandered...yet the people who have faith in God never do the same to the ones who mock religion. Also, being that most people are inherently cowards, they will post LOL Jesus pictures, but never of anything mocking Islam or Jusaism.


Judaism, Christianity and Islam all bow their heads to the same God, yet it is Christianity that is mocked. Is it because those who do so are afraid, they rather pick or bully the "weaker" religion? Are they afraid of the repercussions of Islamic people who are assertive of their beliefs? I mean, that is what cowards do, right? Bully the person who doesn't fight back...

I Agree in every word, even the parenthesis and "?"

That's gonna be the questions of 100kdls "Why is Christianity flamed (whatever) and not the other religions?
-> in before lerts!
I believe in luck, not god.
Quote from Dennis93 :-> in before lerts!
I believe in luck, not god.

then you're really ****ed
Quote from mookie427 :because we know we can get away with it as we know no one gives a rats arse about upsetting Christians - if anyone on here did anything to upset those precious Muslims we would get branded racist, anti-islam et al by the PC mob not wanting to hurt anyones feelings if they are of a different skin colour persuasion. It's a fact that only white people can be racist, but that's an entirely different thread......

is there one freaking forum on the intertubes where I can get the hell away from the BS...

GOD IS ALAH ffs... does nobody know this? its religion 1 fricking 01...
Quote from Dennis93 :-> in before lerts!

IBTL = In Before The Lerts / In Before The Lock - Conspiracy???

Quote from Richie Cahill :is there one freaking forum on the intertubes where I can get the hell away from the BS...

GOD IS ALAH ffs... does nobody know this? its religion 1 fricking 01...

My imaginary God kicks your imaginary Gods ass
Quote from dougie-lampkin :IBTL = In Before The Lerts / In Before The Lock - Conspiracy???

''in before lerts, reduces gravity?''
No, Lerts is Lucifer.

And god (look, no capital, ha ha) does not exist.

If he does exist and you meet him at the gate, ask him for a return flight to earth, as a ghost, smash my head against the wall, then fly back to heaven and enjoy your eternal paradise.

So far, I haven't have never woken up to any inexplainable head bruises, wich proves my theory.
Quote from (SaM) :If he does exist and you meet him at the gate, ask him for a return flight to earth, as a ghost, smash my head against the wall, then fly back to heaven and enjoy your eternal paradise.

you know what you just did there? you turned suicide into a prime opportinuty to smash your and tristans (while im at it i might as well get as much enjoyment out of it as i can) head into a wall
Quote from Shotglass :you know what you just did there? you turned suicide into a prime opportinuty to smash your and tristans (while im at it i might as well get as much enjoyment out of it as i can) head into a wall

u made my night, thanku!
Quote from chanoman315 :That's gonna be the questions of 100kdls "Why is Christianity flamed (whatever) and not the other religions?

Because I've never had a Jew, Buddha, Muslim (and so on) ever try to make me change my faith - or lack there of. Because Christianity is the only religion that, en masse, maintains a total 'holier-than-thou' attitude. Because Christians slander everyone (even other Christians who's beliefs differ slightly on matters not touched upon by the bible), and then turn around and bitch and whine and call foul when they are slandered. Because Christians feel their beliefs are more important than others', and as such should be forced upon them by the government; and still pull the free speech and freedom cards. Because, in my honest opinion, Christianity is the worst plague this planet has ever seen.
Quote from MAGGOT :Because I've never had a Jew, Buddha, Muslim (and so on) ever try to make me change my faith - or lack there of. Because Christianity is the only religion that, en masse, maintains a total 'holier-than-thou' attitude. Because Christians slander everyone (even other Christians who's beliefs differ slightly on matters not touched upon by the bible), and then turn around and bitch and whine and call foul when they are slandered. Because Christians feel their beliefs are more important than others', and as such should be forced upon them by the government; and still pull the free speech and freedom cards. Because, in my honest opinion, Christianity is the worst plague this planet has ever seen.

Jeohva witnesses, jews and every religion try (or tries) to expand their religion...
oh and if religion is a plague.. i wonder what does islam is? ... if they blow themselves so they increase their faith... omg i'd say that's the worst plague... to die is the best?

There shall now be no more talk of religion. Bow down to your new feline overlord.
Quote from chanoman315 :Jeohva witnesses, jews and every religion try (or tries) to expand their religion...

Politely talking about your religion and forcing it upon people are two different things.

Quote :oh and if religion is a plague.. i wonder what does islam is? ... if they blow themselves so they increase their faith... omg i'd say that's the worst plague... to die is the best?

Jihads are actually not part of Islam. That is something totally created by extremists. Much the same way many things in other religions are created and have absolutely no ties the core teachings.
Wrong mate, chano, Jewish people dont try to convince you that their religion rocks (afaik).

I believe in god, but not in church.
Quote from Blas89 :I believe in god, but not in church.

"If you love God, burn down a church."

Love that line. Faith itself can be a brilliant thing. The church, however...
Quote from chanoman315 :Jeohva witnesses, jews and every religion try (or tries) to expand their religion...
oh and if religion is a plague.. i wonder what does islam is? ... if they blow themselves so they increase their faith... omg i'd say that's the worst plague... to die is the best?

Win! Most ignorance fitted into a single badly wrote paragraph in the history of the intertubes.
Quote from Richie Cahill :Win! Most ignorance fitted into a single badly wrote paragraph in the history of the intertubes.

cool.. because i dont have a perfect english and cant explain myself like i want...
Quote from chanoman315 :Jeohva witnesses, jews and every religion try (or tries) to expand their religion...
oh and if religion is a plague.. i wonder what does islam is? ... if they blow themselves so they increase their faith... omg i'd say that's the worst plague... to die is the best?

Every religion? I have yet to see an Eastern religions such as Buddhism (Vajayana, Mahayana, or Theravada), Taoism, Confucianism, or Zen preach as vigorously as Christianity. In fact, you really dont see eastern religions preach at all and that in itself is a part of their religion. (BTW Confucianism shouldn't be categorized as a religion at all). They might make themselves seen in public during asian celebrations or what not but that's hardly what I call "expanding" their religion.

BTW, never had i seen such ignorance towards islam: the koran never states that being a suicide bomber = more faith or favor from god. That is just extremists twisting the words of the koran (which is very easy to do cause the koran on face value seems militant). but then again, you have Christian extremist as well that twist the words of the bible. In fact the koran states that he who aggress will never enter heaven.
#49 - JJ72
Eastern religion is more inclusive, more philosophical than religious and also more practical, it's not some empty god written rules but it's about how everyone should act in their part of the world, no matter what you believe in, no matter the circumstances. And you don't start out owing some god something that you have to made up for the rest of your life. You are only responsible to yourself.

so in short Eastern religion kicks ass.
Quote from JJ72 :Eastern religion is more inclusive, more philosophical than religious and also more practical, it's not some empty god written rules but it's about how everyone should act in their part of the world, no matter what you believe in, no matter the circumstances. And you don't start out owning some god something that you have to made up for the rest of your life. You are only responsible to yourself.

I still dont understand why Taoism, Zen, and Confucianism are categorized as "religions"

As Confucius said: Why must you always seek to understand death when you still dont understand life as of now?

In fact, all Eastern Religions are basically a way of life. Mahayana Buddhism comes pretty close to worship but if you truly understand what the religion is about (which isn't hard just take a comparative religion course in college or read a comp. religion textbook) then you'll also come to realize that it is not really a "worship" of a God unlike Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. But more of an philosophical enhancement of one's life.

After all, the koans aren't there just to confuse you

(149 posts, started )