The online racing simulator
Need Drift Team
(8 posts, started )
Need Drift Team
You probally already seen what i could do, so i'll just leave it at that.
#3 - Nemox
So, you're a girl or a boy??
Quote from Riders Motion :So, you're a girl or a boy??

Suey is a boy faking being a girl.I don't know why there's so many people doing this .Oh and Suey,if you think everyone saw your skillz,you probably know to wich person you got to talk to join X team.
X team?
X meaning a certain team.

Go out there, get in servers of team's you'd like to join, show them what you can do and then ask if you can join them.
Ahhh k, i guess.

Need Drift Team
(8 posts, started )