DeviantART inspired skin request!
(6 posts, started )
DeviantART inspired skin request!

Im in need of a suite of skins based and inspired by the DeviantART website colorsheme and feel. I dont have time to build them myself.

If anyone is willing to produce a proffesional matching set of deviantART skins for BF1, FZR, FO8, FBM and RB4 I would greatly appreciate it.
bump =)
Soime gusy dont know this website so a link might be in place mainly becaus i m to lazy to google

Becaus i need to go to work now
Hmm, as i'm enjoing making FO8 skins lately, i may try the FO8 skin if no one it's interested.
Do you have a profile on deviant art? So i can put your url profile on skin
A quick preview, do you have any preference on sponsors, names, etc.?
Attached images
Woops .. late response as I was AFK for army things!

Im back now, if any takers!

DeviantART inspired skin request!
(6 posts, started )