The online racing simulator
Need a TEAM SKIN FOR 5 cars !
(10 posts, started )
Need a TEAM SKIN FOR 5 cars !
Hi sorry to be a pain. i was wondering if there was a nice chap out there that could POSSIBLY create a team skin for DecalWareRacing for the following cars


now we already have team skin. so its up to you if you wish to create a whole new one? or transfer the current skin onto the cars... the skin i have uploaded to show you is for the FXR. so if you choose just to transfer it over then only 4 cars will need doing !!

thanks for your help in advance guys !

DecalWareAlbal<<<<<< if you want to ask some more questions>>>>>>
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#2 - Dru
is there a reason the person who made this skin for you can not do it for you - it would be soo much easier to do with the master psd...
nope... im affraid not i asked him for the master PSD file... and he says hes lost it :S... So its up to whoever wants to take this challenge wheter or not that can a make a new skin, or TRY with the JPEG

what you think ?

anyone out there willing to take on a challenge?
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Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Hum...

now looking at that i can see a CLOSE simalarity !

i may have to speak to the person who made this for me... he said it was his work from sctrach?

i think i smell Bullsh*t
CLOSE??? It's the exact same, except hes took off the stickers from the Vodafone skin.
great what a muppet hes made me look eh... so will no one carry this one now then ?
I thought the EXACT same when i saw this, I might be up for skinning a new FXR for you. I will be able to start tomorrow hopefully.
thanks a lot mate !... this would be a great help... if you want to add me on msn so it would make it easier it is upto you ?

cheers mate !

Aaron Hambleton

Need a TEAM SKIN FOR 5 cars !
(10 posts, started )