The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from UltimateGER :Hello,

i was working on the config of our LFS-Lapper and i would use the split-times of the PB. I don´t found this split-times anythere, only the split-times of the TPB.
Can anyone help me please?


The split-times of the actual PB can't be accessed in Lapper at this moment.
Maybe in a future version.

thanks for the fast reply. I must wait for later version of lapper.

I got some problem here after ran the LFSLapper the only file that has been created automatically is only PB.txt but not DriftPB.txt and there is no drift score when I play. How do I solve this?

Solved: Just remove the /* in Drifting Option
Quote from 'Yisc[NL :I know you have a built in var for that

I've been looking for those, didn't find them.
Of course one could define a counter oneself, but there's always a risk not taking special events into account, like restart- and endrace-commands. In that case they will starting to differ from the built-in counter(s).
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :I've been looking for those, didn't find them.
Of course one could define a counter oneself, but there's always a risk not taking special events into account, like restart- and endrace-commands. In that case they will starting to differ from the built-in counter(s).

The var is $RotateIn and is working better then the counter I've made which goes wrong the way you described.
just a simple question, is it possible to have !top back as chat messages?

the buttons look really cool, but they create (however) much lag on our servers and some drivers can't even use them, because the buttons appear very slow and they get disconnected
wich version do you use? i fix this LFS bug on last version normally

ah ok i'm using 5.710 so i'll try the newest version later

Maybe it's an idea to have a RaceFinishAction as well as a RaceStartAction. Would be nice to be able to show some info at the Finish-moment, such as announcing restarts will be executed automagically, or that a car/track rotation is coming up.

Furhermore: I've tried to show a message (tried both /msg and a button) when entering the garage at a rotation (OnCar/TrackRotate) but that doesn't seem to work. Is there anything special I should take in account at that moment, or have I stumbled upon a small bug?
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :Maybe it's an idea to have a RaceFinishAction as well as a RaceStartAction. Would be nice to be able to show some info at the Finish-moment, such as announcing restarts will be executed automagically, or that a car/track rotation is coming up.

Aaah...RaceFinishAction....award points for places, write points to a database of drivers...calculate the total number of points, award licenses (Titanium, Platinum,Gold, etc) accordingly...limit servers to the level of license, and limit what cars you could drive with aforementioned license...

Sounds like a good scheme..maybe SamH or Becky have some ideas on how to do it.

Seriously though, could be useful
new system is very usefull.i think need time meter [for use all commands (nextrestart, changetrack etc.)] and point system

Quote from Bladerunner :
Aaah...RaceFinishAction....award points for places, write points to a database of drivers...calculate the total number of points, award licenses (Titanium, Platinum,Gold, etc) accordingly...limit servers to the level of license, and limit what cars you could drive with aforementioned license...

Hello guy,

Just an information, LFSLapper is not a CTRA System and never will be! it'a a race qualify managing system. If you want CTRA like, try to code your own programm.


Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello guy,

Just an information, LFSLapper is not a CTRA System and never will be! it'a a race qualify managing system. If you want CTRA like, try to code your own programm.



I know that G-L...didn't you spot the [sarcasm] tags...just trying to show where the requests could lead eventually!
Seriously though, a SIMPLE RaceFinsihAction could be helpful for messages about the next session...what tracks/cars combo etc, so that people could change setups or add fuel if necessary.
Quote from Bladerunner :Hi Tim,
I know you have been modifying the pitboard section of lapper so that the board can be placed in various places on the screen.
I just wanted to ask if you had managed to get it working, as I have had problems with my mods

Another thing I notice is that there is NO split4 for long tracks such as FE4 or KY3. This causes split 3 to overwrite itself..(Really should ask Gai-Luron if there isa var for that!)

Any ideas?

Hi Bladerunner,

Here are some parts of my config file.
The menu can open by !pitboard and the pitboard can be put on the left or right.
The menu can closed so that people with a mouse also can use the pitboard.

For SPLIT 4 ?? yes thats a good one , i didnt notice that. lol
Attached files
pitboard plus menu.txt - 16.4 KB - 269 views
Quote from Bladerunner :a SIMPLE (not so sure it's so simple) RaceFinsihAction could be helpful for messages about the next session...what tracks/cars combo etc, so that people could change setups or add fuel if necessary.

I agree, it could be useful

@everybody: please share Your lapper cfg, it could be a sort of contribution to Guy work!
@Tim [NL]

er..."Houston we have a problem!"

Integrated your pitboard stuff into my *.lpr file, and tried it out...getting error messages in the console:

C:\webroot\LFS2\Lapper\bin>LFSLapper.exe C:\webroot\LFS2\Lapper\bin\dsrcTG-test.
LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
Type LFSLapper -help to view usage
Started : 09/08/2008 06:17:42

Parse config file...Ok
Loading WR...Not Loaded
Loading swearwords...Ok
Mode Sync = True
Connection OK
Product:S2 Version:0.5Z InSim Version:4
Sync Upload DB Thread Started...
Sync Download DB Thread Started...
Web Commands Thread Started...
Register Web Thread Started...
LFSLapper is running...
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1183
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1194
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1194
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1194

Here is my *lpr file - I have left it entire but with passwords etc blacked out, so that you can trace the line numbers easily (uploaded as *.txt)...any ideas?

@Gai-Luron..sorry to be a pest, but checking back through some untouched *.lpr examples (and the list of parameters!) I see there IS no var for sector 4 splits! This creates problems specifically on FE4 which has an extra sector.
Attached files
dsrcTG-test.txt - 55.3 KB - 252 views
Quote from Bladerunner :@Tim [NL]

er..."Houston we have a problem!"

Integrated your pitboard stuff into my *.lpr file, and tried it out...getting error messages in the console:

C:\webroot\LFS2\Lapper\bin>LFSLapper.exe C:\webroot\LFS2\Lapper\bin\dsrcTG-test.
LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
Type LFSLapper -help to view usage
Started : 09/08/2008 06:17:42

Parse config file...Ok
Loading WR...Not Loaded
Loading swearwords...Ok
Mode Sync = True
Connection OK
Product:S2 Version:0.5Z InSim Version:4
Sync Upload DB Thread Started...
Sync Download DB Thread Started...
Web Commands Thread Started...
Register Web Thread Started...
LFSLapper is running...
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1183
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1194
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1194
'openPrivButton' parameter #2 is wrong type at line #1194

Hi Bladerunner,

You using a old version of the config file.
This one work's OK.
And use the new trackinfo file .
I had add amazing , great and good split times. lol
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 52.6 KB - 288 views
trackInfo.txt - 125.2 KB - 293 views
Thanks a treat now...Strange really, I was using the latest one from Yisc[NL] that I had modified a bit
A small question about authorisation.
You can set: $AuthMinPlayer
The text in the configfile speaks about number of players on the server.
Is that about connected players or players actualy racing?
And is Host also counted for a connection?
Gai-Luron, why Lapper (last version) block insim relay (LFS Remote)?
Quote from nesrulz :Gai-Luron, why Lapper (last version) block insim relay (LFS Remote)?

It doesnt!

Both my servers are running the latest Lapper, and both are showing on the Insim Relay!

Have you changed the port numbers for Insim by any chance?
Quote from Bladerunner :Have you changed the port numbers for Insim by any chance?


// optional: InSim port


$Port = 63393; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
Quote from nesrulz :DEDI:

// optional: InSim port


$Port = 63393; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server

and the Insim Relay tab settings on LFSW? What about your IP address...has that been changed?
Quote from Bladerunner :and the Insim Relay tab settings on LFSW?


EDIT: my fault, now is OK.
Some thoughts/requests/bugs again:

- exclude startgrid from idle time-out (this way the time-out can be set stricter to clear the track)
- $auth returns (unknown) - tested with version 5.713
- Event OnAuthReached() doesn't work - tested with version 5.713
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )